Identifier in X-Plane | EHLE |
Full name | Lelystad |
Country | Netherlands |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 52.45500, 5.51500 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
101244 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 101244 – PeterBremerEHDR 03/10/2024Added Vliegclub Flevo eamp starts, Cleaned connections taxiway lines S5, Removed crosses taxiways northern part.Approved Recommended
- 99176 – Julian 10/28/2023Taxiway polygon nodes snapped.Approved
- 99140 – jwenting 10/25/2023hint: now explain why this error did NOT exist before uploading it. Something in the upload process corrupted something, clearly.Approved
- 99126 – jwenting 10/25/2023hint: that would have prevented it from uploadingSee comments
- 99083 – jwenting 10/21/2023incremental improvementSee comments
- 98266 – Julian 09/05/2023Short (<20m) taxi-route segments fixed.Approved
- 98238 – jwenting 09/05/2023not getting that validation error.See comments
- 98195 – jwenting 09/02/2023(No comment)See comments
- 98191 – jwenting 09/02/2023(No comment)See comments
- 98190 – jwenting 09/02/2023(No comment)See comments
- 86656 – thilob 09/16/2021reduced number of vehicles, added vehicle destinations in the north and southApproved
- 86223 – thilob 08/28/2021moved truck parking out of hangar - thank you for your detailed help to find the issue!See comments
- 84761 – thilob 05/26/2021disconnected the (pre-existing) ramp startsSee comments
- 84755 – Crashtender 05/26/2021Multiple upgrades in airport layout. Updated ATC frequencies,Approved
- 84431 – thilob 05/07/2021adjusted ATC freq, made the RWY to the new 2700m length, adjusted taxiways, added TWY S6/S7, added some lights. Im not an artist, even if things have to get rounded, so let me know if it's ok or if I should better go flying instead ...See comments
- 57720 – www2 01/06/2018Fix some isues with Lelystad. set trash hold to the current runway and place the papi to the current location.Approved
- 53724 – Crashtender 08/01/2017Minor updatesApproved
- 52504 – Crashtender 05/19/2017Lelystad airport is currently under construction https://www.uitbreidinglelystadairport.nl/projecten/infra Every few weeks the runway layout is different. This submission is the airport layout as it looks from the sky, but it lacks the continuous shifting temporarily bounderies and temporarily operation restrictions (VFR only due to reinstalling the ILS on its new location)Approved
- 43750 – Airlobster 05/18/2016Fixed airport name and added taxiway.Approved
- 42748 – Crashtender 12/24/2015Added taxi routingsSee comments
- 42559 – Crashtender 12/03/2015Added: ATC Flow and Taxi NetworkSee comments
- 42558 – Crashtender 12/03/2015Added:See comments
- 41489 – tyoung 08/11/2015Fix for bad ATC tower frequencyApproved
- 14625 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
- 1287 – PeterBremer 10/11/2014Extended runway, more accurate runway locations and sizes, pllatforms and taxiways. Based on latest AIP maps and aeial photos.Approved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.