Identifier in X-Plane I69
Full nameClermont County
Country USA
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) 39.07900, -84.20900 open in Google Maps
Elevation (Not specified)
Recommended Scenery Pack 101605 by Tree Fox submitted on March 30, 2024
    (No particular attributes)

    Checkout status

    This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.

    • 101605 – N8033F 03/30/2024
      This is Clermont County/Sporty's Airport and home to the Tri-State Warbird Museum. It's close to my home and heart. Completely re-worked for X-Plane 12 and I hope I did it justice. Injected the STOL strip. The 22 threshold is used primarily for mis-judgments, however occasionally used by the warbirds for an over-run or landing area. I'm fortunate enough to have been able to get input from a Sporty's employee, on site residents, local pilots and I flew down myself. I believe we have a pretty accurate representation. The airport is uncontrolled, ground vehicles are on the move. Autogen encroaching upon the Warbirds Museum, attempts to exclude it removed too much autogen; so I left intact. Hoping the new boundary will fix this. All four runways are usable. Southeast road networks are not connected in default X-Plane, an attempt to make a connector conflicted with 3rd party (Simheaven) roads so I left the gap as is. Hopefully I understood Michael's road network instructions correctly. Blue skies and tail winds.
      Approved Recommended
    • 99729 – N8033F 12/13/2023
      Refined offending polys, added some minor objects since previous submission. This is Clermont County/Sporty's Airport and home to the Tri-State Warbird Museum. It's close to my home and heart. Completely re-worked for X-Plane 12 and I hope I did it justice. Injected the STOL strip. The 22 threshold is used primarily for mis-judgments, however occasionally used by the warbirds for an over-run or landing area. I went back and forth for weeks trying to decide if I missed anyting, or to change anything, alas...doing that will never get it submitted. I'm fortunate enough to have been able to get input from a Sporty's employee, on site residents, local pilots and I flew down myself. I believe we have a pretty accurate representation. The airport is uncontrolled, ground vehicles are on the move. Blue skies and tail winds.
      See comments
    • 99722 – N8033F 12/12/2023
      This is Clermont County/Sporty's Airport and home to the Tri-State Warbird Museum. It's close to my home and heart. Completely re-worked for X-Plane 12 and I hope I did it justice. I went back and forth for weeks trying to decide if I missed anyting, or to change anything, alas...doing that will never get it submitted. I'm fortunate enough to have been able to get input from a Sporty's employee, on site residents, local pilots and I flew down myself. I believe we have a pretty accurate representation. The airport is uncontrolled, ground vehicles are on the move. Blue skies and tail winds.
      See comments
    • 59762 – dglendinning 03/26/2018
      Added 3D elements, moved beacons and windsocks, taxi and ground routes, accurate positions and signage, accurate ramp starts.
    • 16800 – WEDbot 01/17/2015
      Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.dat

    Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.