X-Plane Airport Scenery Beginning with 4
The Scenery Gateway contains 919 airports whose identifier begins with 4.
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.
- Watervliet Municipal (40C)
- [H] City of Industry Civic Fin (40CA)
- Three Lakes Muni (40D)
- Flying Tigers (40F)
- Fred Babcock (40FL)
- Valle (40G)
- [H] Smyrna Hospital (40GA)
- Red Steward Airfield (40I)
- Keener Field (40II)
- Cherry Hill (40IN)
- [H] Childrens Memorial Hospital (40IS)
- Perry Foley (40J)
- Muddy Creek (40K)
- Shelby (40KY)
- [H] Naval Hospital Long Beach (40L)
- Woodsland Plantation (40LA)
- Stoune Rla (40LL)
- Turkey Mtn (40M)
- Turner Field (40MN)
- Louises Strip (40MO)
- [H] Gorder Farm (40ND)
- Landgren Ranch (40NE)
- [H] Osterman (40NJ)
- [H] Entenmanns (40NY)
- Bucks (40OH)
- M.C.R. (40OI)
- [H] St Anthonys Hospital (40OR)
- [H] Specialty Records (40PA)
- [X] Walnut Grove (40PN)
- Sybert Farm (40R)
- [H] Veterans Affairs Medical Center (40T)
- Miles Field (40TA)
- Square K (40TS)
- [H] TGP 25 (40TX)
- Manila (40U)
- [H] Martinsville Henry County Memorial Hos (40VA)
- [H] Signal Peak Lookout (40WA)
- Schubert Airstrip (40WI)
- Rybolt Ranch (40X)
- Breakaway Park (40XS)
- REEVES (41A)
- Winters Strip (41AK)
- Calkins Field (41C)
- Silver Creek Ranch (41CA)
- Margos Sky Ranch (41D)
- Floydada Muni (41F)
- [H] Buchanan (41FD)
- [H] Southern Machine & Steel Yard (41FL)
- University Airpark (41G)
- [H] Clayton (41GA)
- Larsh Flightpark (41II)
- Alcock Rla (41IL)
- Rees Field (41IS)
- Threshing Bee (41K)
- [H] Jewish Hospital (41KY)
- Berry (41LA)
- [H] Midstream Fuel Service (41M)
- Shannon Field (41MN)
- Textor (41MO)
- Braceville (41N)
- Evensons (41ND)
- Vandersnick (41NE)
- [H] Meadowlands Hospital Medical Center (41NJ)
- Sleepy Hollow (41OH)
- [H] Mansfield General Hospital (41OI)
- [H] 5 Alive (41OK)
- [H] Mc Will Hospital (41OR)
- Deitch (41PA)
- [H] Decarbo Ambulance Service (41PN)
- Moskowite (41Q)
- Rogue-Air (41S)
- [H] Texas Commerce Bank Building (41T)
- Circle P Ranch (41TA)
- Flying T Ranch (41TS)
- Henington (41TX)
- Manti Ephraim (41U)
- [H] Stafford Hospital Center (41VA)
- Viking (41W)
- Paddock Field (41WI)
- Sainte Croix du Verdon (429)
- Melbourne Muni - John E Miller (42A)
- Wicker (42AK)
- Goodspeed (42B)
- White Cloud (42C)
- [H] John F Kennedy Memorial Hospital (42CA)
- [H] Ptarmigan (42CO)
- Shenandoah Airpark (42D)
- Palmer Field (42F)
- [S] Plantation Key (42FL)
- [H] Matthews (42GA)
- Parr (42I)
- Norms Airpark (42II)
- Owings (42IL)
- [H] Mikelsons (42IN)
- [H] Rochelle Emergency Landing (42IS)
- Keystone Airpark (42J)
- Smith Fld (42K)
- Hetsel Ranch (42KS)
- Pirates Cove (42KY)
- [H] Naa Long Beach Port Helistop (42L)
- [H] Lakewood Hospital (42LA)
- Thayer Mem (42M)
- Krals Personal Use Landing Field (42MN)
