amelingu commented in reference to scenery pack 43041 on February 8, 2017 3:48 PM

we are working on an update with XPFR. It will take a long time, because a lot of work is in progress on the real airport.

Litjan commented on October 7, 2019 3:08 PM

Hi amelingu,

I see that you started working on LFPO two years ago...but the airport is still checked out by you? Laminar Research wants me to update the airport (like I have done for LFMN), what is the status on your work? Merci, Jan

Sorcier6 commented on October 7, 2019 4:24 PM

Hi, You can update the airport. I stoped work on it a year ago. This airport is under important work since 2 years. A new building has been build. Runway is still close untill December 2019

amelingu commented on December 1, 2019 12:11 AM

Hi Litjan,

Argh!! I had no notification of your comment.. I have been working pretty hard on it since August 2019, which is the date since the satellite images became usable, and I started to claim the airport at that time.

So far, I have done all the 2D layout.

I am still working on the ATC flow and the ground routes for vehicles. Almost all the work with Objects and façades still needs to be done.

What work have you done on your side? I would really like to be the author of this airport, considering the amount of time I have already spent on it... several hundreds of hours...

Litjan commented on December 1, 2019 4:53 AM

Hello amelingu, this is very sad - I have also spent around 50 hours on this airport already :-((!

Also notice that this airport is closed for submissions (see the top of the page), since Laminar Research (I am employed by them) is developing this airport themselves. See the progress on the airport here:

I am sorry, but I have all the 2-D layout done already, working on the buildings now...

I know that you would like to be the author of this airport - but there will be no author, because the Gateway airport will not be the airport shown in X-Plane. It is a "hybrid" airport with custom Aerosoft buildings that can not be developed by regular Gateway artists.

Write to me at "", maybe we can find a way to integrate your work and I can mention you as the co-author in collaboration at the thread in the .org? That way we can share the fame ;-))

amelingu commented on December 1, 2019 8:52 AM

Hello Litjan,

I am so, so devastated, realising we have both spent so much time on it. There are so many things I have postponed just for that...

I also feel very disappointed that no more effort has been made to contact me directly by email. Apparently, leaving a comment here, while leaving blank the field "Scenery Pack ID", would leave me without any notification. Julian probably knows that and he also knows my email, for sure.

I only noticed your comment after I saw Laminar Research banner yesterday, saying LFPO is under Laminar Research development.

I understand that it seems it is taking me ages to publish LFPO. Let me give further details.

LFPO has been a nightmare to model. We started 2 years ago as a team at XPFR, and then realised that major changes to the airport layout were going to be made until 2021. We decided to wait until we could get enough material to be as close as possible to the final real shape.

I previously said August, but it is actually in May 2019 that I realised some new satellite images were available (I work with Google Satellite images in the background, images that I could extract thanks to Ortho4XPv1.30). That is when I started again hard working on my own, beginning from scratch because the model had changed, and it was more pain to adapt the previous work than to rebuild what had been built already: I found a better workflow to place bezier nodes, and the new satellite reference was less distorted than the previous one. And since May 2019, I can not count the number of hours I have spent on it... maybe 400?

Anyway, I really thought that claiming the airport twice here, seamlessly since July or August (I do not remember precisely when), was going to save others the pain. And I realise now that a claim is not such an efficient barrier. Laminar Research definitely took the decision to remove LFPO from the gateway while my claim was on. They deliberately ignored it and this is, I agree, very sad.

Enough complaints.

Thank you for your email address.

I will share my work with you so that we can discuss about what to do later. I would also like to post pictures of my work on the org forum, if you agree. But keeping the best of your work and my work seems to be the best option, even though I fear it will not be that easy to merge both.

Best regards, Guillaume AMELINE

Litjan commented on December 19, 2019 6:08 PM

Hi everyone,

Amelingu (Guillaume) and I are working on this airport together - it will soon be incorporated in an update to X-Plane!

Cheers, Jan

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