Fayetteville Rgnl Grannis Fld
Identifier in X-Plane | KFAY |
Full name | Fayetteville Rgnl Grannis Fld |
Country | United States |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 34.99300, -78.88000 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
70875 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 97910 – qfmusiq 08/19/2023adds more exlusions for the road networksSee comments
- 97773 – qfmusiq 08/13/2023Updates (GA ramp, terminal jetways, ground vehicles. adds and replaces buildings, adds road network, extends boundry, ATC Freq and corrects my previus submission.See comments
- 82743 – qfmusiq 02/19/2021updated the terminal after construction and surrounding area + ground service and extra markingsSee comments
- 70875 – Julian 08/25/2019Ground vehicle placement fixed.Approved Recommended
- 70625 – snomhf 08/16/2019(No comment)See comments
- 70340 – snomhf 08/05/2019Fixed micromanaged taxi and ground routesSee comments
- 70079 – snomhf 07/27/2019Added the south-east GA area, taxiway signs, ATC taxi network, ramp starts, taxi routes and ground routes. Aligned the scenery to the esri terrain and flattened the airport due to a huge dropoff at the end of 22 where there is a scenery tile seam.See comments
- 18144 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
- 1733 – NCRB1545 11/22/2014V1.2---Added ATC Traffic Flow for VFR/IFR conditions and wind directions. Adjusted Airport BoundaryApproved
- 1697 – NCRB1545 11/16/2014V1.1 (added more taxi lines, improved ATC taxi flow, removed extra windsocks and positioned remaining windsock correctly) Next version will have ramp lines added.Approved
- 1691 – NCRB1545 11/16/2014List of changes to default... Added buildings and terminals, added taxi flow, repositioned PAPI for 04 to the right side, repositioned becon to correct position, added taxi lines and lighting, added missing taxiway between 10 and 04, named taxi ways, repositioned 10 windsock, changed 22 VASI to PAPI, added and positioned tower correctly, added fire station and hangars. This is the perfered upload, delete all othersSee comments
- 1690 – NCRB1545 11/16/2014List of changes to default.See comments
- 1689 – NCRB1545 11/16/2014Work in progressSee comments
- 1687 – NCRB1545 11/16/2014KFAY (Fayetteville Rgnl Grannis Fld, NC)See comments
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.