X-Plane Airport Scenery Beginning with 8
The Scenery Gateway contains 808 airports whose identifier begins with 8.
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.
- McLean Brothers (80A)
- [S] Long Pond (80B)
- CLARE CO (80D)
- Oscura AAF Aux (80E)
- [H] Northwest Florida Community Hospital (80FL)
- Tri-City (80G)
- Murphys Landing (80GA)
- Boyer Flight Park (80II)
- [H] Darien-Woodridge Fire Dept (80IL)
- Gustins - Private (80IN)
- Earle Airpark (80J)
- David Lowe (80KY)
- [X] [H] LA County Fire Nr 123 (80L)
- Farm Aerial Service Inc (80LL)
- Price Field (80M)
- Sugartree (80MO)
- [H] Springfield Community Hospital (80MU)
- Piney Hollow Airfield (80N)
- Troy Field (80ND)
- R & R Farms (80NE)
- [H] Middletown Township Police (80NJ)
- Sloas (80OH)
- [H] Brentwood Ambulatory Care Center (80OI)
- Flying S Ranch (80OK)
- Wilderness (80OR)
- [H] Pamco Pa (80PA)
- Hanny Beaver Airpark Inc (80PN)
- Ellis (80R)
- Lavina (80S)
- [H] Porta-Kamp 12th Street (80TA)
- M Y Ranch (80TS)
- Resaca Airstrip (80TX)
- Taylor Ranch Landing Area (80U)
- Medicine Bow (80V)
- Holly Springs (80VA)
- Lamberson (80W)
- Spring Creek (80WI)
- Garst (80Y)
- Oxford County Regl (81B)
- Skydive San Joaquin Valley (81CA)
- Custom Aire Service (81D)
- [H] Flying H (81FD)
- Coxs Hammock (81FL)
- Airbatco Field (81G)
- Lucky Lairds Landing (81GA)
- Illinois Valley Parachute Club (81IL)
- Weston Farm (81IN)
- [H] Sheriffs Wayside (81L)
- [H] Mobil Cameron (81LA)
- Otterbach Farm (81LL)
- Ewen Landing Field (81MN)
- [H] Bates County Hospital (81MO)
- [H] St Johns Regional Health Center (81MU)
- Millers Airstrip (81ND)
- Bunger Field (81NE)
- [H] Halls No 1 (81NJ)
- Diamond A Ranch (81NM)
- Elbel (81OH)
- [H] Brown (81OI)
- Wagontire (81OR)
- [H] Armstrong County Hospital (81PN)
- San Saba Co Muni (81R)
- [H] Masterson (81TA)
- Dibrell (81TS)
- La Leona (81TX)
- Flat Top Airstrip (81U)
- Keyhole (81V)
- Ferguson (81VA)
- [S] Fishermans Bay LPS (81W)
- [H] Jobe Skis Plant 1 (81WA)
- Gunner Field (81WI)
- Potter (81X)
- [H] Post Oak Central (81XS)
- Aarons Field (81Y)
- Mauston New Lisbon Union (82C)
- [H] Sce Moorpark Substation (82CA)
- [H] Mountain Bell (82CO)
- Weiker (82D)
- Skeen Ranch (82E)
- [H] Castle (82F)
- [H] ATC (82FD)
- BR Ranch (82FL)
- Paces South Farms (82GA)
- Janssen (82IL)
- Hunter (82IN)
- Ferguson (82J)
- Woodledge Farm (82KY)
- [H] Sce Pardee Substation Helistop (82L)
- Fishers Field (82LA)
- Cheechako (82LL)
- Arneman Field (82MN)
- [H] Cameron Community Hospital (82MO)
- [H] Ktts (82MU)
