Trondheim Vaernes
Identifier in X-Plane | ENVA |
Full name | Trondheim Vaernes |
Country | Norway |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 63.45900, 10.91500 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
98657 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 98657 – alessandroplane 09/24/2023Corrected the taxiway sign A4 as from the runway it was reading BApproved Recommended
- 98053 – PL4 08/26/2023Removed the "road patch" but left the road exclusion (see last upload) to have an undisturbed airport apron.Approved
- 98032 – PL4 08/25/2023XSG-14523 Workaround: added a very small exclusion zone and the than missing road segment.See comments
- 98024 – PL4 08/25/2023- added parking position numbers for aprons west,north,east. - Mode Jetways working (mimic "T-Bridges" - i.e. only perpendicular movement vs. aircraft axis). This also needs fine adjustments of Ramp Start positions to work. Not perfect since in real world a calibration (i.e. exact tail weel position) for every aircraft type would be required. As a result the cabin moves slightly sidewards on certain aircraft types. Wide bodies (i.e. A330) don't work (exept special example for Gate 30). All jetways tested for available LR-Airliners of size "C" (B737, MD82). Remark: Most (if not all) jetways of nowegian airports are T-Bridges. - added helipad H1 and RampStarts H1-H3 (see Jeppesen OCT-22, 10-9A). - XP12 refinements: Airport boundary (to have all assets inside). Needed a few exlusions. Forest trimmed. Remark2: there is a strange "asphalt" artefakt on apron south I couldn't resolve.See comments
- 71636 – [Deleted] 09/17/2019Updated version. Added custom placed approach lighting. There are some issues with automatic generated lighting objects disappearing on the embarkment.Approved
- 71630 – [Deleted] 09/17/2019Based on submission 71557. Attempted to add the requested embankment sea wall.See comments
- 71557 – Julian 09/15/2019Terrain polygon at threshold of runway 09 modified. Boundary adjusted accordingly. This scenery needs an embankment sea wall.Approved
- 71175 – ultralight 09/03/2019Corrected papi rwy 09 set 3 deg.Approved
- 62402 – anthony_d 08/14/2018Big Upgrade: Modern design methods employed, Boundary adjusted, airline Codes Added for World Traffic 3, terminal toolkit and jetways employed. General explosion of detail everywhere.Approved
- 42486 – MichaelKarl 11/26/2015Added taxinetApproved
- 27475 – alge 01/17/2015Based on local knowledge and OSM data.Approved
- 14915 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.