- Aire Parque (42MO)
- Double Jj Resort Ranch (42N)
- [H] Elmer Community Hospital (42NJ)
- Dunn Field (42OH)
- [H] Stoney Creek Farm (42OI)
- [H] KWTV (42OK)
- Shotgun Ranch Airstrip (42OR)
- Bear Crik Airstrip (42PA)
- [H] Allegheny General Hospital (42PN)
- Milhous Ranch (42Q)
- [H] Vamc (42R)
- POPLAR (42S)
- [H] Rental Tools (42TA)
- [H] 42TS Papa (42TS)
- Magee (42TX)
- Morgan County (42U)
- JONES (42V)
- Virginia Beach (42VA)
- Sheffels Ranch (42WA)
- [H] Rusk County Memorial (42WI)
- [H] Martin Marietta (42X)
- Triple S (42XS)
- Kalmbach (43AK)
- Deblois Flight Strip (43B)
- Dick Taylor Airstrip (43CA)
- Dick Dale Skyranch (43CL)
- Kostroski (43CO)
- Odessa Municipal (43D)
- Moreton (43E)
- [S] Coles (43FD)
- FlyN R Ranch (43FL)
- Larsen Air Park (43G)
- [H] Henry Medical Center Inc (43GA)
- [H] Kirk (43II)
- Pleasure Valley Landing Area (43IL)
- Hepler (43IN)
- [H] Igoe (43IS)
- Marion Muni (43K)
- Smith (43KS)
- [H] Wlky-Tv Studios (43KY)
- [H] Van Nuys County Court (43L)
- Slays (43LA)
- Oxford (43M)
- Riordan (43MO)
- Stanton (43N)
- Bahnson Gliderport (43NC)
- Onion Crest Airpark (43NE)
- [H] Parlin East (43NJ)
- Windswept (43OI)
- Biggs Skypatch (43OK)
- Kolb (43PA)
- [H] E L Gruber (43PN)
- Mount Comfort Airpark (43Q)
- [H] Police Headquarters (43T)
- Diamond Seven Ranch (43TA)
- Fraser Farm (43TS)
- Mid-Valley Dusters Inc (43TX)
- Mount Pleasant (43U)
- [H] State Police Division Six (43VA)
- Caveness Field (43W)
- [H] Wilson (43WA)
- Rohdes (43WI)
- Northome Muni (43Y)
- Rolle Airfield (44A)
- West Papoose Lake Airpark (44AK)
- Sandhill Ranch (44AZ)
- Charles A Chase Jr Mem (44B)
- Beloit (44C)
- [X] W R Byron (44CA)
- Redlands (44CO)
- Forepaugh (44E)
- Powderly (44F)
- Epcot Center (44FD)
- [H] Martin Memorial Hospital (44FL)
- Betz (44G)
- S&S Flying Service (44GA)
- The Wolf Den (44II)
- Rush (44IN)
- Potter (44IS)
- Vankirk (44KS)
- Duff (44KY)
- [H] Wilshire Area (44L)
- B T & K H Ranch (44LA)
- [H] Carlinville Area Hospital (44LL)
- Tenkiller Lake Airpark (44M)
- Butchs Strip (44MO)
- Sky Acres (44N)
- Fredericks Ranch (44ND)
- [S] Highlands (44NJ)
- Tomcat (44NY)
- [H] SJS (44OH)
- [H] Perry Nuclear Power Plant (44OI)
- Sky High (44OK)
- Compton (44OR)
- Pennfield Farm (44PA)
- [H] Oakland AHP (44Q)
- Shirley Williams (44R)
- Sheridan (44S)
- [H] Aero Crafter Inc (44TA)
- Mc David Ranch (44TS)
- White Oak (44TX)
- Salina Gunnison (44U)
- Big Hill (44VA)
- Hill Road (44WI)
- Underwood (44WY)
- [H] Prudential (44XS)
- Cherokee (45AK)
- Berlin Field (45C)
- [H] Ag-Air Inc (45CO)
- [S] Martys Tranquility Base (45D)
- Deussen Field (45F)
- [H] Baptist Medical Center - Beaches (45FD)
- [H] Helicopter Leasing & Services Inc (45FL)
- Brighton (45G)
- [H] Hyatt Regency Hotel (45GA)
- Cummings Field (45II)
