X-Plane Airport Scenery Beginning with 2
The Scenery Gateway contains 986 airports whose identifier begins with 2.
Note that this scenery can only be used in the X-Plane flight simulator. You can download the free demo to try it on your computer.
- Moriani Plage (2021)
- Cavallo (2051)
- Robbins Field (20A)
- [H] Alaska Regional Hospital (20AK)
- [H] Clayton (20CA)
- [H] Lookout Center Rooftop (20CO)
- [H] Maricopa Medical Center (20E)
- Reece Ranch (20F)
- Pratt Ranch (20FD)
- Lake Suzy Estates (20FL)
- Earl L Small Jr Fld-Stockmar (20GA)
- Gilmer (20I)
- [H] Palos Community Hospital (20IL)
- Mitek (20IS)
- Airpark Estates (20KS)
- [H] Shell Western E & P Inc (20L)
- [H] South Louisiana Medical Center (20LA)
- Macon Muni (20M)
- [H] WCVB-TV (20MA)
- Royal Wood Aerodrome (20MO)
- Kingston Ulster (20N)
- Mountain View (20NC)
- Crooked Lake Airstrip (20ND)
- [H] Bryan Memorial Hospital (20NE)
- [H] Enzon South Plainfield (20NJ)
- Major Field (20NY)
- Kruggel (20OH)
- [H] Medcenter Hospital (20OI)
- Will and Wileys Aerodrome (20OK)
- Warners (20OR)
- [H] Reichdrill (20PA)
- [H] MSD Landing Area (20PN)
- [X] Crystal City Muni (20R)
- [H] Life Flight (20TA)
- Bains - Private (20TS)
- Poetry Flying Ranch (20TX)
- Beach (20U)
- Mc Elroy Afld (20V)
- Woodford Airpark (20VA)
- [X] Garland Brinks (20W)
- Skatter Creek (20WA)
- Harju (20WI)
- [H] Intra Coastal Police Sub-Station (20X)
- Klutts Field (20XS)
- Pilots Cove (20Y)
- Montana Creek (21AK)
- White Mountain Lake (21AZ)
- [H] Lookout Center Parking Lot (21CO)
- Lake Elmo (21D)
- Newman Peak Ranch (21E)
- Jacksboro Muni (21F)
- Lands Field (21FD)
- [H] International Place (21FL)
- [H] Humana Hospital-Newnan (21GA)
- [S] Skyline (21H)
- Bellville Dam Landing Strip (21I)
- [H] The Kings Daughters (21II)
- [H] Dennis Meier (21IS)
- [H] St Francis Hosp & Med Ctr (21KS)
- Lincoln Farm (21KY)
- [H] Mc Donnell Douglas Space Systems (21L)
- Leuth Flying Service (21M)
- [H] Advance Materials Corp (21MA)
- [H] Adams (21MI)
- [S] Amundson (21MN)
- Martins (21MO)
- Mattituck Airbase (21N)
- El Porvenir II (21NC)
- Rosenau (21ND)
- Byron (21NE)
- [H] Bergen County Police & Fire Academy (21NJ)
- [H] Gautieri (21NY)
- [H] Lodi Community Hospital (21OH)
- Clearwater Airpark (21OI)
- [H] Triad Eye Medical Clinic (21OK)
- [H] Katu (21OR)
- [H] Ryon (21PA)
- [H] Burle-Lancaster (21PN)
- Seaberg Ranch (21R)
- Houston Airpark (21T)
- [H] Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center (21TA)
- [H] Baytown Medical Center (21TS)
- Shillings (21TX)
- Swenson (21U)
- Eagles Nest (21VA)
- Ranger Creek (21W)
- [H] St Joseph Community Hospital (21WA)
- Hudson Hospital & Clinic (21WI)
- T W Spear Meml (22A)
- Helmericks (22AK)
- [H] Brandt (22C)
- Bandel (22D)
- Kent Co (22F)
- Lindbergh's Landing (22FD)
- Farm Air Service (22FL)
- Riverside (22GA)
- Vinton Co (22I)
- Lewis (22II)
- Heller (22IL)
- Johnson Farm (22IS)
- Cottondale (22J)
- Halstead (22K)
- [H] St Francis Med Center (22KS)
- [H] Churchill Downs (22KY)
