Dinslaken- Schwarze Heide
Identifier in X-Plane | EDLD |
Full name | Dinslaken- Schwarze Heide |
Country | Germany |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 51.61600, 6.86200 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
97435 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 97435 – fatroom 08/01/2023Simplified taxi routes / Updated treesApproved Recommended
- 92876 – flusifritz 10/18/2022Thx @ Wunny for this very nice scenery! Just updating aspects like tower frequency (8,3 khz), new carousel hangars, moving trees and refining some details like heading & roughness of textures. Addition of ground traffic and some more taxiroutes. This szenery should fit with both: Xp11 and Xp12. As far I could see no incursions of trees & streets should occur (hopefully ;-)Approved
- 62640 – Wunny 08/25/2018fixed ramp start positions and categoriesApproved
- 62426 – Wunny 08/15/2018Taxiways corrected, refined some buildings and environmentSee comments
- 51945 – pope1701 04/17/2017Corrected Runway numbersApproved
- 43900 – tyoung 06/08/2016Fix for misnamed helipad.Approved
- 14019 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
- 791 – Litjan 09/02/2014Initial uploadApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.