Identifier in X-Plane ENVA
Full nameTrondheim Vaernes
Country Norway
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) 63.45900, 10.91500 open in Google Maps
Elevation (Not specified)
Recommended Scenery Pack 98657 by alessandroplane submitted on September 24, 2023
    (No particular attributes)

    Checkout status

    This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.

    • 98657 – alessandroplane 09/24/2023
      Corrected the taxiway sign A4 as from the runway it was reading B
      Approved Recommended
    • 98053 – PL4 08/26/2023
      Removed the "road patch" but left the road exclusion (see last upload) to have an undisturbed airport apron.
    • 98032 – PL4 08/25/2023
      XSG-14523 Workaround: added a very small exclusion zone and the than missing road segment.
      See comments
    • 98024 – PL4 08/25/2023
      - added parking position numbers for aprons west,north,east. - Mode Jetways working (mimic "T-Bridges" - i.e. only perpendicular movement vs. aircraft axis). This also needs fine adjustments of Ramp Start positions to work. Not perfect since in real world a calibration (i.e. exact tail weel position) for every aircraft type would be required. As a result the cabin moves slightly sidewards on certain aircraft types. Wide bodies (i.e. A330) don't work (exept special example for Gate 30). All jetways tested for available LR-Airliners of size "C" (B737, MD82). Remark: Most (if not all) jetways of nowegian airports are T-Bridges. - added helipad H1 and RampStarts H1-H3 (see Jeppesen OCT-22, 10-9A). - XP12 refinements: Airport boundary (to have all assets inside). Needed a few exlusions. Forest trimmed. Remark2: there is a strange "asphalt" artefakt on apron south I couldn't resolve.
      See comments
    • 71636 – [Deleted] 09/17/2019
      Updated version. Added custom placed approach lighting. There are some issues with automatic generated lighting objects disappearing on the embarkment.
    • 71630 – [Deleted] 09/17/2019
      Based on submission 71557. Attempted to add the requested embankment sea wall.
      See comments
    • 71557 – Julian 09/15/2019
      Terrain polygon at threshold of runway 09 modified. Boundary adjusted accordingly. This scenery needs an embankment sea wall.
    • 71175 – ultralight 09/03/2019
      Corrected papi rwy 09 set 3 deg.
    • 62402 – anthony_d 08/14/2018
      Big Upgrade: Modern design methods employed, Boundary adjusted, airline Codes Added for World Traffic 3, terminal toolkit and jetways employed. General explosion of detail everywhere.
    • 42486 – MichaelKarl 11/26/2015
      Added taxinet
    • 27475 – alge 01/17/2015
      Based on local knowledge and OSM data.
    • 14915 – WEDbot 01/17/2015
      Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.dat

    Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.