Identifier in X-Plane 3T7
Full namePavlat
Country United States
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) 30.02100, -94.94600 open in Google Maps
Elevation (Not specified)
Recommended Scenery Pack 69569 by Pconlan submitted on July 7, 2019
    (No particular attributes)

    Checkout status

    This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.

    • 69569 – Pconlan 07/07/2019
      Updated airport boundary.
      Approved Recommended
    • 69549 – Pconlan 07/06/2019
      Adjusted the boundary again. I am unclear from satellite imagery where the airport even is. I see no runway, no hangars. I looks like a crop field. I aligned the runway N/S as best I could and minimized the bounday around it to not intersect the houses in the image.
      See comments
    • 69337 – Pconlan 06/29/2019
      I adjusted the airpoirt boundary, but to be honest, I can't even tell where the runway is based on satellite imagery. I question whether is even exists any more. In addition, I had no intention of improving this airport. My original submission was simply to get the incorrect FAA code changed from 3T7 to 3TS7 so that I could build the real 3T7 in Ohio.
      See comments
    • 69328 – Julian 06/29/2019
      Fixed runway location and boundary.
    • 69179 – Pconlan 06/23/2019
      I had previously uploaded just to get the Airport/FAA code correct so I could make the real 3T7, which did not exist in X-Plane. I did not make any other modifications to it. I added a ramp start off the middle of the runway.
      See comments
    • 68932 – Pconlan 06/13/2019
      This airport is actually 3TSS7, not 3T7. Updated the FAA code to 3TS7, updated city and state from Ohio to Texas, added lat, lon, and airport boundary.
      See comments
    • 6045 – WEDbot 01/16/2015
      Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.dat

    Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.