Burlington Airpark
Identifier in X-Plane | CZBA |
Full name | Burlington Airpark |
Country | Canada |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 43.44200, -79.85100 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
97302 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 97302 – FlynBrian 07/26/2023Removed all exclusions but the types of vegitaion on approach to 32 obsqures the APAPI so I added exclusions and replace the vegitation with shrubs.for. If that does not work remove what is not permittedApproved Recommended
- 97230 – FlynBrian 07/23/2023updated the papi to the new and proper APAPISee comments
- 95222 – FlynBrian 04/13/2023(No comment)Approved
- 94844 – FlynBrian 03/28/2023the approach to runway 32 is full of a forest that isn't there just shrubs and it is obstructing the view of the PAPI. I edited OSM to remove the forest but Triplemon said that is not where Xplane gets its forest info fromSee comments
- 94243 – FlynBrian 02/25/2023(No comment)See comments
- 94076 – FlynBrian 02/14/2023(No comment)See comments
- 89092 – Julian 01/08/2022Refined for accuracy.Approved
- 88709 – FlynBrian 12/23/2021Removed ofending objects, will revisit this airfield to improve buildings size and typeApproved
- 88315 – FlynBrian 12/06/2021removed forests outside boundarySee comments
- 88190 – FlynBrian 11/30/2021Reduced boundrySee comments
- 87868 – FlynBrian 11/15/2021Converted taxiway non movement areas to .polsSee comments
- 87537 – FlynBrian 10/31/2021Reduced obj density added forest as per ESRISee comments
- 66650 – FlynBrian 03/04/2019(No comment)Approved
- 66371 – FlynBrian 02/20/2019this from a fresh install of 11.31 vanilla target Gateway validSee comments
- 66344 – FlynBrian 02/19/2019I don't know how to fix this Julian. I moved the displaced threashold way down the runway to unvalidate the airport and moved it back into the center of the purple circle putting it right back where it was giving me a validation as before with the target being GatewaySee comments
- 65943 – FlynBrian 02/05/2019(No comment)See comments
- 65710 – FlynBrian 01/22/2019(No comment)See comments
- 49809 – WEDbot 02/16/2017Updated runway numbering and/or lengths to match Navigraph/Aerosoft dataApproved
- 48629 – WEDbot 02/16/2017Updated runway numbering and/or lengths to match Navigraph/Aerosoft dataSee comments
- 46801 – WEDbot 02/15/2017Updated runway numbering and/or lengths to match Navigraph/Aerosoft dataSee comments
- 36575 – __v__ 01/25/2015(No comment)Approved
- 13501 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.