Rotterdam The Hague
Identifier in X-Plane | EHRD |
Full name | Rotterdam The Hague |
Country | Netherlands |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 51.95600, 4.44100 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
103645 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 103645 – Andrew_Boyarsky 09/08/2024Airport overhaulApproved Recommended
- 96085 – Julian 05/20/2023Exclusions and assets outside boundary removed.Approved
- 95777 – jorisr 05/07/2023Removed objects from outside airport boundary (only some exclusion zones and trees/forrests remain; Enlarged airport boundary; Reduced micro-management from ariliner parking spots; Reduced number of airlines assignments of parking spots; Straightened line markings; Fixed some taxi signs; Added guard lights.Approved
- 95312 – jorisr 04/17/2023Replace lib/g10/terrain10 grass by newer grass; Added new buildings and roads and removed demolished buildings; Using red-white service buildings now.See comments
- 94430 – jorisr 03/12/2023Updated for XP12; Added new RAC club house and apron; Added Fire brigade; Added roads in front of these; Adjusted various pavements; Adjusted building heights according to height map; Ramp starts have limited amount of letter for better pronunciation by ATCSee comments
- 87418 – GlosterIR 10/24/2021Removed taxi routes overlapping ramp starts as requested but noted Crashtender's concerns that some micromanagement is required for the main apron, so this may have undesired side effects.Approved
- 85215 – GlosterIR 06/28/2021Minor revision to forest polygons in line with ESRI mapping.See comments
- 82727 – Crashtender 02/19/2021Improved Aeroclub, new buildings on the main platform, heliplatform on the hotel roof, beacon moved to correct place, fire department, better taxi routes to jet platform, new ramp starts on jet apron, fixed radio frequencies. Ramp taxi routes are micro managed, but it's the only possible way to not clog up the movement of the planes on the main ramp and taxi network (major issue). Will be fixed when ATC routing improves.See comments
- 82612 – GlosterIR 02/11/2021Updated ATC frequencies. Fixes to validate with WED 2.3. Extended taxiroutes to cover aprons F and J.See comments
- 58935 – Crashtender 03/01/2018More fine tuningApproved
- 58760 – Crashtender 02/21/2018Fine tuned Airport BoundarySee comments
- 58587 – Crashtender 02/13/2018Updated Apron. Added flowSee comments
- 53198 – neutje 06/30/2017Added Road network exclusionsApproved
- 52869 – neutje 06/09/2017Added Ground routesSee comments
- 45819 – neutje 12/07/2016Added ATC taxi + 3d objects(buildings + lights) + Boundary + changed ramp start settings.Approved
- 14633 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
- 1115 – PeterBremer 09/21/2014Renamed the holdings, moved holdings all due recent airac, and added papi 24Approved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.