- Jaeger Farm Strip (82ND)
- [H] Graphic Scanning Corporation (82NJ)
- Rocky Ridge Airpark (82OH)
- [X] J-Em Farm (82OI)
- [H] W D Robinson (82OK)
- Lost Creek (82OR)
- Frame Field (82PA)
- Tarry Bank (82T)
- [H] Gellhorn Pad (82TA)
- Lazy G Bar Ranch (82TS)
- [H] St Joseph Hospital (82TX)
- [H] Mercy (82U)
- Pine Bluffs Muni (82V)
- Root Field (82VA)
- Marsteller (82W)
- Triple S Ranch (82WI)
- Griffins Peace River Ranch (82X)
- Mountain Airpark (83A)
- [S] Presque Isle (83B)
- [H] The Met (83CA)
- [H] Snake River Health Services Inc (83CO)
- Mackinac Co (83D)
- King Ranch (83E)
- [S] East Lake (83FD)
- Nassau (83FL)
- Loars Field Inc (83G)
- Brock Airpark (83GA)
- Kesler Field (83I)
- Oltman-Shuck (83IL)
- Goodenough (83IN)
- Coastal (83J)
- Rock Spring (83KY)
- [H] Southeast Superior Court (83L)
- Ledet Airfield (83LA)
- Lindauer (83LL)
- [H] North Kansas City Hospital (83MO)
- Dalbom (83MU)
- Mountain Top (83N)
- Abbott (83NE)
- [H] Mac Millan Restricted Helistop (83NJ)
- [H] Norcross Helipad (83NY)
- Adams Strip (83OH)
- [H] M P W (83OI)
- Tamarack Springs Ranch (83OR)
- [H] MMC (83PA)
- [H] Wpxi (83PN)
- [S] Port of Poulsbo Marina Moorage (83Q)
- Glen Beicker Ranch (83R)
- Rainbow Field (83TA)
- Upton Muni (83V)
- [H] Medical (83VA)
- Shoestring Aviation Airfield (83W)
- Darcys Air Strip (83WA)
- Jones (83WI)
- [H] HCA Florida Mercy Hospital (83X)
- [H] Ball Park (83XS)
- Saint Martin de Castillon (8421)
- Orange Plan de Dieu (8422)
- Mathis (84A)
- Valhalla (84C)
- [H] Beverly Center (84CA)
- Cheyenne Eagle Butte (84D)
- Nalda Ranch (84E)
- Cotton Field (84F)
- [H] Capeletti (84FL)
- [H] Cobo Hall (84G)
- [H] Screven Ems (84GA)
- Rossis Farm (84IL)
- [H] Kosciusko Community Hospital (84IN)
- Greene County Parachute Center (84KY)
- [H] Norwalk Sheriff Station (84L)
- Touchstone Ridge (84LA)
- Nielsville (84MN)
- [H] Holiday Inn Westport (84MO)
- Kyllo (84ND)
- [H] Edison Square (84NJ)
- Skyview (84NY)
- Hanshell Flying Apple (84OH)
- [H] Grant Lifeflight 2 (84OI)
- Collier Farms (84OK)
- B Bar Ranch (84OR)
- [H] GED Heliport (84PA)
- Draco (84PN)
- Smithville Crawford Muni (84R)
- [H] Allied Northborough (84TA)
- W4 Ranch (84TE)
- [H] Tourist Ride Services (84TS)
- Camp Longhorn (84TX)
- Thrush Ranch (84V)
- [H] CIA Headquarters (84VA)
- D and B Airpark (84WA)
- [H] Lutheran Hosp - La Crosse (84WI)
- [H] Florida Power & Light Co (84X)
- [H] You Asked For It-You Got It (84XS)
- Bloomfield Muni (84Y)
- Beauvoir-Fromentine (8561)
- Pinewood (85A)
- [S] Shin Pond (85B)
- Flying B (85C)