- Wd Flyers (22LA)
- Pikes (22LL)
- Pontotoc County (22M)
- [H] Pooles (22MA)
- [H] Munson Medical Center (22MI)
- [S] Eastmans Medicine Lake (22MN)
- Belly Acres Ranch (22MO)
- Jake Arner Memorial (22N)
- Hall Airstrip (22ND)
- Grone (22NE)
- [H] Our Ladys (22NJ)
- [H] Troop A Headquarters (22NY)
- [H] Galenstein Park (22OH)
- Giovannone (22OI)
- Iron Crown (22OR)
- [H] Uniontown Hospital (22PA)
- Ye Royal Strip (22PN)
- Paisley (22S)
- Standard Industries (22TA)
- Flying Nd Ranch (22TS)
- [H] Red River Army Depot (22TX)
- Fisher Fld (22U)
- Chenoweth (22V)
- [H] Wythe County Hospital (22VA)
- Transylvania Co (22W)
- Gollehon (22WA)
- [H] Comm Memorial Hospital (22WI)
- Mc Ginley (22X)
- Moreys (22Y)
- Mallard (23A)
- Lime Village (23AK)
- Lefko (23CA)
- Karlstad Muni (23D)
- Goode (23F)
- Scott 2000 (23FD)
- De Soto Aircraft Field (23FL)
- [H] Hartrampf (23GA)
- Mc Gehee Air Park (23H)
- Noblesville (23II)
- [H] Hospital (23IL)
- Clark (23IS)
- Deweze (23K)
- Ney (23KS)
- Barnes Farm (23KY)
- [H] Park Place (23L)
- Warner-Thunder Hill (23LA)
- [H] Rotor Swing (23LL)
- Clarke Co (23M)
- [H] Westford Regency (23MA)
- Betsie River Airstrip (23MI)
- High Grove (23MN)
- Oerke Enterprises (23MO)
- Bayport Aerodrome (23N)
- [H] Duplin General Hospital (23NC)
- Jolamtra Landing Area (23NY)
- [H] Kettering-Samaritan Health Center (23OH)
- [H] Associated Enterprises (23OI)
- [H] Mash (23OK)
- [H] Saxons (23OR)
- Cedar Acres Private Group (23PA)
- Meadowlark Field (23Q)
- Devine Municipal (23R)
- Seeley Lake (23S)
- Rowland R Airfield (23TA)
- Bertani Ranch (23TS)
- The Grove Ranch (23TX)
- Wheatland (23VA)
- Deadstick (23W)
- [H] Bcag - Frederickson (23WA)
- Idle Wild (23X)
- Murdock Muni (23Y)
- Jackson Co (24A)
- Lowell City (24C)
- [H] Mesa (24CA)
- Boswell (24CL)
- [H] Ibm Building 910 (24CO)
- [H] Budd Darling (24FD)
- Garcon Field (24FL)
- [H] Caleb (24GA)
- Frith (24I)
- [H] Good Samaritan Hospital (24II)
- Suwannee County (24J)
- Krassel USFS (24K)
- Blocker Field (24KS)
- Williams Farm (24KY)
- Cameron ERA Base (24LA)
- Wilderness Airpark (24M)
- [H] Barre-Bassett (24MA)
- Johnson (24MI)
- Mistwood (24MO)
- Jicarilla Apache Nation (24N)
- Mc Gee Field (24NC)
- Orr (24NE)
- [H] Central Jersey Bank (24NJ)
- Ely Air Park (24NY)
- Milburn (24OH)
- Reeds (24OI)
- [X] [H] Beaverton Corporate (24OR)
- Schneiders Field (24PA)
- [H] W P H S Heliport (24PN)
- [H] Lodi Memorial Hospital (24Q)
- Dilley Airpark (24R)
- Pinehurst State (24S)
- Moore Ranch (24TA)
- [H] North Hills Medical Center (24TS)
- Thurber Lake (24TX)
- Wright Fld (24U)
- Wirth Field (24V)
- Cherrystone (24VA)
- [H] The Mercersburg Academy (24W)
- Irlbeck (24WI)
- Shady International (24X)
- [H] Pee Wees (24XS)
- Nevis (24Y)
- Mcminn (25A)
- Loma Madera Ranch (25CA)
- Forest Lake (25D)
- Taylors Air Park (25F)
- [H] Eagles Nest Inc (25FL)
- Miller Farm (25GA)
- [H] Holiday Inn (25H)
- [H] GM (25II)
- Bob Davis Flying Service (25IL)
- [H] Shag Bark Farms (25IS)
- Wyrill Farming-Leasing Inc (25KS)
