X-Plane Airport Scenery Beginning with 3
The Scenery Gateway contains 963 airports whose identifier begins with 3.
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.
- Meadowlake (30A)
- Doyle Estates (30AK)
- [H] Indian Valley Hospital (30CA)
- Lakeview (30F)
- [H] City of Fort Lauderdale (30FD)
- [H] Putnam Community Hospital (30FL)
- Elliott Fld (30GA)
- [H] Reid Memorial Hospital (30II)
- Wigent (30IN)
- Aero Lake Estates (30IS)
- Ingalls Muni (30K)
- Tyler (30KS)
- [H] Wayne County Hospital (30KY)
- [H] Venice Base Heliport & SPB (30LA)
- Williams Airpark (30LL)
- Tunica (30M)
- Wolvertons Field (30MI)
- Matzie (30MO)
- Blotter Airstrip (30ND)
- Rs Ag-Land (30NE)
- [H] Hillside Farm (30NJ)
- Coye Field (30NY)
- [H] Bahl Helistop (30OH)
- Lobo Field (30OK)
- Bero Field (30OR)
- Kings (30PA)
- Sallaberry Ranch Strip (30Q)
- Tri-Modal Air Park (30TA)
- Hall (30TS)
- Farmers Co-Op (30TX)
- [H] Clinch Valley Medical Center (30VA)
- [S] Sweetwater Bay (30W)
- Weller Canyon (30WA)
- Golden Land Ranch (30X)
- Farwell Spraying Service Inc (30XS)
- Sugar Valley (31A)
- Dalrymples (31AK)
- [H] Baldwin Base (31CA)
- [H] Montrose Memorial Hospital (31CO)
- Inter County (31D)
- Eagles Nest (31E)
- [H] Florida State Hospital (31FD)
- Tedford Ranch (31FL)
- Georgia Lite Flite (31GA)
- Shawnee (31I)
- Rising Sun (31II)
- Timber House (31IN)
- [H] Mason District Hospital (31IS)
- Womack (31K)
- Mills Field (31KS)
- Glenwood Hall Resort (31KY)
- [H] Operators Inc Training Facility (31LA)
- Seeman (31LL)
- Union Municipal (31M)
- Rentz (31MI)
- Hannah (31MO)
- Roadcap (31N)
- Grimm Farm (31NE)
- [H] Atlantic City Medical Center-Mainland (31NJ)
- [H] Troop E (31NY)
- [H] AU (31OH)
- [H] Siegfried Point (31OK)
- [H] Heli-Jet (31OR)
- Mc Kinnon Enterprises (31S)
- [H] Tenneco Lab Helistop (31T)
- Vitek Field (31TA)
- Scott (31TX)
- Camp Crook Municipal (31U)
- Aberdeen Field (31VA)
- White Level Airfield (31W)
- Sullivan (31WI)
- Danville Muni (32A)
- Hardrock Field (32AK)
- Capen (32C)
- Stone Airstrip (32CA)
- Braun (32CO)
- Wisner - Private (32D)
- Alico-Felda Grove (32FD)
- [H] Meyer (32FL)
- Sebastian Cove (32GA)
- Roberts (32II)
- [H] Roto-Whirl Ski World (32IN)
- Baker (32IS)
- Triple B Airpark (32J)
- Shore (32K)
- Wilkens (32KS)
- [H] St Elizabeth Medical Center South (32KY)
- The Sandbox (32LL)
- Norfolk (32M)
- [H] William Beaumont Hospital (32MI)
- Dons Landing Field (32MN)
- Phillips (32MO)
- Mc Ginn Ranch (32NE)
- [H] George Harms Const (32NJ)
- [H] S J M Landing (32NY)
- Rall Field (32OH)
- Center Lbj (32OI)
- Flying A Ranch (32OK)
- Pine Hollow (32OR)
- [X] Yost Personal Use (32PA)
- Black Rock (32PN)
- Old Aerodrome (32Q)
- Granite Shoals Muni (32R)
- Stevensville (32S)
- Wilbourn Ranch (32TA)
- [H] Seton Medical Center H-4 (32TS)
- Old South Aerodrome (32VA)
- Deppe Landing Strip (32W)
- Compressor Station Number 8 (32WA)
- Dalonia (32WI)
- Double L Ranch (32WY)
