Identifier in X-Plane | EDAZ |
Full name | Schönhagen |
Country | Germany |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 52.20600, 13.15900 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
105835 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 105835 – ChrixFlyer 02/28/2025Completely revised. ATS callsigns updated and set to "FISO".Approved Recommended
- 105641 – bxt 02/10/2025Frequencies corrected for ATIS and INFO. See bugreport XSG-15625.Approved
- 93575 – mroe 01/04/2023replace airport fence to not intersect default roadApproved
- 93565 – mroe 01/03/2023emergency fix , removes annoying taxiway edge light from the center of Twy ASee comments
- 93563 – mroe 01/03/2023updated with XP12 artwork, adjusted airport boundary, enhancements to reflect the current state of the airfield.See comments
- 73242 – mroe 11/28/2019fixes issue with ATC routes overlapping ramp startsApproved
- 72948 – mroe 11/16/2019Modernisation of hangars and buildingsSee comments
- 52425 – mroe 05/12/2017v1.6;WED 1.6b2;location of tower obj adjusted , there was bushes on the apron before;adds new hanger ;deprecated static acfts removed;Approved
- 44907 – mroe 10/04/2016v1.5;WED 1.5 features;minor tweeks on twy lines and routesApproved
- 44249 – mroe 07/14/2016v1.5b;update for 10.50 features;sets apt to always flattened to remove the spike at the east end of twy A with default mesh ; adds atc flow; replaced static aircraft with new ones;minor cosmetic changesApproved
- 44248 – mroe 07/14/2016v1.2;update for 10.50 features;sets apt to always flattened to remove the spike at the east end of twy A with default mesh ; adds atc flow; replaced static aircraft with new ones;minor cosmetic changesSee comments
- 41877 – mroe 09/21/2015v1.4;adds exclusions for trees along approach rwy 07 25Approved
- 41793 – mroe 09/13/2015v1.3;fix atc route twy F A ; adjust ramp starts;removes flicker from overlapped building; align pavement polys;adds static GA acft;Approved
- 40219 – mroe 06/05/2015v1.2;fix minor atc naming error twy f,aApproved
- 40211 – mroe 06/03/2015v1.1;minor adjustments of 07/25, signs and twylinesSee comments
- 40161 – mroe 05/23/2015v1.0;overhaul of the current default 2D-only apt ; adds 3D stuff , atc routesSee comments
- 13907 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.