Birmingham–Shuttlesworth Intl
Identifier in X-Plane | KBHM |
Full name | Birmingham–Shuttlesworth Intl |
Country | United States |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 33.56300, -86.75700 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
91635 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 91635 – BruceBuilds 07/08/2022Have adjusted AI Taxi Routes to RWY centerlines. How this happed, I've no idea when I snap intial RWY taxi lines to RWY ends. On the other hand, micro slips and auto divides/attach are a headache within WED. Note, it's often found runways within XP/WED match neither existing WedBot or other builds when compared to ESRI Satellite scenery or CIPF Data Red Lines, whi\chever of the twol are distorted is an unknown. (I try to match ESRI positioning for the entire airport.)Approved Recommended
- 91323 – BruceBuilds 06/16/2022Found a couple of marking errors-corrected. Added some static aircraft, start ID revisions, BHM was one of my first builds 7 years ago. This update reflects skills learned since that time after building many. Aggregate retouches are extensive, practically a new build. A NW ramp has been added as has open-air auto parking lots. Entrance roads into the parking garage and detail in that area heavily corrected. Many new structures added. Extensive fencing is added into a special .fac folder for easier review. AI fueling and Ground Routes have been revised. About two weeks work. (Note: Why do 'locked' markings light up when submitting builds to the Gateway? Just noticed this after all this time.)See comments
- 91310 – BruceBuilds 06/15/2022BHM was one of my first builds seven long years ago. This update reflects skills I've learned since that time building many. Aggregate retouches are so extensive, this is practically a new build. A NW ramp has been added as has open-air auto parking lots. Entrance roads into the parking garage and detail in that area heavily corrected. Many new structures added. Extensive fencing added are in a special .fac folder for ease of review. AI fueling and Ground Routes have been revised. About two weeks work. (Note: Why do 'locked' markings light up when submitting builds to the Gateway? Just noticed this after all this time.)See comments
- 85180 – dabigcat 06/26/2021Fixed airport boundry.Approved
- 85022 – dabigcat 06/15/2021Fixed ramp start incursion with hanger.See comments
- 84798 – dabigcat 05/30/2021Major Update. updated all taxiways, rampstarts, terminal, taxi and ground routes.See comments
- 55917 – [Deleted] 10/18/2017Added exclusion zone for Forests at north ramp.Approved
- 55852 – [Deleted] 10/14/2017Removed outdated static aircraft. Added Runway use rules and AI Ground Taxi Routes. Added and/or modified some 3D objects. Added Exclusion zones as needed. Added ground service truck routes.See comments
- 46469 – tyoung 02/02/2017Added exclusion zones to Bruce's submission so we can *actually* have a 3-D KBHM!Approved
- 42780 – BruceBuilds 12/28/2015KBHM, Birmingham AL, Intl. (no reasonably sized GA-Exec. relief airports). Dangerous XP Terrain off of RWY. Fly only with RWY's Follow Terrain-Off until XP fix is completed.See comments
- 41809 – BruceBuilds 09/14/2015KBHM, civil-military airport, Birmingham AL bases AL Air Natl. Guard 117th Refueling wing. No GA-Exec relief airports nearby. NOTE: Fly as is with Runways Follow Terrain Turned OFF. Otherwise, Turn ON Spec.Custom Signs in WED>SAVE.See comments
- 17656 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.