X-Plane Airport Scenery Beginning with 9
The Scenery Gateway contains 787 airports whose identifier begins with 9.
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.
- Ozaukee (90C)
- Fowlers (90CA)
- [H] Tri-County (90CO)
- Pine City Municipal (90D)
- Griffin Blue Head Ranch (90FD)
- Paxton (90FL)
- [H] Georgia Public Safety Training Center (90GA)
- Pruss (90I)
- Johnson (90IL)
- Green Field (90IN)
- Williams (90KY)
- [H] Northrop Palos Verdes (90L)
- [H] Superdome (90LA)
- Robertson (90M)
- Schmidt - Private (90MN)
- [H] George Bud Church Memorial Hospital (90MO)
- Circuit Rider (90ND)
- Twin Ponds (90NY)
- [H] Woodsfield (90OH)
- Joe Cimprich (90OI)
- Stewart Farms (90OK)
- [H] Lake District Hospital (90OR)
- Adams (90PA)
- Baneys (90PN)
- [H] Faulkner Point (90TA)
- Wilderness Point (90TS)
- Callaghan Ranch (90TX)
- Lukachukai (90V)
- Waldronaire (90WA)
- Heritage Acres (90WI)
- [H] Kelly Tractor Co (90X)
- [H] Houston Oil & Minerals (90XS)
- Leonard Municipal (90Y)
- Roland Norton Memorial Airstrip (91A)
- Sauk-Prairie (91C)
- [H] Devers Substation (91CA)
- Sacatar Meadows (91CL)
- [H] Summit Medical Center (91CO)
- El Paso Natural Gas Co (91E)
- Carlton landing field (91F)
- [H] Freedom Wpec Inc (91FD)
- [S] Lake Conway North (91FL)
- Dbaks (91GA)
- [H] Fort Benjamin Harrison Helipad (91I)
- [H] Pekin Memorial Hospital (91IL)
- Strietelmeier Flying Field (91IN)
- Camp Kulaqua (91J)
- [H] Big G (91KY)
- Koch (91LA)
- [H] Downen (91LL)
- Morrilton (91M)
- [H] Boone Hospital Center (91MO)
- Turtle Lake Muni (91N)
- [H] Newport Helistop (91NJ)
- Manitou Field (91NY)
- Stine Fld (91OH)
- Cross (91OI)
- Stewart (91OK)
- [H] Oregon Health Sciences University No 2 (91OR)
- [H] Schuylkill Medical Center (91PN)
- Laird Ranch (91U)
- Miller (91VA)
- Mayers (91W)
- Christensen Bros Wahluke Strip (91WA)
- Gottschalk Field (91WI)
- [H] Southwest Police Sub Station (91X)
- [H] HHI (91XS)
- Chilhowee (92A)
- [H] Mat-Su Regional Medical Center (92AK)
- Carter (92C)
- Westlake Farms (92CA)
- Lake Creek Soaringport (92CO)
- Harlan Airfield (92D)
- Chattanooga Sky Harbor (92F)
- [H] Nierenberg Estate (92FD)
- Carlstrom Field (92FL)
- Midlakes (92G)
- [H] Stone Mountain Park (92GA)
- Hunter Raffety Elevators Inc (92IL)
- Timmons Field (92KY)
- [H] Terrebonne General Medical Center (92LA)
- Brutlag Farms (92MN)
- [H] Steel Pier Taj Mahal (92N)
- Dietz (92ND)
- Flying D Farm (92NJ)
- Bloecher Farm (92NY)
- [H] Good Samaritan Hospital (92OI)
- Flying W Ranch (92OK)
- [H] Pynn (92OR)
- Hawkins Field (92PA)
- [H] Vac (92R)
- Chaney San Francisco Ranch (92T)
- Drennan Farm (92TA)
- [H] Metroplex Hospital (92TS)
- [H] TGP 409 (92TX)
- Nine Quarter Circle Ranch (92U)
- New Quarter Farm (92VA)
- [H] Conner (92WA)
- Knight Aire (92WI)
- T R Funk Inc (92XS)
- [H] Kaupulehu (92Z)
- Stonington Muni (93B)
