Validation in WED not complete
Bug report
Reported by:
on December 3, 2016 4:53 AM
Assigned to:
Ben Supnik
I submitted several airports to the gateway. I got a from Tyler that the Validation of some of my submissions have failed. But the Validation in the newest WED 1.5.1.r1 shows no Problems.
All the Validations which are done by Tyler (or automated) should be checked prior to submission in WED!
This concerns LSZR where i got the following Message: "WED Validation Failure: Makes use of deprecated objects from library path 'lib/trains/."
And in VGSD: "The library path 'lib/g10/forests/AG_temperate2.for' is deprecated."
And VYYY: "Autogen trees are too close to runway at 21 end."
Michael Minnhaar December 4, 2016 6:18 PM
Its not a WED bug at all, but likely caused by validating the airport against an outdated version of XP. For more details please refer to
And the "autogen trees to close ..." check can currently not be automated at all - thats why Julian and Taylor are double checking every submission by hand. You might want to make sure your tree and object densities in the rendering menu are set to maximum when final checking an airport for submission to the gateway.
Kirk33 December 7, 2016 2:35 PM
The fact that you don't consider this to be a bug doesn't mean that it's not a problem. To submit scenery to the Gateway you are only required to use the most recent version of WED but nothing says you need to use the most recent version of X-Plane!
Anytime someone uses an older version of XP and uses an art asset that has been depreciated it passes validation for the Gateway. Now the moderator has to reject the airport, the scenery artist has to fix it and then the moderator has to review it again. This doubles everyone's workload for something that should have been stopped when validating for the Gateway.
Jennifer Roberts December 7, 2016 2:58 PM
So the problem here is that, as long as you use the most recent version of WED, you can use whatever version of X-Plane you want for resources. This causes a problem because the pack gets too far along in the process before this issue is caught.
I was able to point WED 1.5.1 at an old X-Plane 10.36 install and upload a pack to the gateway with now-deprecated resources.
Is there a way to also enforce a minimum version of X-Plane resources as well as a minimum version of WED?
Michael Minnhaar December 7, 2016 5:34 PM
The minimum (and maximum) version of WED is enforced by the gateway, as WED verifies its version number with it prior to upload.
WED could possibly also pass on the XP installation version to the gateway for checking. But WED cannot enforce a particular XP version on its own prior to submission, as WED is independent of XP's releases.
Next, there are non X-plane (i.e. flighgear) and XP9 users contributing airports to the gateway (although usually only 2D airports), so they may have no current X-plane version installed at all. Some addons do modify XP system files innocently, resulting in the same validation incorrectness. So no way to really 'enforce' validation, except for the moderator double checking.
And hey - deprecated objects are not "illegal", as they still work in XP just fine (for some unknown time). but only undesireable in some way. Right now it is moderator disgression to still allow those or not.
So its IMO only a question of moderator work load reduction to introduce more automated validation here.
Ben Supnik December 26, 2016 12:56 PM
I'm closing this as not a bug - there is clearly not something wrong with WED here.
We can change the gateway guidelines to be clear that gateway work should be done against the latest released x-plane.