Paris Orly
Identifier in X-Plane | LFPO |
Full name | Paris Orly |
Country | France |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 48.73000, 2.36000 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
105994 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is locked by
on March 21, 2025 3:26 PM.
Expiration date: April 20, 2025 3:26 PM.
- 105994 – atag5 03/14/2025Updated RWY 02/20 and modified TWY entrances due to recent runway work, added/replaced a few objects (radar, fire training hull, buses, stairs, winter vehicles), replaced some roads with new road options, reworked taxiway lightings to match AIP, deleted auxiliary frequencies, added dual jetway functionality on gates C06 C08 B01, added LGN LJN LJS LNA LRA names in taxi routes (it is their real names, ignore warnings).Approved Recommended
- 101073 – Julian 03/01/2024Taxi-route warnings fixed. Custom runway markings removed.Approved
- 101008 – atag5 02/27/2024Airport updated and compatible with XP12 now. Draped polygons were placed on purpose by the previous artist on runways 06/24 and 02/20 to match as close as possible their real layout. This is particular to this airport and it would be unfortunate to reject this unique feature for X Plane.Approved
- 92315 – amelingu 09/01/2022Finished C08, added gates around A05, many small modifications in compliance with latest Geoportail imagery (July 2022). The airport now fully matches AIRAC 2208Approved
- 91527 – amelingu 06/29/2022Cleared OSM roads from Airport boundary. Added K39, K43, C01 to C08. Still missing accurate imagery for C08.Approved
- 85229 – amelingu 06/28/2021Accurate location based on Google 2021 imagery. Completely rebuilt RWY 07/25, updated many ramp starts and markings. Cars on grass were intentional, but Litjan convinced me to address this. Next step will be to add the road network and simplify the exclusion zones.Approved
- 81912 – amelingu 01/05/2021Important corrections on ramp starts (previous Misc ramp starts put planes into buildings), adjusted routes thanks to WED 2.3 new functionalities, minor corrections on lines, taxi signs, flickering facade and East flow. Still no new satellite imagery to help finish most recent buildings.Approved
- 81809 – Julian 12/31/2020Re-submit from a non-beta copy of X-Plane.Approved
- 81390 – Julian 12/04/2020Runway 08/26 renamed 07/25See comments
- 77842 – amelingu 05/24/2020A number of minor corrections : on threshold 06, on parking stands (no more line width discontinuity) and on taxilights to match French AIP. Many thanks to JackZ (XPFR) for having performed further tests on the airport.Approved
- 77388 – amelingu 05/11/2020Accurate location using Ortho4XP v1.30 (GO2 02/2020 and Bing). Final version. The apt.dat, now optimised, lost 380kb. Accurate taxi signs thanks to ADP. Blends perfectly with Simheaven X-Europe, which is the best option so far to restore an accurate and lively OSM road network. Optimised for MisterX6 Airport Environment HD.Approved
- 76478 – amelingu 04/13/2020Accurate location using Ortho4XP v1.30 (GO2 02/2020). This upload is intended to replace Aerosoft scenery in X-Plane 11.50. I still have about 30 "remote" buildings to add, plus some areas to refine. I also intend to further optimise performance later on. Work is slow progress, please be patient. At some point, we were working at the same time on this airport with Litjan, but we managed to turn that into some beneficial cooperation. Thank you Litjan! More details about that in the comment section below. Please note : I decided to leave the default road network as it is, so that maximum advantage can be taken from Simheaven X-Europe.Approved
- 75270 – amelingu 02/29/2020Accurate location using Ortho4XP v1.30 (GO2 02/2020). Very likely, this will not be approved on the first try. This is an early release so that I can finish the 3D work while Julian is checking the airport. I still have about 50 buildings to add, including some terminals, and I am not working very fast. Please be patient. This work has been done in cooperation with Litjan, I used some of his 3D work and he gave me a lot of advice. Thank you Litjan! More details about that in the comment section below. I decided to leave the default road network as it is, so that maximum advantage can be taken from Simheaven X-Europe.Approved
- 43042 – Sorcier6 01/27/2016Additions for W35 / W36: new position and hold short with news signs. creat W32 for runway 08/26 and added no entry signsApproved
- 43041 – Sorcier6 01/27/2016Additions for W35 / W36:See comments
- 20414 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.