- [H] Western Baptist Hospital (25KY)
- [H] Era - Morgan City (25LA)
- Bradbury (25LL)
- Ripley (25M)
- [H] High School (25MA)
- Farver Field (25MI)
- Rudys (25N)
- Corr (25NE)
- [H] Hercules (25NJ)
- [H] Carters (25NY)
- Hammond (25OH)
- Morrison Field (25OI)
- [H] Fin & Feather Resort (25OK)
- Juniper Hills (25OR)
- [H] Jeannette Hospital (25PA)
- Primrose Heliport (25PS)
- Ferris (25TA)
- Miller AFLD (25TS)
- Memaloose (25U)
- Toddsbury Farm (25VA)
- Hart Ranch (25WA)
- [H] Sacred Heart Hospital (25WI)
- Seven Springs Ranch (25X)
- New York Mills Muni (25Y)
- FLY N K (26AR)
- Mattawan Airpark (26C)
- Boeckmann Ranch (26CA)
- [H] Loral Aerospace (26CO)
- Hennessy (26FD)
- [H] HCA Raulerson Hospital (26FL)
- Murphree (26GA)
- [H] Huntington Memorial Hospital (26II)
- Duane E. Davis (26IL)
- [H] Schaumburg Municipal Helistop (26IS)
- Thunderbird Air Park (26J)
- Gail Ballard Muni (26K)
- [H] St Lukes Hospital (26KS)
- [H] University Hospital (26KY)
- [H] Heli-Air Inc (26LA)
- Anderson (26LL)
- Watts Field (26M)
- Van Strien Company (26MI)
- Ocean City Muni (26N)
- Boonville (26NC)
- Chitwood Airstrip (26ND)
- [H] Vamc (26NY)
- Hitz (26OH)
- Duck Creek (26OK)
- [X] Cub Port (26OR)
- [H] Pennys (26PA)
- [H] Leeds & Northrup Co. (26PN)
- Bacchi Valley Industries (26Q)
- Jackson County Regl (26R)
- Heigle Field (26S)
- [H] Parkview Center Hospital (26T)
- [H] Red Barn (26TA)
- [H] Memorial Hospital-The Woodlands (26TS)
- Lowrance Ranch (26TX)
- Mc Dermitt State (26U)
- Stansfield (26V)
- [H] Fairfax County Police (26VA)
- Wolf Lake (26W)
- Kitty-Wompus (26WI)
- Lost Horn Ranch (26X)
- Tatum Ranch (26XS)
- Mecosta Morton (27C)
- Holiday Ranch (27CA)
- Flying J Ranch (27CO)
- Flying G (27F)
- [H] Coastal Helicopters Inc (27FD)
- Watson (27FL)
- Wilson International (27GA)
- [H] Fort Benjamin Harrison Hospital (27II)
- [H] Jersey Community Hospital (27IL)
- Gelfius Intl. (27IS)
- Newberry Co (27J)
- Georgetown - Scott Co Rgnl (27K)
- Bellamy Farm (27KS)
- [H] Bogle Farm (27KY)
- [H] Baton Rouge General Hospital (27LA)
- Ralph Jacobs (27LL)
- Miller Field (27MI)
- Salem Airfield (27N)
- Braaten Airstrip (27ND)
- [H] Sony Music (27NJ)
- [H] Dons (27NY)
- Schaller (27OH)
- Auburn (27OI)
- [H] Time Flies - Private (27OR)
- Shelley - Private (27PN)
- Eldorado (27R)
- [H] Medical Center (27T)
- [H] Headwind (27TA)
- [H] Walden Ranch (27TS)
- [H] Charter Bank Building (27TX)
- [H] UVA Health/Prince William (27VA)
- Lake Wenatchee State (27W)
- JCs (27WA)
- Tegeler (27WI)
- Little Deer (27X)
- Sport Flyers (27XS)
- Les Ailes d'Eure et Loir (2834)
- Goose Creek (28A)
- Farrars (28AK)
- Howe (28C)
- BORAX (28CL)
- [H] Blm Fire Center (28CO)
- Fisher (28D)
- Yav'Pe Ma'Ta (28E)
- [H] Jackson County Hospital (28FD)
- Jim Finlay Farm (28FL)
- [H] Hancock Memorial Hospital (28GA)
- Plain City (28I)
- Cedar Farm (28II)
- West Grove (28IL)
- Marchino Field (28IN)
- Palatka MUNI LT Kay Larkin Field (28J)
- Highland Farm (28KS)
- Brandon Airdrome (28KY)
- [H] M H 15 Heaps Peak USFS (28L)
