Columbia County
Identifier in X-Plane | 1B1 |
Full name | Columbia County |
Country | USA |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 42.29000, -73.71300 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
101300 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 101300 – ChanuteJetMech 03/13/2024Fixed road issuesApproved Recommended
- 101184 – ChanuteJetMech 03/08/2024Removed all terrain polygons. Removed Tower frequency as this is not a towered airport. Removed Taxi routes as this is not a towered airport.See comments
- 101082 – ChanuteJetMech 03/02/2024Adjusted airport boundary based on ESRI imagery and actual property lines.Removed all objects outside the Airport property boundary. Removed and replaced all deprecated objects. Changed main driveway from taxiway to road. Removed taxiway lighting as per Moved PAPI lights to correct position based on ESRI imagery. Reversed PAPI lights direction to point correctly. Changed Runway 21 PAPI lights angle according to Moved hold short markings and all others to correct position based on ESRI imagery. Adjusted taxi routes as needed. Added new model for windsock circle. Added ramp start for small jet based on airport information. Reduced nodes on all polygons and snapped them together. Added Grass polygons. Added perimeter fence. Adjusted Forests To better reflect ESRI imagery.See comments
- 81822 – Julian 12/31/2020Re-submit from a non-beta copy of X-Plane.Approved
- 81731 – Julian 12/28/2020Fixes for Austin.See comments
- 52609 – dkjacks 05/24/2017Making corrections as I see things on site. Yes, the flagpole is at the end of 21, on the golf course property. It's a long story.Approved
- 52393 – dkjacks 05/10/2017Added AI Traffic with ATC Flows. Added off site buildings and sone roadways.See comments
- 52242 – dkjacks 05/05/2017Created with WED 1.6b2. Now based on Bing ortho, provided a more accurate placement. Testing all the new stuff.See comments
- 52086 – dkjacks 04/26/2017Ver 2.0 This release is based on a new set of Ortho Images. It has been corrected to directly position on Airnav coordinates and heading. The runway length has been corrected, and all aprons, taxiways, and lines adjusted. A compass rose was added to the Richmoor South Parking area as it exists in situ.Approved
- 51922 – dkjacks 04/15/2017Ver 1.2. Added exclusion zone and fences, added two windsocks. Line cleanup and other tweeks.Approved
- 51838 – dkjacks 04/06/2017V1.1 Cleanup of lines. Move location of Beacon and added taxiway windsocks from visual observation.Approved
- 51771 – dkjacks 03/31/2017ver 1.0 Complete including night taxi.Approved
- 51756 – dkjacks 03/29/2017ver: 0.9 20170329 updates. Replaced several taxiway segments with a single segment. All lights and markings complete. Added golf course at the end of 21. This pack does not show taxiways in the last beta drop today. Did I do something wrong?See comments
- 51747 – dkjacks 03/28/2017Ver, 0.5. Some cleanup work to do. Add taxi lines and lights.See comments
- 3684 – WEDbot 01/16/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.