rromanchuk commented in reference to scenery pack 72716 on February 27, 2021 9:40 AM

Just a heads up this isn't validating after a fresh import in 2.3.1R1, mostly from the service/frontage ground vehicle route at the end of 05/23

rromanchuk commented in reference to scenery pack 72716 on May 12, 2022 11:36 PM

@KDTWFlyer can i send you an email? What sources have you been using for a reference, the 2020 NAIP? I did a lot of work on this but currently unmergable because not intended for the gateway and too painful trying to version control two different versions.

alebee commented on March 1, 2023 3:29 AM

KOSH Runway 36 approach lights rendering as high power lines in XP12. It is the ILS approach runway, so currently cannot land following glide slope without running into power lines.

KDTWFlyer commented on March 5, 2023 2:59 AM

@alebee It's a problem I'm aware of affecting a few airports in NE Wisconsin. Someone added powerline features to the OpenStreet Maps database a few years back to represent the approach lights and obviously, it's been ported over for the new scenery recut. I can see if I can throw in an exclusion zone at the end of the runways until I get time to do an XP12 upgrade to the airport.

alebee commented on March 5, 2023 5:44 AM

@KDTWFlyer - Thank you very much, I noticed the power lines and was in a few discussions about it on the XP .org forums. I'm still new to XP, so after some digging have learned more about it... it does appear that someone corrected the OSM upstream data, but I don't know how long that takes to filter back down into XP. As I've been getting into XP, want to help KOSH look good before the annual air show comes up this summer... Thank you for all of your work on KOSH!

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