- Sunset Strip Airpark (32X)
- Saint-Estephe (3356)
- Fairview (33A)
- Jablonski (33C)
- Lloyds Landing (33CA)
- Mauldin Airstrip (33E)
- East Side (33F)
- R O Ranch (33FD)
- [H] Marion Correctional Institution (33FL)
- Hudson River Landing (33GA)
- Ripley (33I)
- [H] Lifeline Landing Area (33II)
- Whiteriver Airfield (33IN)
- Geneva Muni (33J)
- Kinsley Muni (33K)
- Buena Terra (33KS)
- Bigger - STOL (33KY)
- Sky Ranch (33LA)
- Water Valley Muni (33M)
- Great Lakes (33MI)
- Swift - Private (33MN)
- Leaming Field (33MO)
- Delaware Airpark (33N)
- Orr Ranch (33NE)
- [H] Centra State Medical Center (33NJ)
- Wayne Delp (33NY)
- Sunset Strip (33OH)
- Harmony Homestead (33OI)
- Myrick (33OK)
- Crow-Mag (33OR)
- Sutliff - Private (33PA)
- [H] Lackawanna County 911 (33PN)
- Double Tree Farm (33Q)
- Groveton Trinity Co (33R)
- Pru Fld (33S)
- [H] Sw Police Station Nr 4 (33T)
- Lake Bonanza (33TA)
- [H] Burleson County Hospital (33TS)
- [H] TGP 1 (33TX)
- Dutch John (33U)
- Walden-Jackson County (33V)
- Fox Fire (33VA)
- Jw Stone (33W)
- Franz Ranch (33WA)
- [H] St Marys Hospital (33WI)
- The Mulgrew Ranch (33X)
- Haverlah East Farm (33XS)
- Laurens County (34A)
- Cardwell Strip (34AK)
- [X] Gila River Memorial (34AZ)
- Streams Airpark (34C)
- Fiddyment Field (34CA)
- Simons (34CO)
- Mc Lain - Calico (34F)
- Blue Ridge Flightpark (34FD)
- Ellis Agricultural Field (34FL)
- Merillat (34G)
- [H] Cobb General Hospital (34GA)
- Somerville (34I)
- Burk Personal Use (34II)
- G. Bray (34IL)
- Windy P Ridge (34IN)
- Peacock (34IS)
- Kiowa (34K)
- [H] St Joseph (34KS)
- Lone Pine Aerodrome (34KY)
- Swamp Smith (34LA)
- Campbell Muni (34M)
- De Witt Property (34MI)
- [S] Peil Juliar (34MN)
- [H] Cyanamid-Hannibal (34MO)
- Plath Farms (34ND)
- Evans Ranch (34NE)
- [H] Chilton Memorial Hospital (34NJ)
- Arend (34OH)
- Mohican Airpark (34OI)
- Double Bar S Ranches (34OK)
- [H] Providence Medical Center (34OR)
- Grube (34PA)
- Stahls Mountain (34PN)
- Moller (34Q)
- Halletsville Muni (34R)
- The Green Trees Ranch (34S)
- JSI (34TA)
- Canyon Lake (34TS)
- [H] Buckmaster (34TX)
- Yuba (34U)
- [H] Loudoun Hospital Center (34VA)
- Respess Field (34W)
- [H] Orbit (34WA)
- Thiessen Field (34WI)
- [H] Vicksburg Medical Center (34X)
- Kenley Ranch (34XS)
- Vitre Val d Ize (3521)
- Landéan Fougères (3551)
- Mont-Saint-Michel (3553)
- Saint-Meloir-des-Ondes (3559)
- Union County Troy Shelton (35A)
- [H] Seal Island (35AK)
- Wells (35C)
- Bee Creek (35F)
- [H] Coastal Helicopter Charter Inc (35FD)
- [H] St. Vincent's Riverside (35FL)
- Midway (35G)
- [H] Buford Precinct (35GA)
- Gordin (35I)
- Brown (35II)
- Ellison (35IN)
- Henderson Farm (35K)
- Selby Farm (35KS)
- Welcome Field (35KY)
- Carriage Lane (35L)
- Ms Pats (35LA)
- Law Field (35MI)
- [H] Camp Clark AHP (35MO)
- [H] Mid-State (35NJ)
- Ciszak (35NY)
- [H] Gainey (35OH)
- [H] Fawcett Center For Tomorrow (35OI)
- Schumacher Field (35OK)
