Bergen Lufthavn Flesland
Identifier in X-Plane | ENBR |
Full name | Bergen Lufthavn Flesland |
Country | Norway |
Datum Coordinates (lat, lon) | 60.29600, 5.22800 open in Google Maps |
Elevation | (Not specified) |
Recommended Scenery Pack |
102530 by
Attributes |
Checkout status
This airport is unclaimed. You can lock the airport to announce to the world that you’re working on it and prevent duplicate work from being submitted.
- 102530 – SkyChek 06/12/2024Updated. cleaned up excessive nodes, corrected objects and merged aprons, taxiways, and linemarkings. Added vegetation, missing ramps, lines, parkings, roof-elements and parkingramps. Replaced depriciated objects to latest XP12. Trimmed AIP for better performance by removing excessive nodes and better use of bezier curves. Added more Pavement_FX and Terrain_FX for better 3D-immersion. Set taxiwayheadings. edited local roadsystem to better match IRL. Good performanceApproved Recommended
- 102432 – antoniogolfari 05/29/2024I just changed the jetways but ok :) Added road network eclusion zonesApproved
- 102423 – antoniogolfari 05/28/2024I just took latest approved version from LiTjan and modified gates and jetways to avoid jetway incursions when parkedSee comments
- 101460 – Litjan 03/22/2024Removed illegal exclusion zones (NEVER add those for third party content like Global Forest!!) and fixed custom road to be not buried anymore.Approved
- 101266 – hotbso 03/12/2024Added some forest exclusions for compatibility with GlobalForests V2.Approved
- 100398 – hotbso 01/23/2024Adjusted runway marking + lighting according to latest charts. Tweaked jetways of terminal 2 to be less tight to the planes.Approved
- 99034 – PL4 10/16/2023- Remake of "Longtid P6" parking area with bus & taxi exit - tweaking around road (red marked issue XSG-14704). Also decorated with lot of Pavement FX + trees and other details around P6. - Parking area "Lontid P9" populated with cars.Approved
- 98808 – Julian 10/02/2023Injected missing road network exclusion.Approved
- 98755 – PL4 09/29/2023- non aircraft traffic paths parallel to TWY A converted to draped polygons. - "service road" structure marked as taxiway replaced by dark_5m.lin or draped polygons. - ground trafic extended to remote south apron (hopefully to avoid "cross country" trips of vehicles). This upload overrides the last.Approved
- 98746 – PL4 09/28/2023- Minimized exclusions (now only needed for very south parking area and road exclusions). - Field elevation = 166 ft. - Depends from ID 85838 (as last upload should - sorry for the confusion) - this version includes all changes of ID 98664. - Baggage Loaders added.See comments
- 98664 – PL4 09/24/2023- Terrain FX: - Maintainance road at east boundary (i.e. taxi area for ground vehicles). - external "landside" taxiways converted to draped polygons. - revised apron ground painting: some corrections and additions of parking pos. numbers where missing, red safety areas. - changed Gates of Terminal 2 to mimic "T-Bridge stile" (took style used in ENVA). Terminal 2 jetways are solid w/o windows (as in real). - Terminal 3 Gateway 15 & 16 revised topology (closer to real). - Terminal 1-3 corridors, vehicle destination and ground routes for Baggage trains. - Helicopter Terminal tie down & airline. - added pavementFX decoration and other assets throughout "landside" terminal area.See comments
- 95838 – PL4 05/10/2023- exlusion zones almost completely removed - forests trimmed to be completely inside airport boundary (no more assets outside) - forests of lib/g8.. vegetation replaced by lib/vegetationSee comments
- 95431 – PL4 04/23/2023- RampStarts number of airlines reduced to max. of 3. - Jetway tunnels of RampStarts 15-20 adjusted, avoids collisions of retracted jetways and make them movable. - Markings of RampStarts 15-20 adjusted accordingly. Facades of corresponding terminal feed to gate adjusted (RampStarts and tunnels are perpendicular)See comments
- 95043 – PL4 04/06/2023- airport no "Always flatten" - towerbuildings more similar to osm and Google streetview. - dito for tower. - corrected taxiway markings ("remote GA parking"), which were shiftet in a very recent version, to be in the middle of taxiway and aligned with rampstarts.See comments
- 93674 – PL4 01/11/2023- Black line at north, west, partly south and east boundary of OSM assumed to be a fence to secure the airport. Also see sattelite of Google Maps in the north (forest area). Fence facades created (named "Airport boundary fence"). - Airport boundary greately simplified according to the fence. This also means, that the lake "Langavatnet" and surrounding forest/swamp belongs to the Airport area (which RL vis. approaches vids on YT cleary show). More details I need to leave over for artists who have access to the real thing.Approved
- 93524 – PL4 12/31/2022Ground routes clear of ground trucks and destinations. Groundroute alongside Terminal 1. Three baggage trains with destinations in the vininity of each if the three terminals.See comments
- 93499 – PL4 12/28/2022new: south-east longtime parking area. 'Flesland parking' revised and forest trimmed or removed. Sources: Google Streetview (most actual in that area and confirming OSM up to date). Exclusion zone trimming at 'Flesland parking' (south east corner). Tested with XP12.0rc6 and XP11.55.See comments
- 93480 – PL4 12/27/2022Small corrections: Forests adjusted to stay clear of buildings (according to OSM). Some weird road markings around the east parking and main terminal area -which seem to be broken in the past by an accidential shift- corrected to look more plausible. (Remarks: there should be some fences separating public area from airport to make this more plausible)See comments
- 93456 – PL4 12/23/2022Changes based on: Navigraph/Jeppesen 16-Jul-2021, 25-Nov-2022 - Taxiroute D added - slight Adjustment of rwy length, CIFP alignement ok - ATC Frequencies added and naming revised more forests in the vicinity of GA parking - exclusions added/changedSee comments
- 74654 – flyingpauls 02/02/2020Fixed ATC.Approved
- 61452 – flyingpauls 06/17/2018Changed the runway shoulder and the taxiway/runway transition according to the discussion on
- 61427 – flyingpauls 06/16/2018New version of ENBR with terminal 2 and new terminal 3, buildings using the terminal kit, jetways as of XP 11.20, ground signs and some buildings on the airport area.See comments
- 43710 – Flyer123 05/14/2016More details: especially markings, taxi signs, service roads and car parksApproved
- 14848 – WEDbot 01/17/2015Airport upload from X-Plane 10.32's default apt.datApproved
- 964 – royaloak 09/06/2014The new ENBR layout, with nine taxiways connecting the main runway. Plus added start positions on the de-icing pad and the "remote apron south" as per the latest airport infoApproved
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.