- Richland (93C)
- [H] Fountain Valley Regional Hospital (93CA)
- Carrera Airpark (93CO)
- [H] St Johns College Helispot (93E)
- Mignon Laird Muni (93F)
- Chumuckla 20-20 (93FD)
- Pine Lakes Farm (93FL)
- [H] Emanuel County Hospital (93GA)
- Foltz Farm (93IN)
- Wileys Air Strip (93K)
- Baggett Farms (93KY)
- [H] Abrom Kaplan Memorial Hospital (93LA)
- Hemmingsen (93LL)
- Ohlendorf (93M)
- Kathys Patch (93MO)
- [H] Ingersoll-Rand Company (93NJ)
- [H] Millers Grove (93OH)
- [H] Stouffers Dublin (93OI)
- [H] St Elizabeth Hospital (93OR)
- Maple Cave Park (93PA)
- Gulf Coast (93R)
- Mayhew Ranch Nr 1 (93T)
- [H] Mac Kay (93TA)
- Longbird (93TS)
- Putz Aero Inc (93TX)
- Owen Bros (93U)
- Pinon (93V)
- Timberdoodle (93VA)
- Robinson (93W)
- Harris (93WA)
- Lafayette County Heliport (93WI)
- Joseph Ross Scherdin (93XS)
- David City Muni (93Y)
- Cowgill Field (94C)
- [H] Kaiser Hospital (94CA)
- [H] Ponderosa (94CO)
- [S] Wells (94D)
- Whiskey Creek (94E)
- [H] Santa Rosa Medical Center (94FD)
- Snow Hill Airstrip (94GA)
- Clark (94I)
- Lutz (94IL)
- [H] Whites (94IN)
- Cassville Muni (94K)
- Woosley (94KY)
- [H] Prevost Memorial Hospital (94LA)
- Quinn Field (94M)
- Ag Spray Inc (94MN)
- Rays Roost (94MO)
- Michael Zurcher Farm Strip (94ND)
- [H] Pio Costa Sand & Gravel (94NJ)
- St Bernard Field (94NY)
- [H] St Ritas Medical Center (94OH)
- [H] Blades Landing (94OI)
- [H] Muskogee Regional Medical Center (94OK)
- Farm Yard Field (94OR)
- [H] Mountain Springs (94PA)
- [H] Wellspan York Hospital (94PN)
- Lackey Aviation (94R)
- Reece Field (94TA)
- [H] Mc David Honda (94TS)
- River Bend Ranch (94TX)
- N Bar Ranch (94U)
- Rock Point (94V)
- [X] Highview Farms (94VA)
- Windy Ridge (94W)
- Wishkah River Ranch (94WA)
- [H] Koller (94WI)
- Heritage Ranch (94XS)
- Nome City Field (94Z)
- [H] UT Medical Center (95A)
- Walters Agri-Center (95C)
- Bonel (95CA)
- Combs Ranch (95CO)
- Beulah (95D)
- Stallion AAF (95E)
- Cleveland Muni (95F)
- South Point (95FD)
- [H] Pinellas County Mosquito Control (95FL)
- Archer Field (95G)
- Mcintosh Field (95GA)
- Henderson (95IL)
- Stewart Field (95IN)
- [H] Mosquito Control (95J)
- Crawford (95KY)
- [H] Troop E (95LA)
- Warren (95LL)
- Schlemmer (95MO)
- [H] Middle Sedge Island (95NJ)
- Fisher (95NY)
- Tong Farm (95OH)
- [H] C C A (95OI)
- Flournoy Valley (95OR)
- [H] Snyder Ranch (95PA)
- [H] North Penn Hospital (95PN)
- Thunder Creek (95TA)
- [H] Montana Deaconess Medical Center (95U)
- Rocky Ridge (95V)
- Buck Hollar (95VA)
- Mann (95W)
- Black Diamond (95WA)
- Mueller Farm-Vintage Aero (95WI)
- Bil Lo (95Y)
- Bradley Sky-Ranch (95Z)
- Carey (96A)
- Fox River (96C)
- [H] Warner Center Plaza One (96CA)
- Citrus Hedging Ranch (96FD)
- Wings Field (96FL)
- Cowley Field (96G)
- 3MS (96GA)
- Canarys (96I)
- Kramer (96IL)
- [H] Medical Center (96IN)
