Bowman Fld
Identifier in X-Plane | KLOU |
Full name | Bowman Fld |
Country | United States |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 38.22900, -85.66100 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
96068 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 96068 – Litjan 05/19/2023Reworked most of the airport to fix previous authoring errors.Approved Recommended
- 83271 – Litjan 03/12/2021Fixed ramp starts to get this airport acceptable. Changed some runway hold-short signs. Pruned taxiway to NOT intrude on adjacent roads. Tried to fix taxiway, but due to very convoluted authoring method found it impossible to fix "self-overlay" problems that makes it invisible. Try to cut your taxiway into smaller sections (not one taxiway for whole airport!), this helps with reducing complexity!Approved
- 82089 – BruceBuilds 01/18/2021This is a new build olf LOU using Ben's knockout method. Many changes since my original. NOTE: Regardless of how many times I've re-validated the build, taiway surfaces, though set to 100% are not displaying in WED although they all show within XP. I suspect a bad node conflict somewhere, but neither Export or Validation are detecting it with and error message. Also try adding an aircraft to the build and see if it displays in WED, not here.See comments
- 82088 – BruceBuilds 01/18/2021Questioning validation of Airport Boundary error? Othewise this is a new build olf LOU using Ben's knockout method. Many changes since my original.See comments
- 80613 – BruceBuilds 10/16/2020Because Default Roadways, even the airport's internal perimeter road and other roadways were so conflicting to pleasent graphics, I've added internal roadways and striped them, then made some sign corx., RWY marking corx, and added some apron markings. More airport surrounding scenery is added. Moderators will need to redo airport outside connecting roads (now excluded) because of angles . Otherwise comments on yesterday's submission still hold.See comments
- 80600 – BruceBuilds 10/15/2020Per AirNav and ForeFlight, former LOU RWY 14/32 is now 15/33 as depicted in this new build. All taxiing surfaces are underlaid with BenBuild asphalt taxiway. Fueling and pushback have been added, plus ATC AI taxiing. Deprecated aircraft have been replaced with new. Taxi signs all reworked to AirNav chartSee comments
- 56018 – simav8 10/26/2017Clark Regional Airport update from WEDBOT basic. Taxiways cleaned up, added buildings, boundary, forests, static aircraftSee comments
- 55976 – simav8 10/23/2017Fixed 14/32 runway stragglers to 15/33. Moved winsocks to proper location, tweaked VASI and PAPIs, added perimeter fence, add some perimeter trees, updated several buildings. Added pseudo ATIS (AWOS3). All Laminar lib elements.See comments
- 55975 – simav8 10/23/2017Fixed 14/32 runway stragglers to 15/33. Moved winsocks to proper location, tweaked VASI and PAPIs, added perimeter fence, add some perimeter trees, updated several buildings. Added pseudo ATIS (AWOS3). All Laminar lib elements.See comments
- 42793 – BruceBuilds 12/29/2015KLOU, Loiusville KY, Bowman Fld. GA/Exec/Relief airport for busy UPS Hub, Airline Center, KSDF, Standiford Intl. This Rev.4 fixes Signs and TXWY Lights.Approved
- 42787 – BruceBuilds 12/29/2015KLOU, Louisville KY Bowman Fld. a GA/Exec.Relief airport for busy UPS Hub and Airline Center, KSDF Standiford Intl. This Rev.3 complies with XP Signs Stds.See comments
- 42786 – BruceBuilds 12/29/2015KLOU, Louisville KY Bowman Field, GA/Exec./Relief airport for busy UPS Hub and Airline Center, KSDF Stndiford Intl. This Rev. complies with XP Signs Stds.See comments
- 42690 – BruceBuilds 12/17/2015KLOU, Louisville KY's GA/Exec/Relief Airport for busy UPS Hub/Airline Center,KSDF, Standiford Field. KLOU bases 183 Aircraft, Avg's 203 FliteOps/Day.See comments
- 18692 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.