- [H] Sce Perris District (85CA)
- [H] Anderson (85CO)
- [H] Playas Medical Bldg (85E)
- Huscher Field (85F)
- [H] Florida Hospital Kissimmee (85FD)
- Thomas Farms (85FL)
- Aiken Field (85GA)
- [H] Welborn Memorial Baptist Hospital (85I)
- Durbin (85IL)
- Leak (85IN)
- Deer Run Airpark (85KY)
- [H] Tri-City Hospital (85L)
- [H] Transco Kaplan (85LA)
- Wormley (85LL)
- Christison (85MN)
- Willhite (85MO)
- Hollands International Field (85N)
- Knudson (85ND)
- Meyers Freedom Flight Hardy (85NE)
- [H] Webcraft (85NJ)
- High Acres (85NY)
- Tounshendeaux (85OH)
- [H] Childrens Hospital (85OI)
- [H] Red Stevenson Property (85OK)
- Allens Airstrip (85OR)
- Krumenacker (85PA)
- Kiski (85PN)
- Action Aero (85TA)
- [H] Aerospatiale Helicopter Corp (85TS)
- Rutherford Ranch (85TX)
- Soldier Bar USFS (85U)
- Ganado (85V)
- [X] [S] Lands End (85VA)
- Scott Seed Farm (85WA)
- [H] Northwoods Hospital (85WI)
- [H] Wsvn Television Channel 7 (85X)
- [H] Marine Consultants Inc (85XS)
- Phillips (85Y)
- Larson Studio (86C)
- [H] Valley Medical Center (86CA)
- Ernst Field (86CL)
- Far View (86D)
- Carnegie Muni (86F)
- [H] Sheraton Lakeside Inn (86FD)
- [H] Lake Shore Hospital (86FL)
- Lada (86G)
- Flying G Ranch (86GA)
- [H] Deaconess Hospital (86I)
- Davison Rla (86IL)
- [H] Washington County Hospital (86IN)
- Hornback (86KY)
- Spring (86LA)
- Goacher (86M)
- [H] Minn D O T (86MN)
- [H] Bothwell Regional Health Center (86MO)
- Orum Aerodrome (86NE)
- [H] Hercules Inc (86NJ)
- Westfield (86OH)
- [H] Belcan (86OI)
- [H] Craig (86OK)
- [H] Amber Glen Business Center Hp (86OR)
- Seesholtz (86PN)
- Fowler (86T)
- Slaughter Ranch (86TA)
- Flying J (86TX)
- [H] Newport News General Hospital (86VA)
- Mack Lamar (86W)
- Kapowsin Airfield (86WA)
- Bakers Field (86WI)
- Burrs Strip (86X)
- [S] Portage Lake Muni (87B)
- Swanson Ranch Nr 1 (87CA)
- [H] Parkway Regional Medical Center (87FL)
- [H] Portageville Community (87G)
- [H] Tanner Medical Center Villa Rica (87GA)
- Yazoo County (87I)
- Bushby Rla (87IL)
- Mays Strip (87IN)
- Rutten Dusting Strip (87J)
- El Dorado Springs Mem (87K)
- [H] Midwest Communication (87KY)
- [H] Lafayette Hilton (87LA)
- Erickson (87MN)
- [H] Southampton (87N)
- Lowe Strip (87ND)
- Knox Landing (87NE)
- [H] Shore Memorial Hospital (87NJ)
- Mundron Field (87OH)
- Lake Air Ranch (87OI)
- [H] Wagoner Community Hospital (87OK)
- Moondance Ranch (87OR)
- Waltman (87PA)
- Cielo Grande Ranch (87TA)
- [H] Star Houston (87TS)
- Porter Ranch (87TX)
- Reed Ranch (87U)
- Cottonwood Farm (87VA)