- [H] Memorial Medical Center of Jacksonvill (96J)
- Woosley Field (96KY)
- [H] Troop A (96LA)
- Wichman (96LL)
- [S] Moberg Air Base (96M)
- Air-Ag (96MN)
- [H] Riverlands Area (96MO)
- Halvorsons (96ND)
- [H] Rancocas Hospital (96NJ)
- [H] Ohio Department of Transportation Dist (96OH)
- [H] Kettering Hospital (96OI)
- Cable Creek Ranch (96OR)
- Franklin Center (96PA)
- [H] Reading Hosp & Medical Center (96PN)
- Yorktown (96R)
- [H] Roy H Laird Memorial Hospital (96TA)
- Nuttall (96TS)
- Brown Field (96TX)
- [X] Sands Ranch (96U)
- [X] Shonto (96V)
- [H] White Ox (96VA)
- [X] Echols (96W)
- [S] Vette Blust (96WI)
- Cedar Creek Ranch (96WY)
- [H] Houston Oil & Minerals Smith Point (96XS)
- C A M P (96Y)
- [S] North Whale (96Z)
- Timberline (97C)
- Tejon Ag (97CA)
- Peakview (97CO)
- Crazy Horse Muni (97F)
- [H] Peabody (97FD)
- Love Field (97FL)
- Glowacki (97G)
- B Tree Farms (97GA)
- [H] Solar (97IN)
- [H] University Hospital (97J)
- Garys (97MO)
- Cabin Creek Landing (97MT)
- Walser Strip (97ND)
- Mullica Landing (97NJ)
- Hunter Mountain (97NY)
- [H] Jackson (97OH)
- [H] Salem Community Hospital (97OI)
- [H] Presbyterian Hospital (97OK)
- Hi Country No 2 (97OR)
- Willows (97PA)
- Gold Mine Field (97PN)
- [H] Hickory Hollow (97TA)
- GDAP Air Ranch (97TS)
- San Pedro Ranch (97TX)
- Singleton (97VA)
- [X] Sager Field (97W)
- Basin City Airfield (97WA)
- North Fork (97WI)
- Circle H Farms Ltd (97XS)
- Genoa Muni (97Y)
- Nugget Bench (97Z)
- [H] Everest & Jennings Helistop Nr 1 (98CA)
- [H] NCMC Heliport (98CO)
- Onida Muni (98D)
- [X] S & S Ranch (98E)
- Copland (98F)
- [S] Lake Jessup (98FD)
- [S] Sand Lake (98FL)
- Sebewaing Township (98G)
- Circle T (98GA)
- B & V Flying Ranch (98IN)
- [H] TGP (98KY)
- [H] Pomona Police Dept (98L)
- [H] Troop L (98LA)
- Braden Farms (98LL)
- Bell Ann Plantation (98M)
- Woodliff Airpark (98MO)
- Sobolik (98ND)
- [H] Creamer (98NJ)
- Krenzers (98NY)
- Paines (98OH)
- [H] Adams County Hospital (98OI)
- Mach O Acres (98OR)
- [H] LVH Cedar Crest (98PN)
- [H] Campbell Memorial Hospital (98TA)
- Trap Travelstead Field (98TS)
- [H] CIG 402 (98TX)
- Sorenson (98U)
- Glascock (98VA)
- Scott Farm Strip (98W)
- Cow Pasture (98XS)
- Munsterman (98Y)
- [H] San Pedro Peninsula Hospital (99CA)
- El Mirage Adelanto (99CL)
- [X] Eureka Ranch (99E)
- El Reno (99F)
- [H] Heli-Tech Inc (99FD)
- Madison County (99FL)
- Carls (99G)
- [H] Curtis Parkway North (99GA)
- Covey-Simpson (99IL)
- Bee-Acre Farm Strip (99IN)
- Gravity Zero (99KY)
- [H] Pomona Superior Court (99L)
- Lawson Field (99LA)
- [H] St Marys Hospital (99MN)
- [H] Atlantic County Helistop (99NJ)
- Hibbards (99NY)
- [H] Mercy Memorial Hospital (99OH)
- [H] Fostoria Community Hospital (99OI)
- [H] Darr Equipment (99OK)
- Lazy F Ranch (99OR)
- Chandler (99R)
- [H] Peacock Willow Creek (99TA)
