Identifier in X-Plane | KNEW |
Full name | Lakefront |
Country | United States |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 30.04300, -90.02200 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
105062 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 105062 – joshua_allen 12/30/2024Corrections and updates to KNEW. Added airport beacon. Corrected some hold short lines to face correct direction. Corrected pavement lettering for 18L/36R. Corrected runway marking types for 18L/36R and 09/27 to visual/basic. Corrected some windsock locations. Removed the "floating boxes" in center of field and replaced with antennas. Corrected orientation of segmented circle. Update ATC frequencies to match FAA data. Corrected some taxiway lighting, markings, coloring, and boundaries. Updated taxiway and apron near terminal. Removed light poles along taxiway F that obstructed some aircraft wings; replaced with lights near buildings. Updated some ramp starts. Added fencing, roads, proper lighting around ball park apron. Added some trees near terminal. Added object density view levels to many objects. Added some missing roads. Corrected most airport perimeter fencing. Updated fuel farm area.Approved Recommended
- 100992 – BruceBuilds 02/25/2024A complete rebuild of KNEW employing WED's new aggregate colorations missing prior. Included are Moderator optional features with three Boundaries selections for viewing and future upgrading, The Marina/Casino area is turned off, with only the airport-only boundary turned off located in the traditional airport folder. The other two boundary options are located within the (Turned-Off) Moderator options folder. Notations are located throughout in both locations. Note while marina piers are concrete in real life, they're wooden in this build, WED having no concrete pier/dock options. The wooden piers have been lowered to 0m because they looked ridiculous in their native heights. Unfortunately their pylons did not equally lower, but still doesn't look too bad. Note WED's shoreline water conflict along the concrete adjacent to the pier entries. Unless WED is sensitive to water height variations, this is an error. Temporary Marina/Casino starts (to be deleted if these features are accepted and used) will enable the moderator to conveniently monitor these views and can be re-located at his/her discretiion. Also note roadway misses in XP. (No added AI conflicts caught here either by WED or Gateway validations.)Approved
- 95646 – BruceBuilds 05/01/2023Resubmitted with Taxi and Ground Routings Turned Off due to many AI Boundry Issue needing Moderator correcting, I gave trying to correct them. New Comments: Edge Lts added to A .Marking added to A. Markings added to F area. Pad leading to Walter Beech Drive corrected. Incomplete RWY taxiway lead-in corrected.Note: Comments on last two submissions still apply, PLUS, these three submission have wind circle added plus new tower and area, and new terminal. Additional note: View terminal facade in Google. Artists should be able to place the same facade UPON ALL building levels. Simple way example: Facade > Brick > Height (ft/m per App Prefs Set) > Color > (Color table) > Level > 1 > 2 >3 in. (Heights set would be from the bottom of each level to its top. Levels would auto-stack as programmed by artist.) Best Wishes, BruceSee comments
- 95353 – BruceBuilds 04/19/2023Whoops! Forgot AI Taxiing/Ground Routes, and static aircraft. NOTE: Submitted with Taxi Routes turned off. I could not resolve the numerous Out of Bounds issues. will need Moderator help. Comments of previously submitted still valid.See comments
- 95061 – BruceBuilds 04/06/2023This rebuild goal was initially to attain more correct aggreate colorations, not achievable in prior WED versions, but adds the highly approach-visible, the Star Casino and large marina landmarks ENE of the airport. Note: Row of boat houses and ramp need to be raised above water line, (see Google map) unable to accmomplish here and need moderator assist. Also by default, 18R-36L covers up RW9 ID which I don't have the skill to correct, so need moderator assist on this. Running XP12 at highest settings over this area demos what outstanding scenery work youall have done within XP12. WOW! Pass it on to all. (See separate report using this build as reference.)See comments
- 95060 – BruceBuilds 04/06/2023This rebuild goal was initially to attain more correct aggreate colorations, not achievable in prior WED versions, but adds the highly approach-visible, the Star Casino and large marina landmarks ENE of the airport. Note: Row of boat houses and ramp need to be raised above water line, (see Google map) unable to accmomplish here and need moderator assist. Also by default, 18R-36L covers up RW9 ID which I don't have the skill to correct, so need moderator assist on this. Running XP12 at highest settings over this area demos what outstanding scenery work youall have done within XP12. WOW! Pass it on to all. (See separate report using this build as reference.)See comments
- 87917 – Tapestes 11/19/2021Moved beacon to the correct location. Fixed PAPI for 27, which was on Foxtrot. Connected some pavement gaps.See comments
- 87883 – Tapestes 11/17/2021Taxiway centerlines were white. Now yellow. Moved the hold line at hotspot 1 off the Foxtrot centerline to the approriate position.See comments
- 82860 – Litjan 02/25/2021Fixed validation errors, converted illegally placed taxiways outside boundary to polygons. Removed illegal taxiways emulating roads (they would kill autogen roads on next recut!). Added interim solution to emulate antennas. Added many ramp starts to enable XPlane system of random static parked aircraft.Approved
- 52729 – BruceBuilds 05/31/2017Sure, I also didn't like the Space Tower, but it was the only "tower" found at the time. Have replaced it with Pt.RadioTower30X30 630, but may not be installed correctly and needs Moderator correction. (Found under the Heading "Radio" Lam Library.) Deprecated Aircraft & Forests Replaced. Need some tower instructions from Moderators. ThanksApproved
- 42834 – BruceBuilds 01/05/2016KNEW, scenic, New Orleans LA, Lakefront Airport, the city's original noted for its Terminal Restaurant, a GA/Exec./Relief airport for busy KMSY, Louis Armstrong Intl. Enjoy Scenery.Approved
- 41182 – BruceBuilds 07/22/2015Originally New Orleans LA's major airport, KNEW now is the FAA's designated GA/Exec relief airport for busy KMSY Intl. It has an Art Deco Terminal with a famous restaurant and fountain. Read its Wiki. This build is a majot alteration of the XP default version with far more detail added, shows the adjacent marina, and uses the knock-out technique building taxiways, saving many separate taxiway builds and joining them.Approved
- 18944 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.