Los Angeles Intl
Note: This airport is under development by Laminar Research.
Submissions to the Gateway are therefore currently excluded from X‑Plane releases.
No submissions for this airport will be approved without prior approval from the moderator.
Identifier in X-Plane | KLAX |
Full name | Los Angeles Intl |
Country | United States |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 33.94200, -118.40400 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
103349 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 103349 – meikelm 08/14/2024Update Jetwqways to dual auto-docking. Needs WED 2.6.0r1 to openApproved Recommended
- 96765 – Litjan 06/29/2023Fixed some stray lights on a taxiway and a reversed jetblast deflector.Approved
- 96634 – Julian 06/19/2023New terminal revisions by Jan Vogel.Approved
- 96583 – Litjan 06/16/2023Implemented new terminal, fixed taxiways to show latest actual state, renamed several taxiways, several other misc fixes.Approved
- 92133 – Julian 08/17/2022Jan's latest version with hacked library.txt file to get it onto the Gateway.Approved
- 91683 – Litjan 07/12/2022Forgot the 3 palmtrees in front of the tower...Approved
- 91681 – Litjan 07/12/2022Fleshed out area around UFO restaurant a bit more to match latest version of custom object (no palm trees). Moved whole airport slightly (ca. 3m) to the east to align more closely with ESRI imagery (now higher res).See comments
- 91582 – Julian 07/03/2022Custom tower and theme building added with appropriate library hack.Approved
- 91580 – Litjan 07/03/2022First XP12 compatible version of KLAX with new assets.Approved
- 89000 – Julian 01/04/2022Injected custom tower and theme building. Removed ramp starts outside airport boundary.Approved
- 70252 – Litjan 08/03/2019Complete overhaul - UFO restaurant and control tower missing on purpose (to be added as custom obj later). Depicted new terminal under construction. Added adjacent heliports on hospitals as discussed with Julian. Iconic buildings/display aircraft added under approach path 25L/R.Approved
- 52537 – Litjan 05/21/2017Upgraded airport with XP11 features like ground trucks. Also improved it in many ways, accurate ramp starts, some bug fixes.Approved
- 50527 – WEDbot 02/16/2017Updated runway numbering and/or lengths to match Navigraph/Aerosoft dataApproved
- 49357 – WEDbot 02/16/2017Updated runway numbering and/or lengths to match Navigraph/Aerosoft dataSee comments
- 47529 – WEDbot 02/15/2017Updated runway numbering and/or lengths to match Navigraph/Aerosoft dataSee comments
- 42724 – Litjan 12/22/2015Initial lego-brick version of this global airport.Approved
- 18624 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.