- Freight Wagon Field (35OR)
- [H] Spring Land (35PA)
- [H] Sabinsville-Consolidated (35PN)
- Hunt Farms (35Q)
- Hempstead (35R)
- [H] Ne Police Station Nr 2 (35T)
- [H] Childrens Presbyterian Health Ctr of N (35TA)
- Flying B Ranch Airstrip (35TX)
- [H] Community Memorial (35VA)
- Southern Comforts Aerodrome (35W)
- Fisher Ranch (35WA)
- Barker Strip (35WI)
- York (36A)
- Stone Land Co (36CA)
- Blackwell Land Company (36CN)
- Salem Lakefront (36D)
- [H] Bay Helicopters (36FD)
- [H] Mease Hospital Countryside (36FL)
- Lola Landing (36GA)
- Kepes Flying Field (36I)
- Newby Landing (36II)
- Aeroview (36IL)
- Peterson (36IN)
- Gillen (36IS)
- Kearny Co (36K)
- White Farms (36KS)
- [H] L A Co Sheriff Lakewood (36L)
- [H] Lafayette Training Center - Cusa (36LA)
- Table Rock (36M)
- Wagner Farm (36MN)
- Buell (36MO)
- Frevert Airstrip (36NE)
- [H] Colliers Mills (36NJ)
- Dew Airpark (36NY)
- Wrights Field (36OH)
- Verhoff (36OI)
- Jones Air Park (36OK)
- Jasper Ridge Airstrip (36OR)
- [H] Us Army Reserve Center (36PN)
- Flying M Ranch (36Q)
- Happy Camp (36S)
- [H] Nw Police Station Nr 5 (36T)
- [H] GW (36TA)
- [H] 4BH (36TS)
- Bevoni-Flying B (36TX)
- Heber Muni Russ McDonald Fld (36U)
- Fighting Creek Farm (36VA)
- Martindale Executive Airpark (36W)
- Woods and Lakes Airpark (36X)
- Billy Joe (37CA)
- Lyall-Roberts (37CL)
- Melby (37D)
- Munday Muni (37F)
- [H] Ringhaver (37FD)
- Flying Harness Farms (37FL)
- Blue Bird Field (37GA)
- Troy Skypark (37I)
- Winn Field (37II)
- Lincoln-Minder (37IL)
- Felix (37IN)
- Bar P Ranch (37KS)
- [H] Uk Hospital (37KY)
- [H] Sheriffs (37L)
- Wayne Brown (37LA)
- Dale Curten Farm (37LL)
- Hornersville Mem (37M)
- Nagel and Schultz (37MN)
- Mayes Homestead (37MO)
- Garrison Dam Recreational Airpark (37N)
- Sunset Strip (37ND)
- Watermeier (37NE)
- [H] Deepwater (37NJ)
- [H] Cuba Meml Hospital (37NY)
- [H] Southwest General Hospital (37OH)
- Cole Airfield (37OI)
- [H] Valley View Hospital (37OK)
- Vey Sheep Ranch (37OR)
- Smoketown (37PA)
- Johnnie Volk Field (37R)
- Fort Peck (37S)
- Calico Rock Izard Co (37T)
- Herradura Lodge (37TA)
- Skinner (37TS)
- Yates Field (37TX)
- Arapahoe Muni (37V)
- [H] St Mary's Hospital (37VA)
- Baumann Farm Inc. (37WA)
- Docken Field (37WI)
- [H] Florida Hospital (37X)
- Lake Whitney Country Club (37XS)
- [S] Shaktoolik SPB (38A)
- Peabody Bedard Field (38AZ)
- Ring Hill (38B)
- Cain Field (38C)
- Salem Airpark (38D)
- [H] St Marys Helistop (38E)
- Triangle Ranch (38F)
- [H] Griffins Main Office (38FD)
- [H] Flagler Hospital (38FL)
- Stan Nowiki (38G)
- [H] Lanier Park Hospital (38GA)
- Weller (38I)
- Walnut Creek Field (38II)
- [H] Abraham Lincoln Meml Hosp (38IL)
- Fuller Field (38IN)
- Winchester (38IS)
- [X] Hemingway Stuckey (38J)
- Lucas (38K)
- Savute (38KS)
- [H] Grant County Hospital (38KY)
- [H] Loma Linda University Medical Center (38L)
- Whiteville (38LA)
- Davis Air Ranch (38M)