- Lords Landing (99TN)
- [H] David Granberry Memorial Hospital (99TS)
- Briggs Ranch (99TX)
- [H] Boise Cascade (99U)
- Crawford (99V)
- Bull Farm (99W)
- Foscoro (99WI)
- Xingu Airstrip (99WY)
- Sam Little International (99XS)
- Greeley Muni (99Y)
- [S] Finger Lake (99Z)
- Lumpkin County-Wimpys (9A0)
- Covington Muni (9A1)
- Powell (9A2)
- Lawrence Co (9A4)
- Barwick Lafayette (9A5)
- Chester Catawba Rgl (9A6)
- South Expressway (9A7)
- Ugashik (9A8)
- Shiflet Field (9A9)
- Sports Mans Paradise (9AK0)
- Nikolai Creek (9AK3)
- Arctic Angel (9AK4)
- Marlboro (9B1)
- [H] North Country Hospital (9B2)
- Shelburne (9B3)
- Salmon River Airfield (9B8)
- [S] Peninsula Point Pullout (9C0)
- [X] Davids (9C2)
- Bridgman Community Air Park (9C4)
- North Kent Airpark (9C6)
- W Gladstone (9C9)
- Psk Ranch (9CA0)
- [H] Barstow Service Center (9CA1)
- [H] Pioneers Meml Hospital (9CA2)
- [H] Recreation and Conference (9CA3)
- [H] Hi-Desert Memorial Hospital (9CA4)
- [H] California Mart (9CA5)
- North Valley (9CA6)
- Harris River Ranch (9CA7)
- Clark Ranch Airpark (9CA8)
- [H] Santa Fe International Corp (9CA9)
- Christensen Ranch (9CL2)
- Hart Mine (9CL4)
- [H] Police Headquarters (9CO0)
- [H] Deer Creek Building (9CO1)
- Cochran Landing (9CO2)
- Scherler Private Airstrip (9CO5)
- Highmore Muni (9D0)
- Gregory Muni - Flynn Fld (9D1)
- Harding County (9D2)
- Deck (9D4)
- Gwin (9D5)
- Cando Muni (9D7)
- Dublin Muni (9F0)
- Valley Mills Muni (9F1)
- Thorp (9F3)
- [H] Tcjc-South Campus (9F5)
- [H] Health Department (9F7)
- Hoven Muni (9F8)
- Sycamore Strip (9F9)
- [S] Sage Seadrome (9FD0)
- [H] Sacred Heart Hospital (9FD1)
- Blackwater Creek (9FD2)
- [H] Highlands Regional Medical Center (9FD3)
- [H] Port Canaveral North (9FD4)
- Thompsons Goinbroke Aero Ranch (9FD5)
- [H] Academy (9FD6)
- L H Ranch (9FD7)
- [H] Wesh-Tv Channel 2 (9FD8)
- Buddys Ag Service (9FD9)
- Suwannee Belle (9FL0)
- Sanders Ranch (9FL1)
- [H] Rozier Machinery Company (9FL2)
- Crakes (9FL3)
- [H] Pasco County Mosquito (9FL4)
- Shady Bend (9FL5)
- Alico (9FL6)
- Oasis Ranger Station (9FL7)
- Finlayson Farm (9FL8)
- [H] Suwannee Hospital Emergency (9FL9)
- Buffalo Airfield (9G0)
- West Penn Pittsburgh Northeast (9G1)
- Prices (9G2)
- Akron - Jesson Fld (9G3)
- Taylor Johnson (9G4)
- Royalton (9G5)
- Pine Hill (9G6)
- Ebensburg (9G8)
- Brown Field (9GA0)
- Lost Creek Farms (9GA2)
- Hayes (9GA3)
- [H] Trico (9GA4)
- Lowell Field (9GA5)
- [H] Fitzgerald Jr Womans Hospital (9GA7)
- Taft (9H0)
- Adams - Private (9H2)
- Randolph M Wells (9H4)
- St Rose (9H5)
- [H] St Johns Hospital (9H6)
- [H] IL Dept of Trans (9H7)
- Willhoit (9H8)
- [H] Peabody-Will Scarlet (9H9)
- Havana Rgnl (9I0)
- Morganfield (9I1)
- Goode Airpark (9I2)
- West Liberty (9I3)
- Sky Hills (9I4)
- Industry Air Park (9I6)
- Valley Vista (9I7)
- Barnett Airpark (9I8)