- [H] Lake Forest Hospital (45IL)
- Aerobatic Practice (45IN)
- [H] Bolingbrook Medical Center (45IS)
- Minneapolis City Co (45K)
- Liebau Ranch (45KS)
- [H] Clinton County Hospital (45KY)
- [H] Parker Center (45L)
- [H] Air Logistics - Venice N (45LA)
- Stilwell (45M)
- Kaml Airstrip (45MN)
- Waldmeister Farm (45MO)
- [H] Ravens Nest (45NJ)
- [H] Waterfront Floating Helistop (45NY)
- North Bass Island (45OH)
- Plane Country (45OI)
- Belleview Landing (45OK)
- Benham (45OR)
- [H] Sandhill (45Q)
- Hawthorne Fld (45R)
- Silver Lake F S Strip (45S)
- Stowers Ranch (45T)
- [H] SPL (45TA)
- [H] Bullhead (45TS)
- West Airpark (45TX)
- Frog Hollow Farm (45VA)
- [H] Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital (45WA)
- Triple D (45WI)
- American Falconry (45WY)
- Tropical Plantation (45X)
- Airsport Skyranch (45XS)
- Sons Private-Commercial (45Y)
- Bear Cove Farm (46AK)
- Rancho Vallecito (46CA)
- Huerfano Ag (46CO)
- Carrington Muni (46D)
- Lavon North (46F)
- Tater Farms Strip (46FD)
- [H] Hospital (46FL)
- [H] St Josephs Hospital (46GA)
- [H] Porter Memorial Hospital (46II)
- [H] Mc Donough County Hospital (46IL)
- Ames Field (46IN)
- Karlock (46IS)
- Rexford (46K)
- [H] St Luke Hospital (46KY)
- Davis Plantation (46LA)
- Elmer (46MN)
- Sontimer (46MO)
- Sky Park (46N)
- Monson Field (46ND)
- Jantzen (46NE)
- Perl Acres (46NJ)
- [H] Merritt Park (46NY)
- Wetzl (46OH)
- Kellers Strip (46OI)
- Steinert Lakes (46OK)
- [H] Delamarter (46OR)
- [H] St Margaret Memorial Hospital (46PA)
- Siller Bros Inc (46Q)
- [H] Mainland Regional Health Care System (46R)
- K Ranch (46T)
- Gould Strip (46TA)
- Phillips Corporation (46TX)
- Alpine (46U)
- Hock (46V)
- Byrd Creek (46VA)
- [H] Don Williams - Private (46WA)
- Lykes Palmdale (46X)
- Windy Hill (46XS)
- Cherokee County Regl (47A)
- [H] Mountains Community Hospital (47CA)
- Mile Hi (47CO)
- Whispering Pines (47D)
- Pleasure Field (47F)
- Strayhorn Ranch (47FD)
- Flying Exotics (47FL)
- Mayes (47G)
- Scott Field (47I)
- Westrick (47II)
- Mann (47IN)
- Carrillon (47IS)
- Moundridge Muni (47K)
- [H] B. M. H. (47KY)
- [H] L A Co Mens Detention Cntr-Main Jail (47L)
- [H] St Patrick Hospital (47LA)
- [H] Ivan E. Bauer (47LL)
- Thornton (47M)
- Cliff Scott (47MO)
- [H] Lincoln General Hospital (47NE)
- [H] Metropolitan Electric (47NJ)
- [H] Heussler Hamburg (47NY)
- [H] Wadsworth-Rittman Hospital (47OI)
- Harman (47OK)
- Mc Ranch (47OR)
- Homan (47PA)
- [H] Bristol USAR Center (47PN)
- Whites (47R)
- [H] Troutdale H5 (47T)
- Hensarling (47TS)
- Armstrong Ranch (47TX)
- Curtis Muni (47V)
- [H] Division Five (47VA)
- Hell and Purgatory (47W)
- Oakbrook (47WI)
- Bartos Farm (47XS)
- Pelican Rapids Muni-Lyons Fld (47Y)
- Cochran (48A)
- Graham (48AK)
- [S] Girl Lake (48B)
- [H] Huntington Beach Service Center (48CA)
