Raleigh Durham Intl
Identifier in X-Plane | KRDU |
Full name | Raleigh Durham Intl |
Country | United States |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 35.88000, -78.78800 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
97421 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 97421 – Julian 08/01/2023Exclusions simplified.Approved Recommended
- 97389 – qfmusiq 07/30/2023-Adds the missing exclusion zones for RoadNetworksApproved
- 97254 – qfmusiq 07/24/2023-Fixes issues with my previous submission, complete redo of terminal 1 and 2, updates to recent construction phase *west RON apron (did not add parking), changes to may other buldings within KRDU boundry. added road networks. +terrain FX. would love to expand the boundry further to the actual property line as the terrain (especially) near 05R/23L is fields with trees over them when the entire area is wooded/forest.See comments
- 89522 – qfmusiq 02/06/2022Corrects a few issues i forgot or missed, fixes taxiways near Term1 ,near Cargo ramp and corrects some ground markings.See comments
- 86606 – Litjan 09/14/2021Removed ground vehicles from inside facadesApproved
- 86605 – Litjan 09/14/2021Removed ground vehicles from inside facadesSee comments
- 86252 – Litjan 08/30/2021Changed illegal taxiways used for roads to pavement polygons - this also solved the boundary intrusion problem. Changed traffic flows as per bug report to only allow fighters (ANG) to use 14-32.See comments
- 81112 – qfmusiq 11/18/2020(No comment)See comments
- 80732 – qfmusiq 10/25/2020hope to have fixed the distance issueSee comments
- 80002 – qfmusiq 09/15/2020Fixed some issues i missed to Terminal .See comments
- 79962 – qfmusiq 09/13/2020KRDU is an airport i fly in and out of frequently in Sim also my homes base. This is my first attempt at uploading to the gateway, so any advice is appreciated. Many things i have not touched and many things have already changed. We plan to keep updating . Changes: In the process of fixing ATC at the airport. You will no longer be in the Zibo 737 asked to take off from runway 32. Added buildings and trees around the airport, an we plan to add the rest soon. complete redo of terminal 2 until the next update. Updated Terminal 1 to RDU's current changes. which will be more changes in the coming years. Added minor details like more lighting slight road work and tried to let defualt roads show as much as possible. Coming in for a landing at Night KRDU never looked so great! We are still working on the bridge in front of rw05L that should not be there. Updated Taxiways backyard gates Charlies and Delta and all gates are now with their correct assciated airlines. We added corridors where needed to Terminal 1 and 2. and tried something different with the tunnels all around the airport. Again this is the first attempted so expect more changes very soon. We plan to add more buildings, redo the road systems, finish ATC flows, add more lighting, complete overhaul of taxiways aircraft routes and service routes, adding more objects.See comments
- 71430 – Julian 09/11/2019Fixed taxiway/runway joins. Fixed road network duplication and incursions.Approved
- 71131 – snomhf 09/02/2019(No comment)Approved
- 70622 – snomhf 08/16/2019(No comment)See comments
- 70345 – snomhf 08/06/2019Fixed unused taxiway joining 14/32. Enlarged boundary to include building at 23 end of airport.See comments
- 70080 – snomhf 07/27/2019Labeled all the taxi routes so ATC will work properly. Added ATC airport flow, ground routes, and expanded the gates to reflect reality and added many new ramp starts. Adjusted the airline codes for all the gates. Added exclusions and made minor parking line changes.See comments
- 57568 – GusRodrigues 01/03/2018PAPI position fixed for the three rw. Added runway shoulders for runways 05LR/23LRApproved
- 53212 – pk4367 06/30/2017Gates with proper labels, aircraft size, and airlineApproved
- 51625 – laserman 03/14/2017added AI taxi routesApproved
- 19278 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
- 2077 – sstoeckle 01/03/2015(No comment)Approved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.