- [H] PCI (28LL)
- Cranland (28M)
- Miller-Herrold (28MI)
- [S] Vasa Park (28MN)
- Pasley (28MO)
- Vineland-Downstown (28N)
- Tschepen Private Strip (28ND)
- Thies (28NE)
- Laytons Airfield (28NJ)
- [H] Kenmore Mercy Hospital (28NY)
- Newbury (28OH)
- [H] Mount Carmel East Hospital (28OI)
- Pellar Farm (28OK)
- Parrett Mountain (28OR)
- Yarrow (28PA)
- [H] Harsco (28PN)
- Midlake (28R)
- Duval Co Ranch Company (28TA)
- Boe-Wrinkle (28TS)
- Lehman (28TX)
- Owyhee Reservoir State (28U)
- [H] Radford AAP (28VA)
- Winstead 76 (28W)
- Robert L Delanoy (28WA)
- Rutherford (28WI)
- Romor Ranch (28X)
- Flying X Ranch (29A)
- Remington Field (29AK)
- [H] Landells (29CA)
- [H] St Marys Hospital & Medical Center (29CO)
- Grove City (29D)
- Joe Vaughn Spraying (29F)
- [H] Gadsden Memorial Hospital (29FD)
- [H] Halifax Hospital Medical Center (29FL)
- Rolling Meadows Airfield (29GA)
- Bashore (29I)
- Norms (29II)
- Wilkinson (29IL)
- Homestead (29IN)
- [H] Norman Rittenhouse (29IS)
- Holyrood Municipal (29K)
- Navrat (29KS)
- [H] Our Lady of The Lake R.M.C. (29LA)
- Hopper Field (29M)
- Palmer Field (29MI)
- Wetenkamp (29MN)
- Rollert Farm (29MO)
- Kroelinger (29N)
- Glinz Farms (29ND)
- Bartmess (29NE)
- [H] J L Gentile (29NJ)
- [H] A C Rochester Engineering Center (29NY)
- Fox (29OH)
- [H] JTV (29OI)
- Smith - Private (29OR)
- Gardner (29PA)
- [H] St Vincent Health Center (29PN)
- El Peco Ranch (29Q)
- Fendley (29TA)
- [H] West Houston Medical Center (29TS)
- Lockett (29TX)
- Unity (29U)
- Rhynalds Ranch (29VA)
- Whittlesey Cranberry Co (29WI)
- [H] Temple Eastex (29XS)
- Mark Anton (2A0)
- Jamestown Muni (2A1)
- Holley Mountain Airpark (2A2)
- CAUSEY (2A5)
- Holly Grove Muni (2A6)
- Addison Muni (2A8)
- Blair Lake (2AK1)
- Clear Creek (2AK2)
- [H] Five Finger Cg (2AK3)
- Bootleggers Cove (2AK4)
- Hog River (2AK6)
- Icy Cape Afs (2AK8)
- Independence Creek (2AK9)
- Paulling Place Airstrip (2AL0)
- Collier Airpark (2AL1)
- [H] Randolph County Hospital (2AL2)
- Emerald Mountain (2AL3)
- [H] Exxon Gas Plant (2AL4)
- Flying J Ranch (2AL5)
- Mount Aero Lake Farm (2AL7)
- Finkley Farm (2AL8)
- [H] Usa Knollwood Hospital (2AL9)
- Bully Henry (2AR0)
- Ozark Aerodrome (2AR1)
- Davidson Field (2AR2)
- [H] Stone County Medical Center (2AR3)
- Jaynes Field (2AR4)
- [H] Helicopter Transport Inc (2AZ0)
- Indian Hills Airpark (2AZ1)
- [H] Sunstate-Glendale Helistop (2AZ2)
- El Mirage-Village Square (2AZ3)
- Millar (2AZ4)
- Donnelly Residence (2AZ5)
- [H] Horizon (2AZ6)
- [X] Mc Gills Ultralight Field (2AZ7)
- Tubac Ultralight Flightpark (2AZ8)
- Tribal Air (2AZ9)
- Cape Cod (2B1)
- Plum Island (2B2)
- Parlin Field (2B3)
- Hollister Field (2B6)
- Pittsfield Muni (2B7)
- Post Mills (2B9)
- Eagle Air Park (2C0)
- Stockton (2C1)
- Saline (2C3)
- Almena (2C5)
- Tri-County (2C6)
- Cavalier Muni (2C8)
- [H] Ash Mountain (2CA0)
- [H] Cosmodyne (2CA1)
- Cones Field (2CA2)
- Crosswinds (2CA3)
- Blackinton (2CA4)
- [H] Platform Emmy (2CA5)
- [H] K & T 660 Figueroa Partners (2CA6)
