Charleston Yeager
Identifier in X-Plane | KCRW |
Full name | Charleston Yeager |
Country | United States |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 38.37300, -81.59300 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
104230 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 104230 – PL4 10/26/2024Added forest inclusions. Some inconsistent flood light positions at nearby area of apron modified.Approved Recommended
- 104152 – PL4 10/21/2024>>>Runway length adjusted according to Jeppesen KCRW 10-9 of SEP23 and repositioned to get rid of CIFP validation warning. >>>TWY A4 trimmed and taxilines adjusted to match more closely with sat imagery (ESRi) and Taxiroutes adjusted accordingly. >>>Taxiway clutter around main airport and taxiway B cleaned up. >>>TWY incursions to Runway reviewed. Some texture headings adjusted. >>>Ortho decoration at "Hot Pad" (TWY C) and closed parallel taxiway. >>>Some taxiway areas not accesible for aircraft converted to draped. >>>Taxi sign corrected TWY A->A3. >>>Parking pos. A2 Ortho text added.See comments
- 104076 – Julian 10/16/2024Missing road network exclusion added. Forest incursion fixed.Approved
- 103962 – FirePandaScenery 10/08/2024Fixed road exclusions (is there a way of getting all the information needed to correct instead of one at a time?)Approved
- 103908 – FirePandaScenery 10/03/2024Improved Taxiway AccessSee comments
- 103875 – FirePandaScenery 09/30/2024Fixed assets outside boundary Issues (I think)See comments
- 103867 – FirePandaScenery 09/29/2024Simplified the taxi network, updated layout to some time between 2023 and 2024, runway position updated to match current charts, reduced the boundaries to only the plateau. Various other improvements to the airfield.See comments
- 94175 – PL4 02/20/2023- Fixed all errors and warnings validating with WED 2.5.0r3. - extensive changes of taxiways, taxiroutes and gate numbering. Runway length and thresholds changed. Everithing according to Jeppesen (Navigraph) of 28. Oct 2022. - Ground traffic revised. - Jetways fragments replaced by facades versions. New corporate area (flight school) at south east added. - XSG-13720 power line problem solved by object exclusion.See comments
- 93307 – PL4 11/25/2022Fixed all errors and warnings validating with WED 2.5.0b3. Taxiways removed or changed, Taxiways + Gate numbering, Runway length and thresholds changed according to Jeppesen (Navigraph) of 28. Oct 2022. Jetways fragments replaced by facades versions. New corporate area (flight) at south east added. Remarks: there is a known issue XSG-13720 regarding ALSF-1 (pobably connected with the very special topology of the real terrain and construction of these lights)See comments
- 68275 – shizumaat 05/16/2019Addressed service vehicle issue. Rebuilt apron markings, numerous tweaks and enhancements including adding more "clutter" to bring the airport a bit more to life.Approved
- 67572 – shizumaat 04/18/2019Added old disabled taxiway under hash marks, and adjusted passenger bridge to connect with terminal.See comments
- 67356 – [Deleted] 04/08/2019FAA data and CIFP do not agree for runway length. This is a completely new pack to replace my previous work, created and validated with WED 2.0.Approved
- 67347 – shizumaat 04/07/2019Fixed airport boundary, updated ATC wind flows, validated with WED 2.0See comments
- 66515 – [Deleted] 02/28/2019Ficed CIFP errors.See comments
- 66266 – [Deleted] 02/17/2019Corrected Ground Truck parking issue.See comments
- 65959 – [Deleted] 02/05/2019Upgraded to 1.7 standards, corrected several Runway-taxiway join issues.See comments
- 61058 – shizumaat 05/23/2018Removed deprecated objects, switched to a different forest reference that I don't *think* is deprecated, added draped poly runway signs.See comments
- 60656 – shizumaat 05/09/2018Further refinements based on GeoTIFF to get more precise alignment. Improved and more detailed terminal layout, fixed airline gate assignments and sizes to support World Traffic ground routes.See comments
- 60618 – shizumaat 05/07/2018Updated with ATC taxi routes, improved ramp starts, a different tower that more closely matches reality, and accurate forest placement around the airport.See comments
- 60572 – shizumaat 05/04/2018Completely rebuilt from the ground up using satellite imagery, as accurate as I can get it with default objects. Every line, taxiway, apron, building, etc. has been redone.See comments
- 52788 – [Deleted] 06/04/2017Added "Always Flatten" to this unitApproved
- 52509 – [Deleted] 05/19/2017validated with WED 1.6.0b2. Added Ground service routes. Upgraded Aircraft taxi routes to meed WED 1.6 and XP 11 validation.See comments
- 41250 – [Deleted] 08/01/2015Runway 05 is closed down and now is taxiway "C". I made that adjustment. Added ATC Air Flows and Ground Routes. Added lights and edge lines on Taxiways. Added scenery for Terminal Area, and GA and ANG areas.Approved
- 17887 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.