- [H] Delray Community Hospital (48FD)
- Mc Kinnon Airpark (48FL)
- Gavagan Fld (48G)
- [H] Fairview Park Hospital (48GA)
- Braxton Co (48I)
- [H] 123 Arcom (48IN)
- Ness City Muni (48K)
- R F Roesner (48KS)
- [H] Chevron Place (48LA)
- Rock Cut Farms (48LL)
- Colonial Air Park (48M)
- Jacobsen (48MN)
- [H] Lions Emergency Evac (48MO)
- Schirmeister - Private (48ND)
- [H] Valley Fire Rescue (48NE)
- [H] Southern Training Center (48NJ)
- [H] Tennessee Gas Nr 2 (48NY)
- Dechant Farms (48OH)
- [H] Mansfield Cpc (48OI)
- Rafter R Ranch (48OK)
- Lookingglass (48OR)
- Oak Country Ranch (48Q)
- Mills Field (48R)
- HARLEM (48S)
- Bamberger Ranch (48T)
- [H] Hamlin Memorial Hospital (48TA)
- Fox (48TS)
- Tri-County Aerodrome (48TX)
- Greater Green Spaceport (48U)
- Als Field (48VA)
- Circle A Ranch (48WI)
- Airport Manatee (48X)
- Maravillas Gap Ranch (48XS)
- Piney Pinecreek Border (48Y)
- Gilmer CO (49A)
- Secluded Lake (49AK)
- Sturgis Muni (49B)
- Camp Lake (49C)
- [H] Texaco Platform Habitat (49CA)
- Air Dusters Inc (49CO)
- Kenneth Hayward (49D)
- Pleasant Valley Airstrip (49E)
- Rankin (49F)
- Mikes Ag Air (49FL)
- Wend Valley (49G)
- [H] Southern Regional Medical Center (49GA)
- Reinoehl Field (49II)
- Drake (49IN)
- [H] Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital (49IS)
- Norwich (49K)
- N & N (49KS)
- [H] Morning Star (49KY)
- [H] United Ca Bank Data Processing Ops (49L)
- [H] Womans Hospital (49LA)
- Thurmond Glenn Fld (49M)
- Willow Ridge (49MN)
- [H] Hermann Ii (49MO)
- Schmidtgall Farms (49ND)
- [X] Harden Airstrip (49NE)
- Bertino (49NJ)
- Westmoreland (49NY)
- Gilbert (49OH)
- [H] Delaware Operations (49OI)
- [H] Holdenville General Hospital (49OK)
- Lands Inn Ranch (49OR)
- Gap View (49PA)
- Real Co (49R)
- Babb (49S)
- [H] Dallas Cbd Vertiport (49T)
- Roeder (49TA)
- [H] E D S (49TS)
- Shoshoni Muni (49U)
- [H] Rappahannock General Hospital (49VA)
- Craven Field (49W)
- Cougar Mountain Airfield (49WA)
- Tri-Center (49WI)
- Chemehuevi Valley (49X)
- Wilson (49XS)
- Atmautluak (4A2)
- Mc Gowin Field (4A3)
- Polk County (4A4)
- Searcy Co (4A5)
- Scottsboro Muni-Word Fld (4A6)
- Clayton Co Tara Fld (4A7)
- Isbell Fld (4A9)
- [X] Coronado (4AC)
- Livengood Camp (4AK2)
- Long Lake (4AK3)
- Jakes Bar (4AK4)
- Mankomen Lake (4AK5)
- Wolf Lake (4AK6)
- Tibbetts (4AK9)
- Palm Valley Tucson (4AZ0)
- Block Ranch (4AZ2)
- [H] Tonto Ranger Station (4AZ3)
- Fly-In Picnic Grounds (4AZ4)
- [H] New Waddell Dam (4AZ5)
- Parsons Field (4AZ6)
- [X] San Carlos (4AZ7)
- The Ultralight Strip (4AZ8)
- Leroy (4AZ9)
- South Albany (4B0)
- Duanesburg (4B1)
- Riverside (4B2)
- Ticonderoga Muni (4B6)
- Robertson Field (4B8)
- Simsbury (4B9)
- Flying U Ranch (4C1)
- Walker Rowe Waterloo (4C2)
- Orthodontic Strip (4C3)
- Stangland (4C5)
