Jose Maria Cordova
Identifier in X-Plane | SKRG |
Full name | Jose Maria Cordova |
Country | Colombia |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 6.16500, -75.42500 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
105527 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 105527 – PL4 02/01/2025fixed taxi route issue.Approved Recommended
- 105438 – PL4 01/27/2025- airport: right hand traffic, no flatten. - converted taxiways to draped polygons where no aircraft traffic. - better ESRi imagery alignment of taxilines and taxiroutes. - Parking position triples 12,14: corrected Rampstart with position numbering assignment. Dual moving gateways for RampStart 14. - Taxiroutes N,N3 size C. Taxiroute N2 size F. - Taxiarea A1,A2 rework. - Complete revision of parking positions R1..R5: Positions changed. Named taxiroute S1. added taxiroute S2. Overall 1A,1B, 1..4 parking and gate postions trimmed to match ESRi better. - complete revision of pushback positions according to AIP (Jeppesen 10-9A May 24) - complete revision of cargo apron with RampStarts C1..C9 and new (bigger) building. - Circlic parking area at terminal. - own clean road network around parking - also solves a road artefakt at the apron.See comments
- 98644 – sga0617 09/23/2023Updated with current positions, taxi markings and lights and updated rwy size position.See comments
- 93420 – cherry89 12/20/2022Fix v3Approved
- 93329 – cherry89 11/30/2022FIX V2See comments
- 93189 – cherry89 11/09/2022FIXSee comments
- 93041 – cherry89 10/31/2022Update v1See comments
- 71860 – fsotelo2 09/24/2019Add Spots - Taxi LinesSee comments
- 71849 – fsotelo2 09/24/2019SKRG 3D Complete - News Gates.See comments
- 60984 – bkeith 05/20/2018Changed taxi routes to reflect new gateway rules.Approved
- 60184 – bkeith 04/16/2018Re-uploaded using Wed 1.7R3Approved
- 60182 – bkeith 04/16/2018This corrects the issues noted mainly because the runway numbers had changed. I also went through and rebuilt the airport per charts and Wedbing. Ground signs, taxi routes, gates are all included.See comments
- 28537 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.