- [H] Prudential Helistop (2CA7)
- B & E Ranch (2CA8)
- [H] Castle Dome AHP (2CA9)
- Camp Blanding AAF/NG (2CB)
- [H] Commerce Business Park (2CL0)
- [H] Canyon Creek (2CL1)
- Mc Cabe Ranch (2CL2)
- [H] American Display (2CL4)
- [H] Kovr (2CL5)
- [H] St John's Regl Med Center (2CL6)
- Shadow Mountain Airstrip (2CL7)
- [H] Inland Valley Reg Med Ctr (2CL8)
- Paramount Farms (2CN4)
- [H] Heli-Support II (2CO0)
- Cherokee Trail Ranch (2CO1)
- Jackrabbit Strip (2CO3)
- [H] Presbyterian St Lukes Med Ctr (2CO4)
- [H] Manor House (2CO6)
- [H] St Mary-Corwin Hospital (2CO7)
- [H] East Morgan County Hospital (2CO8)
- Silver Heels (2CO9)
- Barber (2D1)
- Stone (2D2)
- Gay (2D4)
- Oakes Muni (2D5)
- [H] Bannock (2D6)
- Beach City (2D7)
- Davis (2D8)
- Paynesville Municipal (2D9)
- Cluck Ranch (2E3)
- Dell City Muni (2E5)
- Mc Lean Gray Co (2E7)
- Iraan Muni (2F0)
- Shamrock Muni (2F1)
- [H] Bell Helicopter Hurst (2F2)
- T Bar (2F4)
- Lamesa Muni (2F5)
- Skiatook Muni (2F6)
- Commerce Muni (2F7)
- Lazyboy (2FD0)
- Hobby Hill (2FD1)
- Marsh Airstrip (2FD2)
- [H] Bayfront Medical Center Inc (2FD3)
- [H] Port Everglades (2FD4)
- [H] Adventure Island (2FD5)
- Tully RV Airpark (2FD6)
- [H] Air Orlando (2FD7)
- Lib Field (2FD8)
- [H] West Volusia Memorial Hospital Helisto (2FD9)
- [H] Echelon (2G0)
- Concord Airpark (2G1)
- Geary A Bates/Jefferson County (2G2)
- Garrett Co (2G4)
- Kennedy Intranational (2GA0)
- Poole Farm (2GA1)
- Swaids Field (2GA2)
- Wrights Field (2GA3)
- Macks Field (2GA4)
- Windrift Aerodrome (2GA5)
- Catoosa Springs (2GA6)
- [H] Morgan Falls (2GA7)
- Shannon Flight Strip (2GA8)
- Lenora (2GA9)
- Grays Creek (2GC)
- Shelby County (2H0)
- Jerry Sumners Sr Aurora Muni (2H2)
- Triple H (2H4)
- Hartwell Ranch Rla (2H5)
- Martin (2H6)
- Prairie (2H7)
- Madisonville Muni (2I0)
- Olive Hill-Sellers Field (2I2)
- Rough River (2I3)
- Porter (2I6)
- Bald Eagle Field (2I9)
- [H] Genesis Medical Center East Campus (2IA0)
- [H] Finley Hospital (2IA1)
- [H] Central Community Hospital (2IA2)
- [H] Medical (2IA3)
- [H] Cmc At West Ninth (2IA4)
- [H] Grape Community Hospital (2IA5)
- [H] Stewart Memorial Hospital (2IA6)
- [H] Burgess Memorial Hospital (2IA8)
- South 80 Field (2IA9)
- Indian Hills Flying Fld (2II0)
- Yoder (2II1)
- Indian Creek (2II2)
- Stottlemyer (2II3)
- [H] Psi (2II4)
- [H] Burns International Harbor (2II5)
- Baird-Wolford (2II6)
- [H] K-9 Korner (2II7)
- [H] West Central Community Hospital (2II8)
- [H] Rice - Private (2II9)
- Raymond E. Laube (2IL0)
- Mc Cartney (2IL1)
- Watters (2IL2)
- Sutton (2IL5)
- Moores Field (2IL7)
- [H] Il.Dept of Transportation (2IL8)
- Tatertown (2IN3)
- Scott Field (2IN4)
- Midkiff (2IN5)
- Harrold (2IN6)
- [H] Columbus Regional Hospital (2IN7)
- [H] St Anthony (2IN8)
- Airglades (2IS)
- Lemont Industrial Park (2IS0)
- [H] Proctor Community Hospital (2IS1)
- Jackson Field (2IS3)
- Ritter Field (2IS4)
- Parrish Rla (2IS5)
- Red Shed Field (2IS6)
- Somers Blossom (2IS7)
- Nergenah (2IS8)
- Three Rivers Farm (2IS9)