- [X] Easter Field (87W)
- [H] Kennewick General Hospital (87WA)
- Quale (87WI)
- [H] Southeast Bank Operns Center (87X)
- Palmyra Muni (88C)
- [H] Sce San Onofre (88CA)
- Tranquila (88CO)
- Hinde (88D)
- Pace Field (88F)
- [H] Sailfish Point (88FL)
- Gradolph Fld (88G)
- Beaver Creek (88GA)
- [H] Richards (88IL)
- Gardner (88IN)
- [H] Saint Joseph Hospital (88KY)
- Freebird Field (88LA)
- Block (88LL)
- Eureka (88M)
- Howell Valley (88MO)
- Goodman Strip (88ND)
- Ensor Field (88NE)
- [H] Garden State Park (88NJ)
- Black Rock City - Burning Man (88NV)
- Zelazny (88NY)
- Chippewa Field (88OH)
- [H] Akron City Hospital (88OI)
- Tallman (88OR)
- Mc Coy (88PA)
- [H] Wild Blue Yonder Farm (88PN)
- Spicewood (88R)
- Figure 2 Ranch (88TA)
- [H] Mc Quaid (88TS)
- Sears (88TX)
- Pluhar (88U)
- Belmont Farm (88VA)
- [H] Personal 500 Sales Co. (88WA)
- Nicolet (88WI)
- Ranch At Double Gates (88XS)
- Perkins Memorial Airpark (88Y)
- Swanson Ranch Nr 2 (89CA)
- Kelleys Island Land Fld (89D)
- [S] Lake Hamilton (89FD)
- Hiview (89G)
- Hilltop (89GA)
- Kester Fly Inn (89I)
- [H] Umc Trauma Center (89IL)
- Lloyd (89IN)
- Farris Strip (89K)
- [H] Clark Regional Medical Center (89KY)
- [H] Kelly (89L)
- [H] Acadiana One Office Bldg (89LA)
- Norman (89LL)
- Beskar (89MN)
- Bishops Landing (89MO)
- Maxson Airfield (89N)
- Poleschook (89ND)
- Strawberry Fields (89NJ)
- Sheldon Airstrip (89NY)
- Granatir (89OH)
- Circle C (89OI)
- Neversweat Too (89OK)
- Mucky Flat (89OR)
- Soaring Club of Houston (89TA)
- Lajitas Intl (89TE)
- Carter Ranch (89TS)
- Aero-Bee Ranch Airstrip (89TX)
- Hidden River (89VA)
- Smith (89W)
- Williams Airpatch (89WA)
- Tuschen (89WI)
- [H] Miami Police (89X)
- [H] Joe Rye (89XS)
- Maidens (89Y)
- Guntersville-Joe Starnes Fld (8A1)
- Livingston Muni (8A3)
- Gorden E Bellah International (8A5)
- Wilgrove Air Park (8A6)
- Twin Lakes (8A7)
- O Neal Field (8A8)
- South Fulton (8A9)
- Diamond Nn Cannery (8AK0)
- Cartys Airstrip (8AK2)
- [S] Scout Lake (8AK4)
- Little Susitna (8AK6)
- Tok 2 (8AK9)
- Stephen A Bean Muni (8B0)
- Hawthorne Feather Airpark (8B1)
- Twin Mountain (8B2)
- Farnsworths Air Strip (8B4)
- Tanner-Hiller (8B5)
- [X] Lakes Region (8B8)
- Prairie City-Krohn (8C0)
- Sully Municipal (8C2)
- Tama (8C3)
- Mathews Memorial (8C4)
- Toledo Municipal (8C5)
- Traer Municipal (8C6)
- Flyers (8C8)
- Murphy Field - Private (8C9)
- Osborne - Private (8CA0)
- [H] Merle Norman Cosmetics - Sylmar (8CA1)
- [H] Auburn CDF (8CA2)
- [H] High Hill Ranch (8CA3)
- [H] Sce Eastern Division (8CA4)
