Sydney Kingsford Smith Intl
Identifier in X-Plane | YSSY |
Full name | Sydney Kingsford Smith Intl |
Country | Australia |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | -33.95000, 151.17900 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
104623 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 104623 – ollie 11/21/2024Added dual jetway functionality. No other changes.Approved Recommended
- 101263 – ollie 03/12/2024Tidy up and alignment of major taxiways (A/B/C, etc.) and markings. Implementation of custom approach lighting to 16L as default was partially obscured by road. Minor taxi route amendments.Approved
- 101191 – ollie 03/08/2024Further improvements including jetway/facade joins, approach/taxiway lighting, taxiway joins, simplified taxi routes, removal of buildings/objects where freeway has been developed north of the airport.Approved
- 101140 – ollie 03/06/2024Full rework of the following: all ramp starts (per AIP) and associated jetways, lead on-off lighting, B1 apron, car park, approach lighting 34L/R, taxi routes. Assigned headings to all texture polygons.See comments
- 101048 – ollie 02/29/2024First cut XP12 release - runway properties aligned with AIP and textures upgraded, taxiway headings added, towers upgraded, removal of stop bars, fixed short taxi route errors, jetway upgrades.See comments
- 92913 – Julian 10/21/2022Refined boundary.Approved
- 92854 – mjrhealth 10/16/2022Just minor update of some taxiways and traffic flows to help with ATC. And clean up of old redundant trees.Approved
- 87045 – [Deleted] 10/05/2021Trying to resolve boundary issue...Approved
- 86707 – mjrhealth 09/19/2021Gettin Ver errors? I hope I got it if this uploads, pelase do one reviewm, than I can fix all te hbugs at onmce.See comments
- 86076 – mjrhealth 08/20/2021Changes TXi to Poly was not part of taxiway.See comments
- 85901 – Litjan 08/08/2021This version was made by Dave, aka mjrhealth...I uploaded it for him due to connectivity problems. All credit goes to him and his predecessors.See comments
- 85554 – mjrhealth 07/15/2021Draft release. Still lots of tidy up. Any major issues please let me know. This is so those waiting can have a taste.New buildings, taxiways, markings Traffic flowsSee comments
- 85553 – mjrhealth 07/15/2021Draft release. Still lots of tidy up. Any major issues please let me know. This is so those waiting can have a taste.New buildings, taxiways, markings Traffic flowsSee comments
- 77333 – jazzy1 05/10/2020Fix ATC routes. Adjust airport boundary.See comments
- 76957 – jazzy1 04/28/2020Fix wind rules, facade node types, intersecting bezier controls. Remove facades on runways. Overlap taxiways onto runways.See comments
- 72486 – FlynBrian 10/23/2019(No comment)See comments
- 72186 – FlynBrian 10/07/2019(No comment)See comments
- 71792 – FlynBrian 09/22/2019I think the ATC routs are OK now but have no idea how to fix the wind ruleSee comments
- 71379 – FlynBrian 09/09/2019I just wnated to exchange jetway obj for fac and add safety markings but the taxirouts were micro managed and I understand airport flow but don't know how to make it work I am in over my head on this oneSee comments
- 53376 – DreamKeys 07/10/2017More Cowbell ... erm Ground Vehicles Had way to few active plus aditional markings (Heliport) and adjustments to the rampstarts. Have Fun!Approved
- 53295 – DreamKeys 07/06/2017Here we go ... YSSYApproved
- 36824 – chrisk 02/13/2015Updated YSSY Runways/Taxiways and ATC Flow from ISDG Scenery. 2D OnlyApproved
- 35995 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.