- Ackley Muni (4C7)
- Albia Muni (4C8)
- Leise (4C9)
- [H] Lapd Hooper (4CA0)
- [H] City National Bank (4CA1)
- [H] Camp Parks (4CA3)
- [H] St Francis Medical Center Helistop (4CA4)
- [H] Childrens Hospital Of OC (4CA5)
- [H] Chevron Refinery (4CA6)
- Johnsen (4CA7)
- Yandell Ranch (4CA8)
- [H] Lyon (4CL1)
- [H] Wolfranch (4CL2)
- Rabbit Ranch (4CL4)
- [H] Pat Coyle Memorial Heliport (4CL6)
- [H] Inyo County Sheriff Search & Rescue (4CL7)
- [H] Hanford Community Medical Center Helis (4CL8)
- [H] Martin (4CO1)
- Owl Canyon (4CO2)
- [H] St Anthony North (4CO4)
- [H] Pioneers (4CO5)
- [H] Lutheran Medical Center (4CO6)
- Ambrosich Field (4CO7)
- Kelgun (4CO8)
- [H] Beaver Creek (4CO9)
- Abrams Muni (4D0)
- Three Castles Airpark (4D1)
- Brookfield Airpark (4D2)
- Elkhorn Lake Landing Strip (4D3)
- [H] Kirila (4D5)
- Fuller (4D8)
- Alma Muni (4D9)
- Ellendale Muni (4E7)
- Keystone Air Park (4F1)
- Panola Co - Sharpe Fld (4F2)
- Jerry-Wright Airfield (4F3)
- Williams Ranch (4F6)
- Kizer Fld (4F7)
- Wilson (4F8)
- [H] Carriage Club of Jacksonville (4FD0)
- Foxcreek Plantation (4FD1)
- Flying F Farms (4FD2)
- [S] Bay Seaplanes (4FD4)
- [S] Grand Lagoon (4FD5)
- [H] Pine Island Helistop (4FD6)
- Flanders Field (4FD7)
- [H] Captiva (4FD8)
- [H] Bowmans Beach Helistop (4FD9)
- Ko-Kee (4FL2)
- Fellsmere (4FL3)
- Darrah Air Park (4FL4)
- [H] Hunt AHP (4FL5)
- Royal Trails (4FL6)
- Mulvihill Field (4FL7)
- Schwartz Farms Inc (4FL8)
- Gore (4FL9)
- Pittsburgh-Monroeville (4G0)
- Greenville Municipal (4G1)
- Hamburg Inc (4G2)
- Miller (4G3)
- Youngstown Elser Metro (4G4)
- Monroe Co (4G5)
- Hornell Muni (4G6)
- Fairmont Municipal-Frankman Field (4G7)
- Columbia (4G8)
- Pegasus Run (4GA0)
- Thacker Field (4GA1)
- [H] University Hosp (4GA2)
- [H] Memorial Hospital (4GA3)
- R.M. Harris (4GA4)
- [H] Southwire (4GA5)
- Chattahoochee Air Park (4GA6)
- Kitchens Field (4GA7)
- Andrews (4GA8)
- Ebeneezer (4GA9)
- [H] Reyhan (4H0)
- Janusick (4H3)
- Fox Haven Plantation (4H4)
- Snow (4H5)
- Herschel Hunter (4H7)
- Cramm Landing Area (4H8)
- Mingo Co (4I0)
- Williamsburg-Cumberland Falls (4I1)
- Knox Co (4I3)
- Kibler (4I4)
- Putnam County (4I7)
- Morrow County (4I9)
- [H] Greater Community Hospital (4IA0)
- [H] Ellsworth Municipal Hospital (4IA1)
- [H] Floyd County Memorial Hospital (4IA3)
- Corydon (4IA4)
- [H] Community Memorial Hospital (4IA5)
- Jacobs (4IA6)
- Witcombe Field (4IA7)
- Weiss (4IA8)
- Triple J (4IA9)
- De Ford (4II0)
- [H] Justak Brothers (4II1)
- Hangar Fly Ultralight Fly Club (4II2)
- Oleo (4II3)
- Chesak (4II4)
- [H] Escc (4II5)
- Gettlefinger Field (4II6)
- Sport Aircraft Flight Park (4II7)
- Willis (4II8)
- Shultz - Private (4II9)
- [H] Fairbury Hospital Emergency (4IL0)
- Wayne Ziller Jr (4IL2)
- Thrifty Acres (4IL3)