- Pines Airpark (8CA5)
- [H] Yucca Valley Service Center (8CA6)
- [H] Platform Henry (8CA7)
- Wallom Field (8CA8)
- [H] Kgtv-10 Parking Lot (8CA9)
- Nichols Farms (8CL0)
- Lake Wohlford Resort (8CL1)
- Kent (8CO0)
- William Leon Schawo (8CO2)
- Widner (8CO5)
- [H] Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Cente (8CO6)
- Colorado Antique Field (8CO7)
- Koenig (8CO8)
- Mole (8D0)
- New Holstein Muni (8D1)
- Sisseton Muni (8D3)
- Sparta (8D4)
- Mc Intosh Municipal (8D6)
- Clark County (8D7)
- Lake Andes Muni (8D8)
- Howard Muni (8D9)
- Petes Airpark (8F1)
- J-Bar Ranch (8F2)
- Crosbyton Muni (8F3)
- Foard Co (8F4)
- Greater Morris County (8F5)
- Murdo Muni (8F6)
- Mc Keon Aviation (8F8)
- Buckner (8FD1)
- The Flying Horseman (8FD2)
- Blackwater Airfield (8FD3)
- [H] Wuesthoff Hospital Emergency (8FD4)
- Lykes Brighton (8FD5)
- [H] Naval Hospital Orlando (8FD6)
- [H] Lucerne Medical Center (8FD7)
- Birdland (8FD8)
- [H] Colony (8FD9)
- Hutson Airfield (8FL0)
- Mc Donalds Field (8FL1)
- Norton (8FL2)
- Back Achers (8FL3)
- [H] Snow (8FL4)
- [H] Le Lac (8FL5)
- George T Mc Cutchan (8FL6)
- [H] Capra Farms (8FL7)
- [H] Jacksonville Police (8FL8)
- Southwest Citrus (8FL9)
- Willard (8G1)
- Corry Lawrence (8G2)
- Giermek Executive (8G3)
- Harrison Co (8G6)
- Koons (8G8)
- Jims - Private (8GA0)
- Gum Creek (8GA1)
- [H] Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical C (8GA2)
- Clardy Strip (8GA3)
- [H] Augusta Regional Medical Center (8GA4)
- [H] Marion Hospital (8GA5)
- S & S Landing Strip (8GA6)
- Etowah Bend (8GA7)
- Falcons Aerie (8GA8)
- Brook Bridge Aerodrome (8GA9)
- Giles Griswold (8H0)
- Dowacter (8H1)
- Seigfried Halfpap (8H2)
- Blickhan Lndg Area (8H3)
- Voges Airstrip (8H4)
- Our Lady Immaculata (8H5)
- Stanton (8H9)
- Robinson (8I1)
- Shades State Park (8I2)
- Glenndale (8I3)
- Double J (8I8)
- [H] Muscatine General (8IA0)
- [H] Hegg Memorial Healthcare Center (8IA1)
- Port Paradise Farms (8IA2)
- Allen and Gloss (8II0)
- Careferre Acres (8II1)
- Norris Field (8II2)
- Thrust Industries (8II3)
- [H] Helton (8II4)
- Holt Field (8II5)
- [H] Allsion Plant 5 (8II6)
- [H] Allison Plant 8 (8II7)
- [H] Allison Plant 3 (8II8)
- [H] Summe Farm (8II9)
- Adkins Rla (8IL0)
- Twin Gardens (8IL1)
- Kirkpatrick (8IL2)
- [H] Harvard Hospital (8IL4)
- [H] Number 2 Mine (8IL5)
- Norris Farms (8IL6)
- [S] Dutch Creek (8IL7)
- [H] South Suburban Hospital (8IL8)
- [S] Little Sister (8IL9)
- [H] St Josephs Hospital (8IS0)
- Nelson (8IS1)
- [H] Centralia Correctional Center (8IS2)
