thilob commented in reference to scenery pack 72761 on August 29, 2021 10:00 PM

major overhaul due to new runway 07/25 and dismanteled runway 08/26 - see on Google Maps, ,

mroe commented on August 30, 2021 3:20 PM

Many thanks for the note . And for me it is really a pleasure to see someone for whom this is important . And ... have it already updated for the sim. Not uploaded yet.My concern was that it not match the ortho photos still not current by the big providers. But since you request , i will upload what i have in the next days . Temporary underlying with a grass terrain should make it look good even together with older ortho photo. Btw.: I always find it most impressive with X-Plane airports that we can be current before all others.

thilob commented on August 30, 2021 3:59 PM

great, I've just georeferenced that pictures with QGIS and used it as a background in WED. Some photos of the actual reality would be great to see things like marking colors, signs and lights. Aachen is like an hour to go from here, might be a spot for the next weekends....

mroe commented on August 30, 2021 4:42 PM

Ah, realized now you had locked that airfield yesterday for update . Looking forward to your work on this. And doing a little weekend trip there is certainly the best thing. This airfield is interesting.Not only that many pilots started here and that's why it has importance , it also seems history and future are combined in a good way here.

thilob commented on August 30, 2021 4:43 PM

just released the lock, feel free to upload!

mroe commented on August 30, 2021 5:52 PM

ok, have uploaded what i had so far. There is absolutely still room for improvement for you.Also the real world work is still ongoing. -rwy threshold 07 as it is today . Seems object to change later again. -Was unsure what to do with the new both grass strips. Had this as rwy's but leaved it out for now. -no taxi routes (AI seems to find their way even without )

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