- Chandler Personal Use (38MN)
- Barber (38MO)
- Smyrna (38N)
- Schroeder - Private (38ND)
- Boardman Aerial (38NE)
- [H] Wjrz Radio (38NJ)
- Greenlawn Farm (38NY)
- [H] Dayton Transportation Cntr (38OH)
- Ronshausen (38OI)
- [H] Duncan Regional Hospital (38OK)
- Holdana Field (38OR)
- Aerequus (38PA)
- Waisley (38PN)
- Moronis (38Q)
- [H] John S Dunn Helistop (38R)
- Deer Lodge-City-County (38S)
- [H] Kurio (38TA)
- [H] Steeplechase (38TS)
- [H] Lyndon B Johnson General Hospital (38TX)
- Wayne Wonderland (38U)
- Arthur Municipal (38V)
- [H] State Police Division 3 (38VA)
- Lynden (38W)
- Northport (38WI)
- [H] Princeton Hospital (38X)
- San Rafael Ranch (38XS)
- [X] Twin Cities (39A)
- [H] Sce Palm Springs District (39CA)
- Ancient Oaks (39FD)
- [H] Palm Beach Sheriffs Range (39FL)
- Rasor (39G)
- [H] Wayne Memorial Hospital (39GA)
- Miller Field (39II)
- Mason (39IL)
- Roberts Field (39IN)
- Hagi Landing Area (39IS)
- Pomona Lake (39K)
- Rolling Meadows (39KS)
- [H] Somerset-Pulaski Co Ems (39KY)
- [H] Memorial MC Long Beach (39L)
- [H] Rainbow (39LL)
- Anthony - Private (39MN)
- Gardner (39MO)
- Princeton (39N)
- Mount Echo (39NE)
- [H] Troop B (39NJ)
- Crosswind Meadows (39OH)
- Paradise Air Haven (39OK)
- [H] Croman (39OR)
- Strom Field (39P)
- [X] Gehris (39PA)
- Nelsons Run (39PN)
- Flyin B (39R)
- Hellinger (39S)
- Tripp Creek (39T)
- [H] Jacintoport (39TA)
- Seminole Spraying Svc (39TE)
- [H] Hearthstone (39TS)
- [H] Sony Microelectronics Helistop (39TX)
- Lucin (39U)
- Packard Ranch (39V)
- Bell Strip (39W)
- Tailskid Ranch (39WA)
- S & S Ranch (39WI)
- [H] Palo Pinto General Hospital (39XS)
- Flying-A-Ranch (39Z)
- Grove Hill Muni (3A0)
- New Tazewell Muni (3A2)
- Stinson Field Municipal (3A8)
- Ace Airpark (3AE)
- Niklason Lake Estates (3AK2)
- Songlo Vista (3AK3)
- Johnson (3AK4)
- Drift River (3AK5)
- B & B Boys Ranch (3AK6)
- Laub (3AK7)
- Boiselle's Strip (3AK8)
- Kogru River (3AK9)
- [H] Fayette County Hospital (3AL0)
- Aretz (3AR)
- Augusta Muni (3AU)
- Mullumbimby Grass Strip (3AUS)
- [H] Flagstaff Medical Center (3AZ0)
- [H] Pixley-Richards Gilbert (3AZ1)
- U of A Maricopa Ag Center (3AZ2)
- [H] Page Hospital (3AZ3)
- [H] Phoenix General Satellite Hospital (3AZ4)
- Hualapai (3AZ5)
- [H] Del E Webb Memorial Hospital (3AZ6)
- [H] The Buttes In Tempe (3AZ7)
- High Mesa Airpark (3AZ8)
- [H] Ina Road (3AZ9)
- Southbridge Muni (3B0)
- Greenville Muni (3B1)
- Sterling (3B3)
- Littlebrook Airpark (3B4)
- Twitchell (3B5)
- Shady Acres (3B8)
- Big Beaver (3BB)
- Bergeon Field (3BF)
- Jack Barstow (3BS)
- De Motte (3C0)
- Mishawaka Pilots Club (3C1)
- Shenk (3C2)
- Reid-Eash (3C3)
- Wheeler (3C5)
- H R Weisser (3C6)
- Calverton Executive Airpark (3C8)
- Wolfe Field (3C9)
- [H] Burroughs (3CA0)
- [H] Newport Beach Police (3CA1)
- [H] Jamboree Center Helistop (3CA2)
- Dixon (3CA3)
- Haws (3CA5)
- [H] J.H. Snyder Co. Iii (3CA6)
- Metz (3CA7)