- Wakulla County (2J0)
- Louisville Muni (2J3)
- Millen (2J5)
- [H] Baptist Hospital (2J6)
- Pierson Municipal (2J8)
- Quincy Municipal (2J9)
- Piatt County (2K0)
- Pond Creek Muni (2K1)
- Stanton Co Muni (2K3)
- Scott Field (2K4)
- Elk County (2K6)
- Neodesha Muni (2K7)
- Argonia Municipal (2K8)
- Haskell (2K9)
- Sunrise Beach (2KL)
- Rupp (2KS0)
- Rush (2KS1)
- Stuber Flying Ranch (2KS2)
- Dick (2KS4)
- Vonada (2KS8)
- Starshire Farm (2KS9)
- [X] Frans Star Ranch (2L1)
- [H] Tusayan (2L4)
- [H] Yuma Regional Medical Center (2L5)
- [H] Vincent Substation (2L8)
- Central Industries (2LA0)
- [H] N.Freshwater Bayou (2LA1)
- [H] IGH (2LA2)
- [H] Exxon Intracoastal City Terminal (2LA3)
- Bunkie Flying Service (2LA4)
- Reed Flying Service Inc (2LA5)
- Howell 1 (2LA6)
- Costello (2LA7)
- [H] Transco (2LA8)
- [H] Cow Island Trunkline (2LA9)
- Disosway (2LL0)
- Cwian Field (2LL1)
- Weihler (2LL2)
- Roy Burden Rla (2LL3)
- Justus (2LL5)
- [H] Illini Hospital (2LL6)
- George (2LL9)
- [H] Bristow US LLC (2LS0)
- Princeton Caldwell Co (2M0)
- Harry S Truman Regional (2M1)
- Lawrenceburg-Lawrence County (2M2)
- G V Montgomery (2M4)
- Twinkletown (2M6)
- Charles W Baker (2M8)
- [H] Digital Headmaster (2MA0)
- [H] Digita Training (2MA1)
- [H] Digital (2MA2)
- [H] Rider (2MA3)
- [H] Digital King Street (2MA4)
- [H] Digital Powdermill (2MA5)
- [S] Flynns Noquochoke (2MA6)
- [S] Falls Pond (2MA7)
- [H] Digital Stow (2MA8)
- [H] Digital (2MA9)
- Anderson Farm (2MD0)
- [H] Aerospace Tech Center (2MD2)
- Finch (2MD3)
- Ennis Aerodrome (2MD4)
- [H] UPMC Western Maryland (2MD5)
- Cherry Field (2MD6)
- [H] Maritime Institute (2MD7)
- Greater Gortner (2MD8)
- Houghton (2MD9)
- Woodside (2MI0)
- [H] Blodgett Medical Center (2MI1)
- [H] St. Mary Hospital (2MI2)
- [X] Larry D. Boven (2MI3)
- Mc Jilton Field (2MI4)
- Winter Strip (2MN1)
- Freeborn County (2MN4)
- [S] Pelican Lake (2MN5)
- Van Normans (2MN6)
- Med-City Aviation (2MN8)
- F. Dillenburg (2MN9)
- Mount Vernon Muni (2MO)
- Fletcher Field (2MO0)
- Bird Field (2MO1)
- Northwood (2MO2)
- [H] Independence Regional Health Center (2MO3)
- Breckenridge (2MO4)
- Pegasus Ranch Aerodrome (2MO5)
- Hunziker (2MO6)
- Frerer Strip (2MO8)
- Runway Ranch (2MO9)
- [H] TGP Station 851 (2MS0)
- [H] TGP Station 843 (2MS1)
- [H] TGP Station 54 (2MS2)
- [H] TGP Station 542 (2MS3)
- [H] TGP Station 546 (2MS4)
- [H] TGP Station 847 (2MS5)
- [H] TGP Station 63 (2MS6)
- Puff Airpark (2MS7)
- Spencer Field (2MS8)
- Kimmel Land & Cattle (2MS9)
- Cecil County Airpark (2N0)
- Berwick (2N4)
- Kampel (2N5)
- Redwing (2N6)
- [S] Little Ferry (2N7)
- Marlboro (2N8)
- Soderquist (2NA0)
- Jeune Strip (2NA1)
- Hendrickson Farm (2NA3)
- Woodbury (2NA4)
- Sanderson (2NA5)
- Slater Farm (2NA7)
- Flickertail Farm (2NA9)
- Mountain Air (2NC0)
- Hawks Knoll (2NC1)
- [H] Union Memorial Hospital Inc (2NC2)
- [H] Sky-5 (2NC3)
- Scottbrook Farm (2NC4)
- [H] Meridian Corporate Center (2NC5)
- Flying M (2NC6)
- Scotland Neck East (2NC7)
- Goodnights (2NC8)
