Identifier in X-Plane | VNJS |
Full name | Jomsom |
Country | Nepal |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 28.78100, 83.72300 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
96187 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 96187 – PL4 05/28/2023- removed road and all assets outside airport boundary (with minor adjustment of boundary). - "non flatted" works. Runway length from ESRi adjusted to ESRi image (which is shorter than the Jeppesen numbers).Approved Recommended
- 94148 – PL4 02/17/2023- essentially complete remake - "Nepal-like" buildings (thanks "Lego"), needs AGL-reference. - Markings as can be seen on google maps. - RWY length/width adjusted to plublished sources: Skyvector and Navigraph. - "non flatted" works. Runway length from ESRi and OSM is shorter and fits better onto mesh (which obiously is not actual).See comments
- 32276 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
- 1743 – Otxabide 11/23/2014Ver 2. Geographical position is wrong on previous version.Approved
- 1737 – Otxabide 11/23/2014(No comment)See comments
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.