Identifier in X-Plane | SVGI |
Full name | Guiria |
Country | Venezuela |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 10.57400, -62.31300 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
98031 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 98031 – Lanz419 08/25/2023Added city nameApproved Recommended
- 98021 – Lanz419 08/25/2023Static planes removedSee comments
- 97831 – Lanz419 08/15/2023Applied Exclusions for Trees inside Airport, Fixed various details, Updated for XP12Approved
- 93593 – 3dikson 01/05/2023Created terminal, apron, taxiways, buildings, taxi routes, taxi lines, ramps start, lighting, vegetation.Approved
- 91437 – [Deleted] 06/24/2022(No comment)Approved
- 30169 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.