- [H] Scotland Memorial (2NC9)
- Kraft (2ND0)
- Westerlind (2ND1)
- Makeeff (2ND2)
- Henry Fietzek (2ND3)
- [H] Trinity Medical Center (2ND4)
- Bailey (2ND5)
- Johnson (2ND7)
- Fagerland - Private (2ND8)
- Brekhus Fld (2ND9)
- Johnson Lake (2NE0)
- Spring Lake (2NE4)
- Fiese Airstrip (2NE5)
- Coppersmith (2NE6)
- Kumor (2NE7)
- Harford Ranch (2NE9)
- [H] Alexanders-Paramus (2NJ0)
- Jugtown Mountain (2NJ1)
- Weidel - Private (2NJ3)
- [H] Employee Overflow-Parking Lot (2NJ4)
- Hartung (2NJ5)
- Markle (2NJ6)
- [H] Foley Machinery (2NJ7)
- [H] Peddie School (2NJ8)
- Gaskins Hilltop (2NK1)
- [H] Cove Neck (2NK2)
- Rose Field (2NK3)
- [H] Westchester Resco (2NK4)
- [H] NCH (2NK5)
- [H] Bertrand Chaffee Hospital (2NK6)
- Walton (2NK7)
- [H] Landmark Plaza (2NK8)
- Old Orchard (2NK9)
- Catskill Valley Airpark (2NY0)
- Nevin Field (2NY1)
- [H] KWP (2NY3)
- [H] Strong Memorial Hospital (2NY5)
- [H] Slate Hill (2NY6)
- Towner Farm (2NY7)
- [H] Benbyre Farm (2NY8)
- Kayutah Lake (2NY9)
- Gansner Field (2O1)
- Angwin-Parrett Field (2O3)
- Chowchilla (2O6)
- Independence (2O7)
- Hinton Muni (2O8)
- [S] Wileys (2OG3)
- [H] Magruder Memorial (2OH1)
- Merritt (2OH2)
- Roberts Fld (2OH3)
- Cedar Creek (2OH4)
- [H] Childrens Medical Center (2OH5)
- Smith Field (2OH6)
- JBR (2OH7)
- Port-O-John (2OH8)
- Caesar Creek (2OH9)
- Gainer (2OI1)
- [H] Railway Stop (2OI3)
- Crazy Bob's (2OI4)
- [H] Park Medical Center (2OI6)
- [H] Worthington Industries (2OI7)
- [H] Comprix (2OI9)
- Burford Corp. (2OK0)
- Frost Ranch (2OK1)
- Twin Lakes (2OK2)
- Moore Airpark (2OK3)
- Ragwing Acres (2OK4)
- Ferrell Ranch (2OK5)
- Flying N Ranch (2OK6)
- Cole Landing Area (2OK7)
- D & G Farms (2OK8)
- Pata Skyhaven (2OK9)
- Nielsen (2OR0)
- Big Muddy Ranch (2OR1)
- [H] Pioneer Memorial Hospital (2OR2)
- Davidson Field (2OR3)
- Heavens Gate Ranch (2OR4)
- [H] Woodland Park Hospital (2OR5)
- Lockhart (2OR6)
- Sweet Home (2OR7)
- [H] World Trade Center (2OR9)
- Washington Island (2P2)
- Zettlemoyer (2PA0)
- Boehms Field (2PA1)
- Lehman (2PA2)
- Marici (2PA3)
- Boden (2PA4)
- Habecker (2PA5)
- The Old Commonwealth Aerodrome (2PA6)
- [X] Egolf (2PA7)
- Shulls (2PA8)
- [H] Wilson (2PA9)
- Strawberry Acres (2PN0)
- Malco (2PN1)
- Baker-Sell (2PN5)
- Brennan Personal Use (2PN7)
- [H] Federal Reserve Bank (2PN8)
- [H] Sun Company-Radnor (2PN9)
- [H] Rotelle (2PS0)
- [H] UPMC Memorial Hospital (2PS2)
- Mathna (2PS3)
- [H] WGAL TV (2PS4)
- [H] Rosini Residence (2PS5)
- [H] Brandywine Hospital (2PS6)
- [H] Merck Sharp & Dohme (2PS7)
- [H] UPMC Susquehanna Sunbury (2PS8)
- [H] Albert Einstein Med Center (2PS9)
- Riego Flight Strip (2Q0)
- Spezia (2Q2)
- Yolo County (2Q3)
- Hell er High Water (2Q4)
- Parker Carson (2Q5)
- [X] Coaldale (2Q6)
- Dyer (2Q9)
- Waynesboro Muni (2R0)
- Le Maire Mem (2R1)
- Hendricks Co Gordon Graham Fld (2R2)
- [S] Island Lake (2R3)
- Peter Prince Fld (2R4)
- St. Elmo (2R5)
- Bunkie Muni (2R6)
- Franklinton (2R7)
- Karnes County (2R9)
- River Ranch Resort (2RR)
- Twisp Muni (2S0)