- Hide-a-Way Hills Resort (9I9)
- Shaffer (9II0)
- Short Stop (9II1)
- Nelund Field (9II2)
- Dillon (9II3)
- Cruzan Field (9II4)
- [H] Rush Meml Hospital (9II5)
- [H] Williams (9II6)
- [H] Dekalb Memorial Hospital (9II7)
- Thornton (9II9)
- Villiger Rla (9IL0)
- Routh (9IL2)
- Wm Quinton Rla (9IL3)
- Hamlow Rla (9IL4)
- [H] City of Highland Park (9IL5)
- Weishaupt (9IL6)
- Cole (9IL7)
- Ballek Landing Area (9IL8)
- Kreilings (9IL9)
- Cedar Ridge (9IS0)
- Hughes Rla (9IS1)
- [H] St James Hospital and Health Centers (9IS4)
- J & Y (9IS5)
- [H] Evanston Water Plant (9IS6)
- [H] Black Hawk (9IS7)
- [H] Gibson Community Hospital (9IS8)
- Lytleville Orchard (9IS9)
- Wallace Field (9J0)
- Larue Field (9J1)
- Santa Fe River Ranch (9J2)
- Peach Orchard (9J3)
- [H] Travel Lodge (9J6)
- Chase County (9K0)
- Wilroads Gardens (9K1)
- Thielen (9K3)
- Slater Memorial (9K5)
- Patty Field (9K6)
- Ellsworth Muni (9K7)
- Kingman - Clyde Cessna Fld (9K8)
- Prichard Airstrip (9K9)
- [H] Coffeyville Rgnl Med Ctr (9KS0)
- [H] Kake Helistop (9KS3)
- Rose Port (9KS4)
- Rush Field (9KS5)
- Lundgren Hereford Ranch (9KS6)
- Graham Farms Auxiliary (9KS7)
- [H] Allen County Hospital (9KS8)
- Paintsville (9KY9)
- Edwards AF Aux North Base (9L2)
- [H] Scripps Hospital East County (9L3)
- Douthitt Strip (9L4)
- [H] Platform Holly (9L5)
- [H] Imperial Bldg Helistop (9L6)
- [H] Hughes Space & Comm (9L7)
- [H] Pacific Bell-2300 Imperial Hwy (9L9)
- [H] Air Logistics - Belle Chasse (9LA0)
- Turkey Creek Lake (9LA1)
- [H] Air Logistics - Fourchon (9LA3)
- [H] Texaco (9LA4)
- [H] Huey P Long Regional Medical Center (9LA5)
- [H] Air Logistics (9LA7)
- [H] American Cyanamid Company Helistop (9LA8)
- Skyline Airpark (9LA9)
- Buffalo Park (9LL1)
- Hepp (9LL2)
- John R Reed (9LL3)
- Robert A. Ashworth (9LL4)
- [S] North Country (9M0)
- Bayou Meadows (9M1)
- Newellton (9M2)
- Ackerman Choctaw Co (9M4)
- Red Beard Dusting Service (9M5)
- Kelly-Dumas (9M6)
- Sheridan Muni (9M8)
- 4B Ranch (9M9)
- [H] Wayne West (9MA8)
- [H] Boardwalk (9MA9)
- [H] C M H S (9MI0)
- [H] Custer Main (9MI1)
- Pear Grove (9MI2)
- [H] Amway Downtown (9MI3)
- Trollmans Field (9MI6)
- [H] Glen Oaks (9MI7)
- [H] Jott (9MI8)
- [H] Bronson Methodist Hospital (9MI9)
- [S] Fountain Lake (9MN3)
- Janssen (9MN5)
- [S] Whiskey Lake (9MN8)
- Tofte (9MN9)
- [H] Anheuser-Busch Inc (9MO0)
- [H] Missouri Baptist Hospital (9MO1)
- [H] Fitzgibbon Hospital (9MO2)
- Lawlor-Justus (9MO3)
- Worth (9MO4)
- Hindman (9MO5)
- Ivy Bend (9MO6)
- [H] Urbana Area Medical (9MO7)
- [H] Owensville Ambulance District (9MO8)
- Eagle Lodge (9MO9)
- Vansant (9N1)
- [S] Philadelphia (9N2)
- Seamans Field (9N3)
- Neno (9N5)
- Slack (9N6)
- Farmers Pride (9N7)
- Cargill (9N8)
- Weckerly - Private (9NA1)
- [H] Dakota Clinic (9NA2)
- Bodmer (9NA4)
- Raleigh East (9NC0)
- Flyers Airpark (9NC2)