- [H] Dept of Corrections (8IS3)
- [H] Hillsboro Hospital (8IS4)
- Dewey (8IS7)
- [H] Anderson Hospital (8IS9)
- Styron (8J0)
- Ames Field (8J2)
- Tomlinson Fld (8J7)
- [H] Wiregrass Hospital (8J9)
- Bucklin (8K0)
- Harper Muni (8K2)
- Yates Center (8K5)
- Cawker City (8K6)
- Paul Windle Municipal (8K7)
- Cimarron Muni (8K8)
- [S] Murphys Pullout (8K9)
- Morgan Farms (8KS0)
- Neu Field (8KS1)
- King Ranch (8KS2)
- Davis Airfield (8KS3)
- [H] Wesley Medical Center (8KS6)
- Pine Sod Ranch (8KS7)
- [H] Costa Mesa Police Dept (8L2)
- [H] Transco Schriever (8LA0)
- [H] Chevron Usa Inc. (8LA1)
- [H] Louisiana State Police Headquarters (8LA2)
- [H] Shell Central Facilities E Bay Block 2 (8LA3)
- [H] Conoco Inc. Venice (8LA4)
- [H] Chevron Southpass Tank Battery W-2 (8LA5)
- [H] DGS (8LA6)
- [H] Southern Natural Gas Company (8LA7)
- [H] Galvez-Lake Vfd (8LA8)
- Koll (8LA9)
- Hunter (8LL1)
- Eckberg (8LL2)
- Wyoming (8LL3)
- Kazuma (8LL8)
- Hargrove (8M0)
- Booneville-Baldwyn (8M1)
- Sally Wofford (8M2)
- Barnesville Muni (8M3)
- East Cape Girardeau (8M4)
- Tradewater (8M7)
- Trowbridge Farms (8MI0)
- [H] B & G (8MI1)
- [H] Acme (8MI2)
- [H] Consumers Power Company (8MI5)
- [H] Muskegon General Hospital (8MI6)
- Bass Lake (8MI7)
- Cupp SJVS Landing Strip (8MI8)
- Winters Field (8MI9)
- [S] Lake Zumbro (8MN0)
- Stewart Farms (8MN1)
- Richter Ranch (8MN2)
- Sethney Personal (8MN4)
- Vieira (8MN5)
- Le Nores (8MN6)
- Porter (8MN8)
- Mavencamp (8MN9)
- [H] Barnes St Peters Hospital (8MO0)
- Emerson (8MO1)
- [H] Liberty Hospital (8MO2)
- Curtis Field (8MO3)
- Joan Lake (8MO4)
- Cayton Pony Express (8MO5)
- [H] Pike County Memorial Hospital (8MO6)
- Bean Lake (8MO7)
- Frazier (8MO8)
- [H] St Johns Mercy Medical Center (8MO9)
- [H] Rockingham County (8N0)
- Grimes (8N1)
- Shangri La (8N3)
- Flying Dollar (8N4)
- Dieters (8N5)
- Carbondale-Clifford (8N6)
- [X] Mc Ginness (8N7)
- Danville (8N8)
- Tappen Airstrip (8NA0)
- [S] Deep River (8NA1)
- Slaubaugh Airstrip (8NA2)
- Haugen Airstrip (8NA3)
- Logging Camp Plateau Airstrip (8NA4)
- Liechty Farm (8NA5)
- Hardy Private Airstrip (8NA6)
- [H] Camp Grafton (8NA7)
- Miller Private Airstrip (8NA8)
- Hashbarger Farm Airstrip (8NA9)
- [H] Vidant Bertie Hospital (8NC0)
- Dean Wings Past (8NC1)
- Big Oaks (8NC2)
- Bill Johnsons (8NC3)
- Dead Dog (8NC4)
- Adams (8NC5)
- Brooks Field (8NC6)
- Whitewood Forest (8NC7)
- Lake Ridge Aero Park (8NC8)
- Amble (8ND0)
- Johnson - Private (8ND1)
- Bergquist (8ND3)
- Heyde (8ND4)
- Ausk Strip (8ND5)
- J Vining (8ND6)