- Trent Aerial Spraying Inc (4IL5)
- [H] Keim (4IL6)
- Slagel Strip (4IL7)
- [H] 86th USARcom (4IL8)
- Fosdick (4IL9)
- [H] Joan Graves Edwards (4IS0)
- Kamm (4IS1)
- [H] Memorial Hospital (4IS2)
- [H] U Chicago Hospital (4IS3)
- [H] Harrisburg Medical Center (4IS4)
- Smith Rla (4IS5)
- Hattan Farms (4IS6)
- Litchfield Rla (4IS7)
- Leigh Farm (4IS8)
- [H] Doctors Hospital (4IS9)
- Millhaven (4J0)
- Brantley County (4J1)
- Berrien Co (4J2)
- Forestry-Strip (4J4)
- [X] St. Mary's (4J6)
- Treutlen County (4J8)
- Lucky Field (4J9)
- Nelson Weber (4K1)
- [H] Shattuck Hospital (4K2)
- Lexington Muni (4K3)
- Hilvety (4K4)
- Ouzinkie (4K5)
- Bloomfield Muni (4K6)
- [H] Jasper County Safety Council (4K7)
- Sky Park (4K8)
- Tununak (4KA)
- Amar Farms (4KS1)
- Ingels Aerodrome (4KS2)
- [H] Police (4KS4)
- Thomsen Field (4KS6)
- Butler Airpark (4KS7)
- Bursch - Private (4KS8)
- [H] Methodist Hospital (4L1)
- Costerisan Farms (4L8)
- [H] San Joaquin Community Hospital (4L9)
- [H] Chevron Fourchon (4LA1)
- [H] Green Hill Compressors (4LA2)
- Jackson (4LA3)
- [H] Chevron Usa Inc (4LA4)
- [H] La Haye Center (4LA5)
- [H] Little Lake (4LA6)
- [H] West Jefferson Medical Center (4LA7)
- Overton - Private (4LA8)
- [S] Hunter Air Service (4LA9)
- Ranken (4LL0)
- Staton (4LL1)
- [H] Covenant Medical Center (4LL2)
- John L Coppernoll (4LL3)
- Willadae Farms (4LL7)
- Colonial Acres (4LL8)
- Carroll (4M1)
- Booneville Muni (4M2)
- Clinton Muni (4M4)
- Dermott Muni (4M5)
- Russellville Logan County (4M7)
- Clarendon Muni (4M8)
- Corning Muni (4M9)
- [H] Burke (4MA0)
- [H] Bangs (4MA1)
- [H] Dow Jones (4MA2)
- [H] Millbury Savings West (4MA3)
- [H] World Trade Center (4MA5)
- [H] Pleasant Beach (4MA6)
- [H] Ahearn (4MA7)
- [H] PG (4MA8)
- [H] Broad Street (4MA9)
- Mears Creek Airfield (4MD0)
- Bunting's Field (4MD1)
- Wards (4MD2)
- Carey Field (4MD3)
- Clements (4MD4)
- [H] PHH (4MD5)
- Moxleys (4MD6)
- Wood (4MD7)
- Ijamsville (4MD8)
- Worthington Valley (4MD9)
- Kriewall Strip (4MI0)
- Air Rahe (4MI1)
- [H] Pontiac Stadium (4MI2)
- Phils Field (4MI3)
- Whitcomb Field (4MI4)
- [H] BPS (4MI5)
- Benedick (4MI6)
- Witbeck Aerodrone (4MI7)
- Hochstetler (4MI8)
- [H] Bixby Hospital (4MI9)
- Skalicky Airstrip (4MN0)
- [S] Centerville Lake (4MN1)
- Lukes Personal Use (4MN3)
- Mulder Field Inc (4MN4)
- [H] Chisago Health Services (4MN5)
- Burk (4MN7)
- Myers Field (4MN8)
- Fender J H (4MO0)
- Stafford (4MO1)
- Newcomb Hereford Ranch (4MO2)
- Schneider Field (4MO3)
- Liberty Landing (4MO4)
- Boehne Field (4MO5)
- Mark Twain Air Park (4MO6)
- Crop Care (4MO7)
- Martens (4MO8)
- Friends Field (4MO9)
- Kreikemeier (4MT1)
- Newmans (4N0)
- Greenwood Lake (4N1)
- Lidgerwood Municipal (4N4)
- Greene (4N7)
- White Birch Field (4N8)
- Lindvig Airstrip (4NA0)
- Ring Rock Ranch (4NA1)