- Collins (9NC5)
- Sandy Run Acres (9NC6)
- [H] N.C. Baptist Hospitals Inc. (9NC7)
- Eagles Landing (9NC8)
- Meylor Field (9NC9)
- Bauer Strip (9ND0)
- Elliott Farms (9ND1)
- Redmond Brothers Airstrip (9ND3)
- Larson Airstrip (9ND6)
- Hinkle (9ND8)
- El-Co (9NE1)
- Folkerts (9NE2)
- Davis Ranch (9NE3)
- Johnston Field (9NE4)
- Bates Airpark (9NE6)
- [X] Bay Field (9NE7)
- Brosius Field (9NE8)
- Dog Leg (9NE9)
- [H] Lags Landing (9NJ0)
- [H] Bound Brook Nr 1 (9NJ1)
- [H] Bound Brook Nr 2 (9NJ2)
- [H] AT&T Helistop (9NJ3)
- [H] Robert Wood Johnson Hospital (9NJ4)
- Stallone (9NJ5)
- Halka Nurseries (9NJ6)
- [H] Rca Sommerville (9NJ7)
- High Meadow Farms (9NJ8)
- [H] Ash Personal (9NJ9)
- [H] UHS Wilson Medical Center (9NY1)
- [H] Westfield Memorial Hospital (9NY2)
- [H] Susquehanna (9NY3)
- [H] Norman Kurrass Contractor (9NY5)
- Mason Airway (9NY6)
- Hart (9NY7)
- [H] Thomson Industries Inc (9NY8)
- [H] Poughkeepsie Main Plant (9NY9)
- Fox Run (9OH0)
- Haar (9OH1)
- Toussaint Airpark (9OH2)
- [H] C.C.A. (9OH3)
- Richards (9OH4)
- [H] Miami Valley (9OH5)
- [X] Weaver (9OH6)
- Lutz (9OH7)
- Ferrell (9OH8)
- Forest Field (9OH9)
- Sackett Field (9OI0)
- [H] Dices Personal (9OI1)
- Johns Landing (9OI3)
- [H] Quail Lakes (9OI4)
- Nesta (9OI6)
- Bayes (9OI7)
- Brothers Aviation (9OI8)
- [H] Riverside Methodist Hospital (9OI9)
- [H] Governors Mansion (9OK0)
- [H] OMH (9OK1)
- [H] Pawnee Municipal Hospital (9OK2)
- Flying Eagle Estates (9OK3)
- [H] Vo-Tech (9OK4)
- Diamond C Ranch (9OK5)
- [H] Community Hospital Lakeview (9OK6)
- Cimarron Strip (9OK7)
- [H] Central Park Helistop (9OK8)
- Strang Airpark (9OK9)
- Lafferty Field (9OR0)
- Shaniko Ranch (9OR1)
- [H] Reforestation Services (9OR2)
- [H] Merle West Medical Center (9OR3)
- Kings (9OR4)
- [H] Portland Adventist Medical Center (9OR5)
- [H] Oregon Health Sciences University Emer (9OR6)
- Hines (9OR7)
- Wooldridge Agstrip (9OR8)
- [H] Wallace (9OR9)
- Lance (9PA0)
- [H] Skepton Construction (9PA1)
- Old Plains (9PA2)
- Meadow Strip (9PA3)
- [H] S & C 8th & Market Helistop (9PA4)
- Solt Field (9PA5)
- [H] State Police Area Six (9PA6)
- Keystone (9PA7)
- [H] Thomas Jefferson Hospital (9PA8)
- [H] Lankenau Hospital (9PA9)
- Seitz Field (9PN1)
- [H] Penske (9PN4)
- [H] Franklin (9PN5)
- [H] Baratta (9PN6)
- Veit (9PN7)
- Malinchak Private. (9PN8)
- [H] Perin (9PN9)
- [H] Zokaites (9PS0)
- [H] Eagle Lodge-Lafayette Hill (9PS1)
- J T Willie (9PS2)
- [H] Doylestown Hospital (9PS3)
- [H] Pheasant Run (9PS4)
- [H] PG&E Service Center (9Q0)
- Flying R (9Q2)
- Vetters Sky Ranch (9Q3)
- Dubey (9Q5)
- [H] Shaws Hill (9Q6)
- [H] Grass Valley Service Center (9Q8)
- Farnsworth Ranch Airstrip (9Q9)
- Tanners (9R4)
- Hunt (9R5)
- Rocky Creek Ranch (9R6)
- [H] Camp Bullis (9R7)
- Decker Ranch (9S0)
- SCOBEY (9S2)
- Lakeside State (9S3)
