Evansville Regl
Identifier in X-Plane | KEVV |
Full name | Evansville Regl |
Country | United States |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 38.04000, -87.52600 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
102226 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 102759 – BruceBuilds 07/07/2024Many touchups. New RWY surface markings. Moderator options ID'ed.See comments
- 102226 – Julian 05/11/2024Assets outside boundary removed. Taxiway converted to draped polygon.Approved Recommended
- 102206 – BruceBuilds 05/09/2024Note: Huge factory south of RWY 18 is the former WWII P-47 Plant, integral to EVV's extensive wartime manufacuturing history (on Hitler's prime target list) and an approach obtacle to 18/36. Adjacent warehouses also. FBO building (Speculated-See Google Maps, under construction). Many other upgrades and new structures throughout. My hometown and worked EVV to pay for flying lessoun, even I was surprised at all of the changes, Term Parking Lot expansion with new covered auto parking and auto rentals...autos added underneath where visible from Term ramp.Approved
- 98348 – BruceBuilds 09/10/2023Some taxiway, taxiway colorations, taxiway CL's, hold corrections made and updated. Some signs repositioned and added. Menu reworked closer to WED stds.See comments
- 96375 – BruceBuilds 06/06/2023Many touchups, of this old-timer for XP12. New pavemnets, hangars from WED 2.5.1 to match real not in prior. Other new features from the same added. incluidng taxiway edge lights, I missed long ago. (Sorry)See comments
- 92223 – BruceBuilds 08/25/2022Many continuing touchups since I originally built EVV back in 2015. Found polygons not fully displaying @ 100%. Missing taxiway lights now added. A few missing Taxiway to RWY overlaps missing now corrected. Unigue polygon real life asphalt patch on 18/36 modified not to interfer with RWY markings now an optional user turn on/off. Two facade hangars relocated. Polygon concrete overlapping RWY cut back. Validation or Gateway previously did not catch the above.See comments
- 92204 – BruceBuilds 08/23/2022Added missing taxiway edge lights. Fixed Dk Olay on 18/36 so default marking shows. Removed some taxiways inappropriately placed. Fixed incompleted roadway exit on Hwy 57.See comments
- 90071 – BruceBuilds 03/09/2022Revised some taxiways, adjusted entire build to ESRI scenery. Reworked some access roads. Newer-to-real FBO buiding added. All new AI taxi and ground routing. Filled in reccent FBO apron expansion. Relocated FBO medium hangars backwards for more apron access. Note: .fac hangars labled "Style 9". I run across this footprint size very often, but WED does not have these popular hangars as a default. (See OS-X hangar 9.) Please add them as free-standing, no surrounding scenery. Thanks.See comments
- 86634 – ronb62 09/15/2021*show with* changes only, All .obj, .agp & .fac set to 1-defaultApproved
- 81369 – ronb62 12/03/2020full rework xsg's 928. 8655 and 8951 can be closed. Incorporates latest info beyond what is visible in sat images (solar panels in car parking) and is actually done or probably finished (ie.e re lay GA apron)Approved
- 71747 – BruceBuilds 09/21/2019Comments same as previous except AI Taxi Routing deleted. Build otherwise is the same.See comments
- 71307 – BruceBuilds 09/07/2019This build version same as last with a mislocated taxi sign now relocated properly and a taxiway centerline at an intersection, I wasn't satisfied with after taxiing, now touched up,See comments
- 71137 – BruceBuilds 09/02/2019A replacement build of EVV carefully scaled to Sticky scenery. Many new details added, fencing, red RWY ID on TXWY's, structures redone. Also added, AI taxiing, AI ground services.See comments
- 51985 – BruceBuilds 04/18/2017This version contains corrections of a few items missed in the submission of April 17, 2017, also a major revision, correction and graphics cleanup of my original build of KEVV. in 2015. Hope I have it all correct this tim, fingers crossed.Approved
- 51946 – BruceBuilds 04/17/2017Major revisions, corrections and graphic cleanup of my original EVV build. Hopefully now ready to be folded into XP. Enjoy.See comments
- 43948 – tyoung 06/12/2016Fix for malformed taxi signs.Approved
- 43665 – EBOB_MARSH 05/06/2016Generated AP TxiRtes. Fixed several signs, AP needs to be used "flattened-not following ground contours".Approved
- 42795 – BruceBuilds 12/29/2015KEVV Rgnl. my hometown and 1st WED build, updated. EVV and City have interesting war WIKIs. Nice Airport! Fly with RWYs Follow Terrain OFF until XP default scenery fixes made.Approved
- 18123 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.