- Monson Airstrip (4NA2)
- Peterson Airstrip (4NA3)
- Dimond Airstrip (4NA4)
- Berg Strip (4NA5)
- Nicks Landing (4NA6)
- Dalamar Farms Airstrip (4NA7)
- J.K. Airfield (4NC0)
- [H] Futuristics (4NC1)
- Bay Creek (4NC2)
- [H] Alamance County Hospital (4NC3)
- [H] Lowe's Mooresville (4NC4)
- Triple M (4NC5)
- Cane Creek (4NC6)
- Peacock (4NC7)
- Goodnights Field (4NC8)
- [S] Denver of The East (4NC9)
- Knutson (4ND1)
- Leach Ranch (4ND2)
- J Clark Salyer Refuge (4ND3)
- Pfau - Private (4ND4)
- Sanden (4ND8)
- Regier Brothers (4NE0)
- Mc Millan Ranch (4NE1)
- [H] Simon (4NE3)
- Cornelius Field (4NE4)
- Allen (4NE5)
- Malone M-Bar Ranch (4NE8)
- Holzfasters (4NE9)
- Windward Farms (4NJ0)
- [H] Somerset Medical Center (4NJ1)
- [S] Passaic River (4NJ2)
- [H] Seabrook (4NJ3)
- [H] Pse & G Trenton Distribution Helistop (4NJ4)
- [H] Raritan Center (4NJ5)
- [H] Vineland Veterans Home (4NJ6)
- [H] A M Classics (4NJ7)
- Peters (4NJ8)
- [H] Mack Trucks Helistop (4NJ9)
- [H] Wca Hospital (4NK0)
- Mountain View Airpark (4NY0)
- Orange Poultry Farm (4NY1)
- [S] EDO (4NY2)
- [H] Traulsen-College Point (4NY3)
- Cross Farm (4NY4)
- [H] Bistrians (4NY5)
- [H] Station 237 (4NY6)
- Harris Hill (4NY8)
- [H] Belmont Park (4NY9)
- Cherokee Muni (4O5)
- [H] Black (4OH0)
- Sky Haven (4OH1)
- [H] Bethesda Hospital Helistop (4OH2)
- Bieber Field (4OH3)
- Millertime (4OH4)
- [H] St Thomas Hospital (4OH5)
- [H] Holzer (4OH7)
- Huffman Farm (4OH8)
- [H] Bellevue Hospital (4OH9)
- [H] Flower Hospital (4OI0)
- [H] Petro (4OI1)
- [H] Horizons (4OI3)
- [H] Riverside Hospital (4OI5)
- R & M Aviation (4OI7)
- Brocker Field (4OI8)
- Baisden (4OI9)
- Zevely Climbing ZZ Ranch (4OK0)
- Hatton Ranch (4OK1)
- [H] St Francis Hospital (4OK3)
- Low Pass (4OK4)
- Newman Farm (4OK5)
- Pitts Field (4OK6)
- Flying A Ranch (4OK7)
- Austin (4OK8)
- [H] HIS (4OK9)
- Springbrook (4OR0)
- [H] McNary ARNG Fld (4OR1)
- [H] South Hill (4OR2)
- Lambert Field (4OR3)
- Schrock (4OR4)
- Fly N W (4OR5)
- Auberge Des Fleurs (4OR6)
- Finlay Field (4OR7)
- Wagoner (4OR8)
- [H] Peace Harbor Hospital (4OR9)
- Flandreau Muni (4P3)
- Vassar Field (4P4)
- [H] DBS (4PA0)
- [H] Warner-Lambert (4PA2)
- [X] Frymoyer (4PA3)
- [H] UPMC Lock Haven (4PA4)
- Ponderosa (4PA5)
- Sheepshead (4PA7)
- [H] Macungie Mack (4PA9)
- Flying M Ranch (4PN0)
- Little Pine (4PN1)
- [H] Gallatin Fuel (4PN3)
- [H] Muddy Run (4PN4)
- [H] Williams Grove (4PN6)
- [X] C.J.K. Strip (4PN8)
- [H] High Ridge Farm (4PS4)
- Krout (4PS6)
- Cohen (4PS7)
- [H] Ferrante (4PS9)
- [H] Peninsula Hospital (4Q2)
- [H] Burney Service Center (4Q4)
- Totem Pole Ranch (4Q7)
- G3 Ranch (4Q9)
- I H Bass Jr Memorial (4R1)
- Jackson Muni (4R3)
- Major Gilbert Field (4R5)
- Eunice (4R7)
- Jeremiah Denton (4R9)
- Gold Beach Muni (4S1)
- Ken Jernstedt Field (4S2)