- Hoggarth Farm (8ND8)
- Haugen (8ND9)
- Cullan (8NE1)
- P & R (8NE2)
- Smith Field (8NE3)
- Bornemeier Airstrip (8NE4)
- X1 Ranch (8NE5)
- Franklins Plainview (8NE6)
- Smith (8NE7)
- Winchelsea (8NJ0)
- [H] Merck Readington Township (8NJ1)
- [H] Carnegie Center (8NJ2)
- [H] Lembo (8NJ3)
- [H] South Jersey Hospital System (8NJ4)
- [H] Kennedy Stadium (8NJ5)
- [H] Lamington House (8NJ6)
- [H] Kraemer (8NJ8)
- [H] Ronson 287 (8NJ9)
- [H] Sullivan Correctional Facility (8NY0)
- [H] James Carl Memorial (8NY1)
- [H] Mountain Fresh Farm (8NY2)
- North Fork (8NY3)
- Sackett Farms Airstrip (8NY4)
- Sunhillow (8NY5)
- [H] South Buffalo Mercy Hospital Heliport (8NY6)
- Sha-Wan-Ga Valley (8NY7)
- Para-Tech (8NY8)
- [H] Ashtabula Co Med Ctr (8OH0)
- [H] Dunlap Memorial Hospital (8OH1)
- [H] Honda (8OH2)
- J and B Sky Ranch (8OH3)
- York Aerodrome (8OH4)
- Urban (8OH5)
- [H] Odot Dist 4 Summit Co (8OH6)
- Morris Field (8OH7)
- Allen (8OH8)
- [H] University Hospital Sicu (8OH9)
- Brannon Field (8OI0)
- Allen (8OI3)
- [H] Trinity Medical Center W (8OI4)
- Clum (8OI5)
- [H] St Vincent Charity Hospital (8OI6)
- [H] Mount Sinai Medical Center (8OI7)
- [H] Meridia Huron Hospital (8OI8)
- Morkassel Field (8OI9)
- Lamle (8OK0)
- Warbonnet (8OK1)
- [H] Cleveland Area Hospital (8OK3)
- [H] Grove General Hospital (8OK5)
- Barry Dotson Ranch (8OK6)
- Cc & M (8OK7)
- [H] Baptist Regional Health Center (8OK8)
- [H] Nu-Tech Energy Co (8OK9)
- [H] Danielson (8OR0)
- [H] Lebanon Hospital (8OR1)
- Kingston Airpark (8OR2)
- Riverview Ranch (8OR3)
- [H] Southern Oregon General Hospital (8OR4)
- Pilot Butte (8OR5)
- Grabhorns (8OR6)
- Joyner (8OR7)
- [H] Light Valley Tree Farm (8OR8)
- [H] Pacific Communities Hospital (8OR9)
- Numidia (8PA0)
- Dee Jay (8PA1)
- [H] Ronca (8PA2)
- Huf (8PA3)
- J F T (8PA4)
- [H] Echo 8 Communications Facility (8PA5)
- Haney (8PA6)
- Sunny Rest (8PA8)
- [H] Sons Ii (8PA9)
- [X] Lost Acres (8PN0)
- [H] Worcester (8PN2)
- [H] Helfrick (8PN5)
- Roth Private Air Strip (8PN7)
- [H] Rorer Group (8PN8)
- Marsh Creek (8PN9)
- Middlebury (8PS0)
- [H] Bethlehem Steel Plant (8PS1)
- Still Meadow Farm (8PS2)
- [H] Empire (8PS3)
- [H] HMC Hangar (8PS5)
- [H] Geisinger Medical Center (8PS7)
- [H] Air Products (8PS8)
- [H] Commonwealth Health (8PS9)
- Travis LRRS Aero Club (8Q0)
- JB (8Q1)
- Fort Bragg (8Q3)
- Flying B Ranch (8Q6)
- Arnold Ranch (8Q9)
- Polson (8S1)
- Cashmere-Dryden (8S2)
- Santiam Junction State (8S3)
- Enterprise Muni (8S4)
- Fairways (8S8)
- Ayres (8S9)
- Wall Flying Service (8T1)