- [H] Holy Cross Medical Center (3CA8)
- Clark Ranch (3CA9)
- Lake in the Hills (3CK)
- Meadow Airstrip (3CL2)
- [H] World Trade Center (3CL3)
- [H] Pasadena Police Heliport (3CL4)
- [H] Chase Plaza (3CL5)
- [H] Long Point (3CL6)
- [H] Raleigh Enterprises (3CL7)
- [H] Toyota Helistop (3CL8)
- [H] Sce Northern Division (3CL9)
- James Clements Muni (3CM)
- Sky Island Ranch (3CO0)
- Cridler Field (3CO1)
- Mertens (3CO2)
- [H] Sterling Regional Med Center (3CO3)
- Dietrichs (3CO7)
- [H] E.P.M.C. (3CO8)
- [H] D B Smith Memorial (3CO9)
- Cable Union (3CU)
- Bender (3D0)
- Crivitz Muni (3D1)
- Ephraim-Gibraltar (3D2)
- Avery Air Service (3D5)
- Bristol Airstrip (3D6)
- [X] Bordner (3D8)
- Dalton (3DA)
- Deiter (3DE)
- Downtown (3DW)
- MIiami Roberts Co (3E0)
- Skylane (3EV)
- Excelsior Springs Memorial (3EX)
- Cone (3F1)
- Cisco Muni (3F2)
- C E Rusty Williams (3F3)
- Vivian (3F4)
- Forest Hill (3F5)
- Dan E Richards Muni (3F6)
- Mineola Wisener FLD (3F9)
- Last Chance Ranch (3FD0)
- [H] L R M C Emergency Helistop (3FD2)
- [H] Holmes Regl Medical Center (3FD3)
- Florida Flying Gators (3FD4)
- [H] Arnold Palmer Hospital (3FD5)
- Tradewinds Aerodrome (3FD6)
- [H] Indian River Memorial Hospital (3FD7)
- [S] Prairie Lake Private Res Sp Mooring Fa (3FD9)
- Franklin Flying Field (3FK)
- Faulkton Muni (3FU)
- ERIE CO (3G1)
- Wadsworth Muni (3G3)
- Ashland Co (3G4)
- Dawson AAF (3G5)
- Sebring Tri-City (3G6)
- Butler Farm Show (3G9)
- Grant (3GA0)
- Prattsburg (3GA1)
- [H] Tanner Medical Center (3GA2)
- Treadwell (3GA3)
- [H] Stonewall (3GA4)
- Diamond R Ranch (3GA5)
- Cauleys Airstrip (3GA8)
- Vintage Fld (3GA9)
- Broad River Air Park (3GE3)
- Grand Haven Mem Airpark (3GM)
- Grundman (3GN)
- East Kansas City (3GV)
- [H] Passavant Meml Area Hosp Association (3H0)
- Koenig (3H2)
- Hillsboro Muni (3H4)
- Dale A. Klassing (3H6)
- Sies Landing Area (3H8)
- Park (3H9)
- Hobart Sky Ranch (3HO)
- Riverside (3I0)
- Elwood (3I1)
- Mason County (3I2)
- Sky King (3I3)
- Richwood Muni (3I4)
- [H] Lawrence Co Memorial Hospital (3I5)
- Phillipsburg (3I7)
- Buckeye Executive (3I9)
- [H] Washington County Hospital (3IA0)
- Whites (3IA1)
- [H] Greene County Medical Center (3IA2)
- [X] [H] Des Moines General (3IA3)
- Robinson (3IA4)
- Kerr (3IA5)
- [H] Ottumwa Hospital (3IA6)
- [H] Daec (3IA7)
- [H] Kah (3IA8)
- Rake (3IA9)
- Shenandoah Flying Fld (3II1)
- Fifer Field (3II2)
- Basting (3II3)
- [H] Lafayette Home Hospital (3II4)
- Stout Field (3II5)
- [H] Hawthorn Mine (3II6)
- [H] Army Aviation Support Facility (3II7)
- Birkey - Private (3II8)
- Dicks Strip (3II9)
- [H] Patten Industries (3IL0)
- Sweedler (3IL2)
- Earls Air Park (3IL5)
- Home Free (3IL7)
- [H] Evanston Hospital-Golf Course Site (3IL8)
- Dangerous Field (3IN1)
- Dupouy (3IN2)
- Carlson Farm (3IN3)
- Johnson (3IN4)
- Mishler Landing Strip (3IN5)
- Sarver Field (3IN6)
- Bopser Field (3IN7)
- [H] Stewart (3IS1)
- Earp (3IS2)
