Tel Aviv Ben Gurion
Identifier in X-Plane | LLBG |
Full name | Tel Aviv Ben Gurion |
Country | Israel |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 32.00500, 34.87800 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
103678 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 103678 – Jehudale 09/13/2024Removed a bunch of the greater airport ground polygonsApproved Recommended
- 103659 – Jehudale 09/11/2024Minor adjustment but more important added exlusion zones. The 12.1 cutout is far diffefrent from previous version, sadly also from reality and has highways run over runways so exclusions where needed.See comments
- 94695 – Jehudale 03/22/2023Removed the one DrapedRwySigns poly (rejection reason)Approved
- 94290 – Jehudale 03/02/2023Removed roads (rejection reason). Adjusted buildings and areas to fit default roadsSee comments
- 94015 – Jehudale 02/14/2023Replaced lots of buildings with XP12 variants, all taxiways and polygons replaced as well as parking lots, terrain fx added, Israel Airport Industries in the east m,ostly rebuilded. Boundary refined to newest information. The upper North East (older military part) has been cut out since most buildings are already ripped of. Rebuilded western parking area, added airport park at terminal 3.See comments
- 90192 – Jehudale 03/17/2022Reworked all forrest, removed some (rejection reasons) so that it fits ESRI (even that ESRI is not up to date). Added a few single trees here and there and some smaller buildings to fill the new holes.Approved
- 89902 – Jehudale 03/02/2022Removed forrest polygon and adjusted others.See comments
- 89586 – Jehudale 02/09/2022Rebuilded with AIP Information dated Dez 2020. Terminal created with new terminal kit preserving the unique star of david building core. New aprons added, existing apronbs enhanced, most static planes removed, all ramps start replaced, taxiways and routes rebuild. Ground traffic enhanced so the whole airport is covered. Israeli aircraft industries added. Asphalt textures added to include the regulary road network better.See comments
- 86023 – gilbnx 08/15/2021Added missing taxi routesSee comments
- 52753 – NelielTu 06/02/2017this is a fixed and modify LLBG Airport based on IXPT Team. me for fixed a lot issue i give extra credit for IXPT Team its was honor to work on they airportSee comments
- 20879 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
- 771 – pikitanga 09/02/2014Lego Brick Airport LLBG c:/x-plane 10/resources/default data/earth_nav.dat 4 32.01881790 34.89998245 134 11090 18 79.792 BC LLBG 08 ILS-cat-I <- Added 4 31.99873352 34.89649963 134 11030 18 121.592 BG LLBG 12 ILS-cat-I <- Amended 4 32.01253510 34.85884857 134 10870 18 259.792 BA LLBG 26 ILS-cat-I <- Amended 6 32.01283264 34.86413193 134 11090 10 300079.781 BC LLBG 08 GS <- Added 6 32.01279831 34.86854935 134 11030 10 300121.594 BG LLBG 12 GS <- Amended 6 32.01783371 34.88874817 134 10870 10 300259.781 BA LLBG 26 GS <- AmendedApproved
- 770 – pikitanga 09/02/2014Lego Brick Airport LLBGSee comments
- 768 – pikitanga 09/02/2014Lego Brick Airport LLBGSee comments
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.