- Gillingham (8T2)
- Lopez Ranch (8T3)
- [H] Mt Vernon Medical Center (8T5)
- Carter Ranch (8T7)
- San Geronimo Airpark (8T8)
- John B Connally Ranch (8TA0)
- Whatley Flying Service (8TA1)
- [H] Department of Public Safety (8TA2)
- Flying X River Ranch (8TA3)
- Laseair (8TA4)
- Short Stop (8TA5)
- [H] Hyco Heliport Nr 3 (8TA6)
- Stark Field (8TA7)
- Bufords Field (8TA8)
- Star Dusters (8TA9)
- [H] Le Bonheur Medical Center (8TN0)
- Hamilton Ranch (8TS0)
- Retta (8TS1)
- Henrietta (8TS2)
- Bruner (8TS3)
- [H] Memorial City General Hospital (8TS4)
- Stol Field (8TS5)
- Moore (8TS6)
- Wyatt 3-Rivers (8TS7)
- Strait Ranch (8TS9)
- Hub Field (8TX0)
- [H] Medical Emergency Gbc (8TX1)
- Freeman Ranch (8TX2)
- Edwards (8TX3)
- [H] Sartor (8TX4)
- [H] Texaco Chemical Company-East (8TX5)
- Harper (8TX6)
- Skyhaven (8TX7)
- Weeks (8TX8)
- Basslake (8TX9)
- Ryegate (8U0)
- Sand Springs Strip (8U1)
- Spotted Bear USFS (8U4)
- Sunburst (8U5)
- TERRY (8U6)
- Townsend (8U8)
- Canyon Ferry (8U9)
- Rocky Mountain (8V0)
- Astronaut Kent Rominger (8V1)
- Stuart-Atkinson Muni (8V2)
- Parkston Muni (8V3)
- Dove Creek (8V6)
- Springfield Muni (8V7)
- [X] Otter Creek Ranch (8V8)
- [H] VCU Health System-I Lot (8VA0)
- Grand Pre Farm (8VA1)
- [X] Shivok (8VA2)
- [H] Fauquier Hospital (8VA3)
- Lotus Intl (8VA4)
- [H] UVA Hospital (8VA5)
- Flatwoods (8VA6)
- [H] Carilion Rockbridge Hosp (8VA7)
- [H] Mary Immaculate Hospital (8VA8)
- [H] St Marys Hospital (8VA9)
- John Antonneau Memorial (8W1)
- New Market (8W2)
- Mansfield (8W3)
- Onley (8W4)
- [X] Hartwood (8W8)
- R & K Skyranch (8W9)
- Flying B (8WA0)
- [H] Boeing Renton Ramp Site Nr 2 (8WA2)
- [H] Valley Medical Center (8WA3)
- [X] Dewald (8WA4)
- Tree Heart Ranch (8WA5)
- Christensen Field (8WA6)
- Gossard Field (8WA7)
- [H] Broadcast House Helistop (8WA9)
- Washington Co (8WC)
- Dillenburgs (8WI1)
- Runway Leasing Inc Nr 1 (8WI2)
- Rwnway Leasing Inc Nr 2 (8WI3)
- [X] St Marys Hospital Ozaukee (8WI4)
- Thompson Strawberry Farm (8WI5)
- Funk Aerodrome (8WI6)
- Dunbar (8WI7)
- Stupek Farms (8WI8)
- [H] River Falls Area Hospital (8WI9)
- [S] Lake Gibson (8X0)
- [H] Florida Federal Office Building Helist (8X1)
- [H] Littles (8X2)
- Lake Persimmon Airstrip (8X5)
- Vinces (8X7)
- [H] Lake Wales (8X9)
- Harold Freeman Farm (8XS1)
- Rachal (8XS2)
- Pegasus Place Airstrip (8XS3)
- [H] Patco (8XS4)
- [H] H B Zachry (8XS7)
- Reese Airpark (8XS8)
- Rust Field (8XS9)
- Buffalo Municipal (8Y2)
- Oakleaf (8Y3)
- Clarissa Muni (8Y5)
- Leaders Clear Lake (8Y6)