Michelstadt Odenwald
Identifier in X-Plane | EDFO |
Full name | Michelstadt Odenwald |
Country | Germany |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 49.67800, 8.97200 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
91248 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 91248 – flusifritz 06/10/2022Solving latest issueApproved Recommended
- 91048 – flusifritz 05/24/2022Adding barrier to circle Taxiway.See comments
- 91015 – flusifritz 05/22/2022Thanks to darkHorizon for this very nice work!Just uptating some details: changing Tower-frequency, enhancing compatibility to underlying orthos, adding some more taxi-routes, rework of Bezier-curves to markings etc... New Hangar west of the Taxiwaycircle added, it is visivible on GE. There are two issues, I couldn't solve: Papis or Vasis seems to be duplicated (or wrongly located by default?). Any hints to solve this issue?. And forest south of the airfield in XP11 default-scenery is missing.See comments
- 91014 – flusifritz 05/22/2022Thanks to darkHorizon for this very nice work!Just uptating some details: changing Tower-frequency, enhancing compatibility to underlying orthos, adding some more taxi-routes, rework of Bezier-curves to markings etc... New Hangar west of the Taxiwaycircle added, it is visivible on GE. There are two issues, I couldn't solve: Papis or Vasis seems to be duplicated (or wrongly located by default?). Any hints to solve this issue?. And forest south of the airfield in XP11 default-scenery is missing.See comments
- 91012 – flusifritz 05/22/2022Thanks to darkHorizon for this very nice work!Just uptating some details:changing Tower-frequency, enhancing compatibility to underlying orthos, adding tsome more taxi-routes etc.. New Hangar west of the Taxiwaycircle added, it is visivible on GE. There are two issues, I couldn't solve: Papis or Vasis seems to be duplicated (or wrongly located). Any hints to solve this issue?. And forest south of the airfield in XP11 default-scenery is missing.See comments
- 91010 – flusifritz 05/22/2022Thanks to darkHorizon for this very nice work!Just uptating some details:changing Tower-frequency, enhancing compatibility to underlying orthos, adding tsome more taxi-routes etc.. New Hangar west of the Taxiwaycircle added, it is visivible on GE. There are two issues, I couldn't solve: Papis or Vasis seems to be duplicated (or wrongly located). Any hints to solve this issue?. And forest south of the airfield in XP11 default-scenery is missing.See comments
- 91008 – flusifritz 05/21/2022Thanks to darkHorizon for this very nice work!Just uptating some details:changing Tower-frequency, enhancing compatibility to underlying orthos, adding tsome more taxi-routes etc.. There are two issues, I couldn't solve: Papis or Vasis seems to be duplicated or wrongly located. Any hints to solve this issue?. And forest south of the airfield in XP11 default-scenery is missing.See comments
- 63647 – darkHorizon 10/18/2018Corrected taxi network (Size E to Size A). Removed static aircraft. Added parking positions. Additionally added forest exclusions zones to the west for approach (in reality it's taken care of there, forgot it in my last upload, sorry).Approved
- 63645 – darkHorizon 10/18/2018Corrected taxi network (Size E to Size A). Removed static aircraft. Added parking positions. Additionally added forest exclusions zones to the west for approach (in reality it's taken care of there, forgot it in my last upload, sorry).See comments
- 63644 – darkHorizon 10/18/2018Corrected taxi network (Size E to Size A). Removed static aircraft. Added parking positions.See comments
- 13974 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
- 159 – WEDbot 07/31/2014(No comment)Approved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.