Identifier in X-Plane | LGSR |
Full name | Santorini |
Country | Greece |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 36.40000, 25.47800 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
105057 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 105057 – Andrew_Boyarsky 12/29/2024Added missing road section west of terminal. New objects from ramp_equipment have been added.Approved Recommended
- 104208 – Astix10 10/24/2024Runway centerline lights and taxiway centerline lights removed. Santorini has no taxiway and no runway centerline lights/ apron layout adjusted according jeppesen. Parking position S1,S2,S3,G1,G2 and R1 until R7 added/ all Draped Dir,Loc and Rwy Signs on apron and taxiways rebuilt/ some taxiways splitted and heading set according esri and google maps/ taxi sign for runway exits and taxi sign base added/ airport boudary fence add/ some change of tree position due to road, draped polygon or building incursions/ size of ground routs changed to C. Santorini is only approved for airplane up to category C.Approved
- 102052 – SkyChek 04/26/2024Removed excessive vertices. Added clutter and dirtyness Pavement_FX. Corrected lines, converted nonaircraftlines. No other edit since last approval 2024-03. Increased performance.Approved
- 101397 – Andrew_Boyarsky 03/19/2024The terrain polygon has been replaced by terrainFXApproved
- 101337 – Andrew_Boyarsky 03/16/2024Complete reconstruction of the airportSee comments
- 92619 – keenrw 09/24/2022Added AI network and removed the overlapping fuel tankApproved
- 92351 – keenrw 09/05/2022Added a taxiway network for AI useSee comments
- 90873 – mpurves 05/10/2022All references to 16L/34R removed. Taxiway K and accurate parking stands 1 to 9A added.Approved
- 86743 – meikelm 09/21/2021Convert inactive runway into taxiway, rename main runway per CIFP, rconvert XP12 incompatible scenery elementsApproved
- 68121 – b_brandl 05/09/2019sorry for the airport name typo last timeApproved
- 67766 – b_brandl 04/25/2019fixed errors with taxiways and some inaccuracy with the taxilines and buildings. One thing in addition: all airport charts for this aiport show that runway 16R/34L is used as taxiway A/E only and no longer used as arunway. I also realized in my flightplans that the runway name has changed to 15L/33R (latest airac cycle by navigraph 1905) before I can change this the CIFP data has to be changed. Thanks for taking this into account.See comments
- 67477 – b_brandl 04/14/2019(No comment)See comments
- 20565 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.