- Merkle Engineers (3IS4)
- Holmes (3IS5)
- Foote (3IS7)
- Wright (3IS9)
- Hampton County (3J0)
- Ridgeland - Claude Dean (3J1)
- Bald Eagle Air Park (3J4)
- Eden Field (3J5)
- Davis Field (3J6)
- Greene County Regl (3J7)
- Crystal Lake Airpark (3J8)
- Prater Ranch (3J9)
- Freeman Fld (3JC)
- Howell (3K2)
- Syracuse-Hamilton Co Muni (3K3)
- Hillsboro Municipal (3K4)
- Hull (3K5)
- Shafer Metro East (3K6)
- Mark Hoard Mem (3K7)
- Comanche County (3K8)
- McLeansboro (3K9)
- Kankakee (3KK)
- [H] Stormont-Vail Hospital (3KS0)
- Mesa Verde (3KS1)
- Rogers (3KS3)
- Eveleigh Farms (3KS4)
- High Point (3KS5)
- [H] St Mary Hospital (3KS6)
- Berwick (3KS7)
- Reed-Wilsonton (3KS8)
- Sky Ranch (3L2)
- [H] Northrop Anaheim (3L6)
- [H] Anaheim Police (3L7)
- [H] R I An Anaheim Helistop G L B 201 (3L8)
- [H] Ri An Anaheim Helistop B 250 (3L9)
- Harrington Flying Service (3LA0)
- Wilder (3LA1)
- [S] Southern Natural Gas Co. (3LA2)
- La Coste Construction Co (3LA3)
- Little Pecan Island (3LA4)
- [H] Petroleum Helicopters (3LA5)
- Morgan Crop Service Nr 2 (3LA6)
- [H] Station 507F (3LA7)
- Open A-1 Ranch (3LA8)
- Morgan Crop Service (3LA9)
- Litchfield Muni (3LF)
- Miller (3LL0)
- Hughes Rla (3LL2)
- Pillow Hill (3LL4)
- Richardson Field (3LL5)
- [H] St Margarets Hospital (3LL7)
- Wilbur Thompson (3LL9)
- Gastons (3M0)
- [H] Hermitage Lions (3M1)
- Epps Airpark (3M4)
- Moontown (3M5)
- Layfette Muni (3M7)
- North Pickens (3M8)
- Warren Municipal (3M9)
- [H] Digital (3MA0)
- [H] Marlborough Hospital (3MA1)
- Baines (3MA2)
- [H] Seapuit (3MA3)
- [H] North Chatham (3MA4)
- Westport (3MA5)
- [H] Happy (3MA6)
- [H] Gear Plant (3MA7)
- [H] Sadler Hill (3MA8)
- [H] Marston Mills (3MA9)
- Burhans Memorial (3MD0)
- [H] Garrett County Memorial Hospital (3MD2)
- [H] Hoopers (3MD3)
- Fairview (3MD4)
- Hidden Hills (3MD5)
- West St Marys (3MD6)
- [H] Green Terrace (3MD7)
- Pokety (3MD8)
- [S] Havre De Grace (3MD9)
- Doss Field (3MI0)
- [H] Fuller (3MI1)
- South Fox Island (3MI2)
- L D Ranch (3MI3)
- [H] Clear Sky (3MI4)
- Innes Acres (3MI5)
- [H] Highland (3MI6)
- Willie Run (3MI7)
- [H] Bendix (3MI8)
- [S] Ness Landing (3MI9)
- Stahlberg-Mohr (3MN1)
- Honker Flats (3MN3)
- [H] Agri Helicopter Inc (3MN4)
- Little Rock Rock Port (3MN5)
- Haven (3MN7)
- Aysta Field (3MN8)
- [H] Police Dept Helicopter Maint Facility (3MO1)
- Ultra Flight Airpark (3MO2)
- [H] Research Medical Center (3MO3)
- Nimsick (3MO5)
- Kitty Hawk Estates (3MO6)
- Fairbanks (3MO7)
- Fizzle Ridge (3MO8)
- [H] Quad State Helicopter (3MO9)
- [H] Grand Gulf (3MS0)
- Thomas Field (3MS1)
- Thunderfoot Ranch (3MS2)
- Mt. Hawley Auxiliary (3MY)
- Namorik (3N0)
- Maloelap Atoll (3N1)
- [H] Jersey Shore Medical Center (3N2)
- [H] Newark (3N4)
- [X] Newton (3N5)
- Old Bridge (3N6)
- Pemberton (3N7)
- Alamo Navajo (3N9)
- Erickson (3NA0)
- Lorentzen (3NA2)
- Folk - Private (3NA3)
- Sadowsky Strip (3NA4)
- Risovi Ranch Strip (3NA6)
- [H] J. R. (3NA7)