- Vashon Muni (2S1)
- Beaver Marsh State (2S2)
- Warden (2S4)
- Waterville (2S5)
- Sportsman Airpark (2S6)
- Chiloquin State (2S7)
- Wilbur (2S8)
- Willapa Harbor (2S9)
- Paradise Valley (2SD0)
- [H] Mc Kennan Hospital (2SD1)
- Pepper Port (2SD2)
- Bollweg Farm (2SD3)
- TC Field (2SD9)
- Muleshoe Muni (2T1)
- [H] Memorial Medical Center (2T2)
- W B Burris (2T6)
- Flying F Ranch (2T7)
- [H] Cuero Community Hospital (2T9)
- [H] Darmar Medical Emergency (2TA0)
- Gravco (2TA1)
- [H] The Medical Center of Mesquite (2TA2)
- Triangle Ranch Private (2TA3)
- Marios Flying Pizza (2TA4)
- [H] EHI (2TA5)
- Pyramid Ranch (2TA6)
- [H] Era Helicopters Sabine Base (2TA7)
- El Coyote Ranch (2TA8)
- AMIGO For Christ (2TA9)
- [H] Hospital Wing (2TN0)
- [H] Bmh Lauderdale (2TN1)
- Wings Field (2TN2)
- [H] Oak Ridge (2TN3)
- Hubbs (2TN4)
- [H] ACH (2TN5)
- [H] Baptist Hospital (2TN6)
- Tellico Plains Muni (2TN7)
- Looperville (2TN8)
- [H] Bmhuc (2TN9)
- Myska Field (2TS0)
- [H] Titus Regional Medical Center (2TS1)
- Shofner Farms (2TS2)
- Tigerbird Field (2TS3)
- Circle R Ranch (2TS4)
- [H] Jamak Fabrication (2TS7)
- [H] Tyler DPS (2TS9)
- Blue Sky Airfield (2TX0)
- Russell Paradise (2TX1)
- Ray Smith Farm (2TX2)
- La Fonda Ranch (2TX3)
- Lewis Ranch (2TX4)
- Berry (2TX5)
- Everitt (2TX6)
- JW (2TX7)
- Eagles Landing (2TX8)
- [H] Ethyl Corp (2TX9)
- Smith Prairie (2U0)
- [X] Riddle (2U2)
- [H] Tri-Arc (2U3)
- Rockford Municipal (2U4)
- Shearer USFS (2U5)
- Stanley (2U7)
- Thomas Creek (2U8)
- Silva Ranch (2U9)
- [X] George (2V0)
- Wray Muni (2V5)
- Yuma Muni (2V6)
- Red Birds Airyard (2VA0)
- Jett Airpark (2VA1)
- Melville Airstrip (2VA2)
- [H] Winchester Medical Center (2VA4)
- Rosegill Farm Airstrip (2VA5)
- Arrowhead Point (2VA6)
- [H] Virginia Beach General Hospital (2VA7)
- Brandywyne Farms (2VA8)
- Airlie (2VA9)
- Upperville (2VG2)
- Rockfish (2W0)
- De Vere Field (2W1)
- Clearview Airpark (2W2)
- Swanson (2W3)
- Maryland (2W5)
- St Mary's County Regl (2W6)
- Chandler Field (2W9)
- [H] PCFD Nr 26 (2WA0)
- Diamond Point Airstrip (2WA1)
- Stuart Island West (2WA3)
- Bainbridge Island Fire Dept (2WA4)
- [H] Coulee Community Hospital (2WA5)
- Rice Ranch (2WA6)
- [X] Labbee Fld (2WA7)
- Kramer Ranch (2WA8)
- Touchet Valley (2WA9)
- Benders (2WI0)
- Shullsburg (2WI2)
- [H] Milwaukee Cty Medical (2WI3)
- Plows & Props (2WI4)
- Blair Lake (2WI5)
- Matson (2WI6)
- Hecklers Strip (2WI7)
- Davies (2WI8)
- Bulldog Ranch (2WI9)
- Planeacres Airport (2WN7)
- Haas (2WY3)
- Bar Flying E (2WY8)
- Cedars Airfield (2X1)
- Hi-Acres (2X2)
- Southern Ranch (2X4)
- Freeflight (2X6)
- Post Oak Ranch (2X7)
- Harris Ranch (2XS1)
- Glad Oaks (2XS3)
- Foster Ranch (2XS6)
- Annandale Ranch (2XS7)
- Benson Airstrip (2XS8)
- [H] Uvalde County Hospital Authority (2XS9)
- Primghar (2Y0)
- Drake (2Y1)
- Hawarden Municipal (2Y2)
- [S] Yakutat (2Y3)
- Rockwell City Muni (2Y4)
- Folkerts (2Y5)
- [S] Entrance Island (2Z1)
- Eureka Creek (2Z2)
- Eva Creek (2Z3)
- [S] Chena River (2Z5)
- [S] False Island (2Z6)