Identifier in X-Plane | LRIA |
Full name | Iasi |
Country | Romania |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 47.17900, 27.62100 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
98916 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 98916 – carlosnino 10/08/2023Updated the stand number names and the service trucks destination. Added turnpad for runway 14. Changed surface for runway and taxiways.Approved Recommended
- 98915 – carlosnino 10/08/2023Updated the stand number names and the service trucks destination. Added turnpad for runway 14.See comments
- 98896 – carlosnino 10/07/2023Updated the stand numbers and the service trucks destination.See comments
- 98813 – carlosnino 10/03/2023Taxiway/runway issue fixed!Approved
- 98761 – carlosnino 09/29/2023The taxiways were moved in their correct places; larger apron; new taxiway E; new terminal T3; corrected and added new stands and all of the stand numbers; buildings set in their correct position using both ESRI and Google Maps (3 buildings not on ESRI imagery but showing in Google) in the southern part) general cleanup.See comments
- 98717 – carlosnino 09/26/2023(No comment)See comments
- 98663 – carlosnino 09/24/2023The taxiways were moved in their correct places in their place; larger apron; new taxiway E; new stands and all of the stand numbers; new hangar; general cleanup.See comments
- 83674 – Litjan 03/31/2021Emergency fixes to this airport - many authoring errors here. Author has not used automatic lights placement for lighting (places all lights individually), taxiways dont match sat pics very well (offset), runway end was at wrong coordinate, ground vehicle destinations wrong use, converted illegal taxiways to polygons, airport name was all caps....Approved
- 53617 – vali_grad 07/25/2017First, thank you for building this awesome sim :) I add this airport being in my country, 50k near my home LRIA / IASI COUNTY AIRPORT / ROMANIA/ EUROPE [EU] I hope you like my edit As of 2014, LRIA, has vacated runway 15/33 and put to service a new one 14/32. The new runway is longer, with asphalt instead of concrete and completed with cat II lighting system, ILS assist runway 14 I used latest aerial info {bing maps, google has older data} with overlay in WED and navigation data to match localizer, glideslope, ndb, runway positions and other details from http://www.aisro.ro/mobile/static/AIPROMANIA/20150723/DOCS/AIP/AD/AD2/AD_2_10_LRIA/LR_AD_2_LRIA_10-51_en.pdf http://vau.aero/navdb/chart/LRIA.pdf and pdfs attached by user blli in gateway {dont know the original source} https://gateway.x-plane.com/scenery/page/LRIA To make it more enjoyable/accurate please reposition nav aids :) In my global airports folder/earth_nav.dat I made the following changes replaced 4 47.16850000 027.63133300 397 10910 18 109.100 IIS LRIA LR 14 ILS-cat-II replaced 6 47.18591700 027.61406800 397 10910 10 300154.461 IIS LRIA LR 14 GS replaced 12 47.18583800 027.61388900 500 10910 18 0.200 IIS LRIA LR 14 DME-ILS new added 12 47.23444400 027.57944400 500 10910 18 0.200 ISI LRIA LR 14 DME-ILS replaced NDBs locations 2 47.163056000 27.636389000 0 384 25 0.000 IAS LRIA LR IASI NDB 2 47.234167000 27.579722000 0 351 25 0.000 ISI LRIA LR IASI NDB this is my first build, looking foward for further improuvements :) thank you !Approved
- 21020 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.