- Weninger Airstrip (3NA8)
- Clyde Valley (3NC0)
- Welborn Farm (3NC1)
- [H] Garner Road (3NC2)
- Tucker Field (3NC3)
- Knapp (3NC4)
- Flying Bj (3NC5)
- Mc Cachren Field (3NC6)
- Maxwell (3NC7)
- Stephenson Farms (3NC8)
- Womble Field (3NC9)
- Virgil Rott - Private (3ND1)
- Palensky Private Landing Strip (3ND3)
- Gage Flying Farmer (3ND5)
- Rubbert Aerial (3ND8)
- Phillips - Private (3NE2)
- Wells (3NE3)
- Burkinshaw Field (3NE6)
- Pawlet Ranch (3NE7)
- Phelps (3NE9)
- Portsmouth Hospital Heliport (3NH4)
- [H] Hamilton Farm (3NJ0)
- [H] Educational Testing (3NJ2)
- [H] Dow Jones & Co. Inc. (3NJ3)
- [H] Sarnoff Princeton (3NJ4)
- Mock (3NJ5)
- Inductotherm (3NJ6)
- [H] Pfister Helistop (3NJ7)
- Allen Airstrip (3NJ9)
- Mc Kinney (3NK0)
- [H] Community General Hospital (3NK1)
- [H] Ibm East Fishkill (3NK3)
- Laska (3NK4)
- Hansen Farms Landing Strip (3NK5)
- Tuscarora Plateau (3NK6)
- [H] B-G (3NK7)
- [H] Arnot Ogden Hospital (3NK9)
- North Omaha (3NO)
- Napoleon (3NP)
- C4C (3NY0)
- [H] Old Orchard Road (3NY1)
- [H] Astoria (3NY2)
- De Ronda (3NY3)
- Di Stefano Airpark (3NY4)
- Luke (3NY5)
- [H] Suny Health Science Center (3NY8)
- Arsenaults Field (3NY9)
- Gustine Muni (3O1)
- Willis Ranch (3O2)
- Purcell Muni (3O3)
- Harris Ranch (3O8)
- Grand Lake Regl (3O9)
- Morningstar North (3OH1)
- [H] API (3OH2)
- Pelz Field (3OH3)
- Riceland Aerodrome (3OH4)
- Spires (3OH5)
- Youngpeter (3OH6)
- Creager (3OH7)
- Winkler (3OH8)
- Hillcrest (3OI0)
- Pheasant Run (3OI1)
- [H] Valley View (3OI4)
- [H] Welded (3OI5)
- Vogel Airpark (3OI6)
- [H] Valley Asphalt (3OI7)
- [H] St Lukes Hospital (3OI8)
- [H] VJS. (3OI9)
- Valley (3OK0)
- Okarche (3OK1)
- Hopcus Farms (3OK2)
- [H] Cedar Crest (3OK3)
- [H] St Anthony (3OK4)
- [H] Mauney (3OK6)
- Double W (3OK7)
- Flying G Ranch (3OK8)
- [H] Pge Service Center (3OR0)
- Cubehole (3OR1)
- Maxwell - Private (3OR2)
- [H] Hessel Tractor (3OR3)
- [H] Babler Bros Inc (3OR4)
- [H] Elkins (3OR5)
- [H] Western Div Service Center (3OR6)
- [H] Trojan (3OR7)
- Cline Falls Air Park (3OR8)
- Murphy Ranch (3OR9)
- Mott Muni (3P3)
- Horst (3PA0)
- Kruger (3PA1)
- Neeb (3PA2)
- Giffin (3PA4)
- [H] Davis Family Furniture (3PA5)
- Fox Hollow (3PA6)
- [H] Nason Hospital (3PA7)
- Harris (3PA8)
- Moyer (3PA9)
- Schulteis (3PN0)
- Ashlawn (3PN1)
- Karlindo (3PN2)
- Countryside (3PN3)
- [H] Jameson Memorial Hospital (3PN4)
- [H] H.G.F. (3PN5)
- Gravel Run (3PN6)
- Phil Cain Memorial Ultralight (3PN9)
- [H] Chester County Hospital (3PS0)
- [H] Pitcairn (3PS1)
- [H] UPMC Pinnacle (3PS2)
- [H] Richard L Miller (3PS3)
- [H] Shamokin Hospital (3PS5)
- [H] Divine Providence Hospital (3PS6)
- Mina (3Q0)
- [H] Rodgers Flat (3Q6)
- [H] Big Creek Helistop (3Q7)
- CHP Academy (3Q9)
- Le Gros Memorial (3R2)
- Hart (3R4)
- Jennings (3R7)
- Lakeway Airpark (3R9)
- Roscommon Conservation (3RC)
- Wirkkala (3S0)
- [S] Wileys (3S1)
- Illinois Valley (3S4)