- Skyport (4S4)
- Tieton State (4S6)
- Malin (4S7)
- Oregon Sky Ranch (4S8)
- Portland Mulino State (4S9)
- Jamison Airstrip (4T0)
- Horn Ranch (4T1)
- Devils River Ranch (4T3)
- Rnk Ranch (4T4)
- [H] Little C Ranch (4T7)
- Warschun Ranch (4TA1)
- Costello Island Inc (4TA3)
- Pea Patch (4TA4)
- Lucky G (4TA5)
- Comanche Caves Ranch (4TA6)
- [H] Oak Ridge (4TA7)
- Perry Ranch (4TA8)
- [H] Swinging Door (4TA9)
- Ben Bruce Mem Airpark (4TE8)
- Squirrel Creek Ranch (4TE9)
- Melton Field (4TN0)
- [H] TGP Station 555 (4TN1)
- Buck Creek Ranch (4TN2)
- [H] St Francis Hospital (4TN3)
- Cotton Field (4TN4)
- [H] TGP Station 860 (4TN5)
- [H] Lincoln Regional Hospital (4TN6)
- [H] Bmh-H (4TN7)
- [H] Regional Hospital Campus (4TN8)
- Southfork (4TN9)
- [H] First City Financial Center (4TS0)
- [H] Pin Oak Stables (4TS1)
- [H] Wilshire Place (4TS2)
- [H] ASC (4TS3)
- [H] Jetera (4TS4)
- Freeman Property (4TS5)
- Allison Ranch (4TS7)
- Rusty's Flying Service (4TS8)
- [H] Ossiport (4TS9)
- Slack (4TX0)
- [H] Abilene Rgnl Medical Center (4TX1)
- Stage Coach Hills (4TX2)
- Forest Hill (4TX3)
- Birk (4TX4)
- Hancock (4TX5)
- Kilgore (4TX6)
- Oliver (4TX7)
- Addington Field (4TX8)
- [H] Medical Center Hospital (4TX9)
- Barrett Field (4U2)
- Hebbelman (4U4)
- Circle Town County (4U6)
- West Fork Lodge (4U7)
- Rangely (4V0)
- Spanish Peaks (4V1)
- Hewetts (4V3)
- Northwood Muni-Vince Field (4V4)
- Hay Springs Municipal (4V6)
- Deerfield Valley Regl (4V8)
- Antelope Co (4V9)
- [H] Egypt Farms (4VA0)
- [X] Davis Field (4VA1)
- [H] Sentara Potomac Hospital (4VA2)
- Flying W (4VA3)
- [X] Hepner (4VA4)
- Starr (4VA5)
- Taylor (4VA6)
- [H] United Coal (4VA7)
- Christian's (4VA8)
- Pleasantdale Field (4VA9)
- Dunroamin Farms (4W2)
- Fuquay Angier Field (4W3)
- Whitfield Farms (4W4)
- Ball (4W5)
- Hurdle Field (4W7)
- Elma Muni (4W8)
- Pink Hill (4W9)
- B & G Farms (4WA0)
- Browns Cape Horn (4WA1)
- Cricket Field (4WA2)
- [H] St Johns Medical Center (4WA3)
- Windsock (4WA4)
- Millers Field (4WA5)
- Hille-Kimp Airstrip (4WA6)
- [H] Mark Reed Hospital (4WA7)
- Riverside (4WA8)
- Port Orchard (4WA9)
- Wissota (4WI0)
- Bancroft East (4WI1)
- Island View (4WI2)
- Neveln Field (4WI3)
- Carlson (4WI5)
- Feldmann Field (4WI6)
- Pine River (4WI7)
- Carhart Farms (4WI8)
- Mar-O-Dae Farm (4WI9)
- Salty Approach (4X2)
- Tranquility Bay Strip (4X3)
- Wessington Springs (4X4)
- Williams Hawgwild (4X5)
- Robert Chris Mc Intosh (4X6)
- Pfeffer & Son Farms (4XS0)
- [H] Columbia Lakes (4XS3)
- [H] Ponderosa Lakes (4XS4)
- Scrappin Valley (4XS5)
- H Young Ranch (4XS6)
- Winn Ranch (4XS8)
- Garnett Ranch (4XS9)
- Raether (4Y1)
- Huber (4Y2)
- Lakes of the North (4Y4)
- Eagles Landing (4Y9)
- Upper Hannum Creek (4Z2)
- Horsfeld (4Z5)
- [S] Hyder (4Z7)
- Jakolof Bay (4Z9)