- Winifred (9S7)
- Lexington (9S9)
- Weelborg (9SD9)
- [H] M-I Drilling Fluids Company (9T1)
- Kalt Ranch (9T5)
- [H] University of Texas Medical Branch Hos (9T7)
- [H] Shell Pelican Island (9T8)
- [H] Dresser Industries Magcobar (9T9)
- Stardust (9TA0)
- Hilltop Ranch (9TA1)
- Rogers (9TA3)
- [H] Placid (9TA4)
- [H] Charlton-Careflite (9TA5)
- [H] Buccaneer Shore Facility (9TA6)
- [H] Utmb - Main (9TA7)
- Taylor Ranch (9TA8)
- [H] Delta Mechanical Inc (9TA9)
- [H] Diamond E Ranch (9TS0)
- [H] One O Connor Plaza-Tower (9TS1)
- [H] CIG 816 (9TS2)
- Bella Vista Ranch (9TS3)
- [H] Ladue Ranch (9TS4)
- [H] Wilford Hall Medical Center (9TS5)
- Goodlett Field (9TS6)
- [H] Dallas Rehabilitation Institute (9TS8)
- [H] Toyota of Dallas Inc (9TS9)
- [H] Houston Police Command Station (9TX0)
- Bar S Ranch (9TX1)
- Brooks Place (9TX2)
- Horan (9TX3)
- [H] Fort Worth Center (9TX4)
- Beggs Ranch (9TX6)
- Hitex - Private (9TX7)
- [H] Infomart (9TX8)
- Canon Ranch (9TX9)
- Turner (9U0)
- Wilsall (9U1)
- AUSTIN (9U3)
- Hudson (9U5)
- Currant Ranch (9U7)
- Springview Muni (9V1)
- [X] Trenton Muni (9V2)
- [X] Harrison Skyranch (9V3)
- Cole Memorial (9V4)
- Modisett (9V5)
- Martin Muni (9V6)
- Eads Muni (9V7)
- [H] Swedish Medical Center (9V8)
- Chamberlain Muni (9V9)
- Bath Alum (9VA0)
- Holly Point (9VA1)
- [H] Alexandria Hospital (9VA2)
- [X] Crippen Creek Farm (9VA3)
- Franwood Farms Inc. (9VA4)
- [H] Roanoke Memorial Hospital (9VA5)
- [H] Louise Obici Memorial Hospital (9VA6)
- [H] Fire Station No. 14 (9VA7)
- [H] Innsbrook Pavilion (9VA8)
- [H] Southampton Memorial Hospital (9VA9)
- Campbell Field (9VG)
- Warrenton Air Park (9W0)
- Umphlett Airstrip (9W1)
- Page (9W2)
- Simpson (9W3)
- Rainelle (9W4)
- [H] Dorchester Hospital (9W6)
- Baublitz Commercial (9W8)
- Clio Crop Care (9W9)
- River Bend (9WA3)
- Cedars North Airpark (9WA4)
- [H] Puget Sound Plaza (9WA6)
- Hillcrest (9WA7)
- [H] Mason General Hospital (9WA8)
- [H] Naval Submarine Base Bangor (9WA9)
- [H] All-State Equipment Co. (9WI0)
- Black Otter (9WI1)
- Flying Dollar Ranch (9WI2)
- Buchholz Farm (9WI3)
- Faken (9WI4)
- Tamarack (9WI5)
- Kitty Hawk Estates (9WI6)
- Nest of Eagles (9WI7)
- Fletcher (9WI8)
- Carlson (9WI9)
- Voyager Village Airstrip (9WN2)
- [H] JFK Medical Center (9X0)
- North Houston (9X1)
- Flying Baron Estates (9X2)
- Lee Farms (9X5)
- [S] Flying Bonefish (9X6)
- [H] Baptist Hospital (9X8)
- [H] Nicklaus Childrens Hosp. (9X9)
- Dobbs Ranch (9XS0)
- Macy Ranch (9XS3)
- Kitten Farm - Private (9XS5)
- Sudan (9XS6)
- Sack-O-Grande Acroport (9XS9)
- Bowstring (9Y0)
- Dunn County - Weydahl Fld (9Y1)
- East Gull Lake (9Y2)
- [S] Sky Harbor (9Y5)
- [S] Waldref (9Y6)
- Bergemann (9Y8)
- Mille Lacs Lake (9Y9)
- [S] Kodiak Lily Lake (9Z3)
- [S] Inner Harbor (9Z4)
- Kvichak Diamond J (9Z7)
- Levelock (9Z8)
- Lawing (9Z9)