- Schiffer Acres (3S5)
- Toketee State (3S6)
- Nehalem Bay State (3S7)
- Grants Pass (3S8)
- Condon State - Pauling Field (3S9)
- Speedway (3SY)
- Gordonville-Cedar Mills (3T0)
- Boyceville Muni (3T3)
- Mustang Field (3T4)
- Fayette Regl Air Center (3T5)
- Gum Island (3T6)
- Pavlat (3T7)
- [H] CBD (3T8)
- Pinoak (3T9)
- Stafford Muni (3TA)
- Four Square Ranch (3TA0)
- Wolfe Air Park (3TA1)
- Clark Sky Ranch (3TA2)
- [H] Baltzells Las Brisas (3TA3)
- Tin Top Ranch (3TA4)
- Spring Ranch (3TA6)
- Jim Sears (3TA7)
- Picosa Ranch (3TA8)
- Chacon Creek Ranch (3TA9)
- Al Meyers (3TE)
- Big Bend Ranch State Park (3TE3)
- Indian Springs (3TN0)
- [H] Methodist Hospital-North (3TN1)
- [S] Merian (3TN2)
- [H] Thompson (3TN3)
- Kenner Farm (3TN4)
- [H] Holston Valley Hospital (3TN5)
- Wilson Field (3TN6)
- [H] Pigeon Forge (3TN7)
- Massingale (3TN8)
- Holenthawall (3TN9)
- [H] West Community Hospital (3TS2)
- J-D Ranch (3TS3)
- [H] Intermedics (3TS4)
- Purdy-Nielsen Memorial Airpark (3TS5)
- [H] Lawrence Administrative Services Inc (3TS6)
- [H] Mplha (3TS7)
- [H] Dailey Inc (3TS8)
- [H] Texas Dept. of Public Safety (3TX0)
- Flying S Farm (3TX2)
- Sitton Field (3TX3)
- Willow Run (3TX4)
- Mc Creless Farm (3TX5)
- Clark (3TX6)
- Rodeo Airstrip (3TX7)
- Drop Field (3TX8)
- Rafter J (3TX9)
- Murphy Hot Springs (3U0)
- Warren USFS (3U1)
- Johnson Creek (3U2)
- Bowman Fld (3U3)
- Augusta (3U5)
- Benchmark (3U7)
- Big Sandy (3U8)
- Boulder (3U9)
- Custer State Park (3V0)
- [X] Fort Collins Downtown (3V5)
- Ayres-Aicp (3VA0)
- The Meadows (3VA1)
- Aviacres (3VA2)
- Flying Circus Aerodrome (3VA3)
- Shandy Hall Farm (3VA4)
- Thornton River (3VA5)
- [H] Beaver Lodge Estate (3VA6)
- White Post (3VA7)
- Garner (3VA8)
- [H] Danville Life Saving Crew (3VA9)
- Roy Otten Memorial (3VS)
- Burgess Field (3W1)
- Put in Bay (3W2)
- Kentmorr Airpark (3W3)
- Concrete Municipal (3W5)
- Bladenboro (3W6)
- Grand Coulee Dam (3W7)
- Eureka Muni (3W8)
- Taylor (3WA0)
- Johnsons Landing (3WA1)
- Hanes (3WA2)
- Angel Park (3WA3)
- Watson (3WA4)
- Barnes Lonesome Polecat Ranch (3WA5)
- [H] Boeing Kent (3WA6)
- [H] Kent Benaroya (3WA7)
- [H] Evergreen General Hospital (3WA8)
- Flying Carpet (3WA9)
- Carnot Field (3WI0)
- Olsons (3WI1)
- Tesmer (3WI2)
- Flying O (3WI4)
- Clover Valley (3WI5)
- Propwash Field (3WI6)
- Bark River (3WI7)
- Plantation Pine (3WI8)
- Chippewa Co. Senior Squadron (3WI9)
- Wyckoff Airstrip (3WK)
- Bradshaw Farm (3X0)
- Antiquers Aerodrome (3X1)
- [H] Hardrives Delta Nr 3 Helistop (3X3)
- Indian Hammock (3X7)
- [H] Road Rock Inc (3X9)
- Kubecka Aviation (3XS1)
- [H] Citizens Medical Center (3XS2)
- [H] Victoria Bank & Trust Motor Garage (3XS3)
- Jenkins (3XS4)
- Star Smith Field (3XS5)
- Wall Lake Municipal (3Y0)
- George L Scott Muni (3Y2)
- Winterset Muni (3Y3)
- Woodbine Muni (3Y4)
- Franklins (3Y9)
- Feather River (3Z1)
- Brenwicks (3Z5)
- [S] Golden Horn Lodge (3Z8)
- [S] Haines (3Z9)